

单词 by book

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by book
e. by the book (also †by book): (in early use) in a set manner, by rote; formally; (later) conventionally, in accordance with the rules (cf. sense 12). Also attributive: that follows the rules, conventional.
the mind > mental capacity > memory > retention in the mind > memorization > [adverb]
on breastOE
bout bookOE
by rotea1325
by hearta1387
without (one's) booka1413
par coeura1425
by the book1556
from memory1856
the world > relative properties > order > agreement, harmony, or congruity > conformity to or with a pattern, etc. > in conformity with or according to [phrase] > according to rule
by the book1556
in form1703
1556 E. Bonner Honest Instr. Bringinge vp Children Pref. sig. A.iiv To knowe by the boke, & thereby to auoyde, the seuen deadly synnes.
1597 W. Shakespeare Romeo & Juliet i. v. 109 You kisse by the booke . View more context for this quotation
a1658 J. Cleveland Vituperium Uxoris in Wks. (1687) 269 She..To scold by Book will take upon her, Rhetorically chide him.
1718 A. Ramsay Christ's-kirk on Green 69 Furth started neist a pensy Blade, And out a Maiden took, They said that he was Falkland bred, And danced by the Book.
1843 E. A. Poe Murders in Rue Morgue in Prose Romances 11 To have a retentive memory, and to proceed by ‘the book’, are points commonly regarded as the sum total of good playing.
1879 Scribner's Monthly Nov. 148/2 You can't bring a baby up by book.
1965 Hartford (Connecticut) Courant 10 Jan. 11 b/3 His by-the-book approach to code enforcement.
1986 E. E. Scharff Worldly Power xiii. 235 His writing had always been plodding, say editors, and he was considered a by-the-book sort of bureau chief.
2005 N.Y. Mag. 23 May 26/2 He co-wrote a memoir in 1992..a hackneyed..tale of a cage-rattler who bucked the system and never did anything by the book.
extracted from bookn.
by book
a. a command, law, rule, will, or any standard of action. So in phrases by book, †by course (= in turn), by heart, by rote, by row (= in order). (See the nouns.)
a1000 Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Laud) anno 634 Se Birinus com þider be Honorius wordum.
c1000 Ælfric Genesis xxiv. 10 Ferde to þam lande be his hlafordes hæse.
c1175 Lamb. Hom. 97 Todelende u wilchen bi þan þet him iwurð.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 13052 Þi broþer wijf þat þou agh not to haf be lau.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Trin. Cambr.) l. 9589 Mercy þou owest to haue bi riȝt.
1463 in S. Tymms Wills & Inventories Bury St. Edmunds (1850) 16 I will that they be revardyd..by the discrecion of my executours.
1556 in J. G. Nichols Chron. Grey Friars (1852) 11 To be songe solemply be note.
1663 S. Butler Hudibras: First Pt. i. i. 8 And tell what Rules he did it by.
1712 J. Addison Spectator No. 409. ¶7 In examining Æneas his Voyage by the Map.
1849 T. B. Macaulay Hist. Eng. II. 665 The right by which freeholders chose knights of the shire.
1859 F. A. Griffiths Artillerist's Man. (1862) 14 By the left.—Quick march. By the right.—Quick march.
1866 C. Kingsley Hereward the Wake I. v. 158 They had timed their journey by the tides.
1884 W. C. Smith Kildrostan 46 We judge a stranger by our home~bred ways.
1470–85 T. Malory Morte d'Arthur (1816) I. 52 The barons..assayed all by row, but none might speed.1551 R. Robinson tr. T. More Vtopia ii. sig. Jviiiv The women of euery famelie by course haue the office..of cokerye.1552 R. Huloet Abcedarium Anglico Latinum By herte, memoriter.c1579 G. Harvey in Athenæum 789/1 His œconomicks..every on hath by rote.1709 J. Addison & R. Steele Tatler No. 93. ⁋4 I am therefore obliged to learn by book.a1834 S. T. Coleridge Table-talk (1874) 91 In Germany, the hymns are known by heart by every peasant.
extracted from byprep.adv.
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