

单词 candlemas king

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candlemas king
attributive and in other combinations, as candlemas-day, candlemas-eve, candlemas-even, candlemas-night, candlemas-season, etc., and in Scottish candlemas-ball, candlemas blaze, candlemas crown, candlemas king, candlemas offering (see quots.).
c1230 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Corpus Cambr.) (1962) 210 Condelmeasse dei.
1389 in J. T. Smith & L. T. Smith Eng. Gilds (1870) 54 After candilmesse day.
a1475 Bk. Curtasye (Sloane 1986) l. 394 in Babees Bk. (2002) i. 311 Bryng in fyre on alhalawgh day, To condulmas euen, I dar welle say.
c1525 R. Arnold Chron. (new ed.) sig. Ci Candylmas day next after the kynge and the sayd duke of burgoyn bare theyr candyls.
1655 H. L'Estrange Reign King Charles 129 February the 2d. (you may if you please call it Candlemas night) had been time out of minde celebrated at Court with somewhat more then ordinary solemnity.
1843 T. Carlyle Past & Present ii. vii. 101 In that Candlemas season.
1857 Chambers's Information for People (new ed.) II. 466 Candlemasday is a holiday at the public offices.
1794 J. Sinclair Statist. Acct. Scotl. XIII. 211 (Jam.) The scholars..pay..a Candlemas gratuity, according to their rank and fortune, from 5s. even as far as 5 guineas, when there is a keen competition for the Candlemas crown. The king, i.e. he who pays most, reigns for six weeks.1825 J. Jamieson Etymol. Dict. Sc. Lang. Suppl. Candlemas-bleeze, The gift made by pupils to a schoolmaster at Candlemas..; elsewhere, Candlemas Offering.1863 R. Chambers Bk. of Days I. 214/2 The latter part of the day was usually devoted to what was called the Candlemass bleeze, or blaze, namely, the conflagration of any piece of furze which might exist in their neighbourhood..Another old popular custom in Scotland on Candlemass day was to hold a foot-ball match..the Candlemass Ba', as it was called.
extracted from Candlemasn.
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