

单词 by wholesale

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by wholesale
a. estimation or measurement of any kind. Whence the phrases by the great (obsolete) = by wholesale, by piecemeal(s, by retail, etc.
c1000 Ælfric Leviticus xxvi. 26 And ge etaþ hlaf be gewihte.
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1978) l. 13779 Fif hundred bi tale fusden to-somne.
c1540 (?a1400) Destr. Troy 1291 Seuyn thousand be sowme all of sure knightes.
1610 Bible (Douay) II. Lament. iii. 16 And he hath broken my teeth by number.
1611 Bible (King James) Josh. iii. 4 A space..about two thousand cubites by measure. View more context for this quotation
1682 G. Wheler Journey into Greece ii. 203 They sell it by weight.
1697 J. Dryden tr. Virgil Georgics iv, in tr. Virgil Wks. 128 For ev'ry Bloom..An Autumn Apple was by tale restor'd. View more context for this quotation
1886 Law Times 80 166/2 A miner..paid by piecework.
1598 W. Phillip tr. J. H. van Linschoten Disc. Voy. E. & W. Indies i. xxxiii. 65/2 By meanes of their Brokers they buy by the great, and sell them againe by the peece.1691 Reply Vind. Disc. Unreasonableness of New Separ. 14 I have Englished your Latin by Piecemeal.1748 B. Robins & R. Walter Voy. round World by Anson iii. vii. 366 Carpenters went on board..to treat about the work they were to do; all which they proposed to undertake by the great.1842 Blackwood's Edinb. Mag. 52 279 The..people are ‘perishing by wholesale’.
extracted from byprep.adv.
by (also at, in) wholesale
1. by (also at, in) wholesale (formerly also †by (also in) the whole sale).
a. With reference to the selling of goods: in large quantities and at low prices, typically in order to be sold on by retailers at a profit.
the world > relative properties > quantity > greatness of quantity, amount, or degree > a great quantity, amount, or degree [phrase] > in large quantities
by (also at, in) wholesale1417
in great1447
by greatc1475
by the whole1592
by the yard1845
in block1870
in bulk1908
like peas1959
the world > relative properties > quantity > greatness of quantity, amount, or degree > a great quantity, amount, or degree [phrase] > on a large scale
by (also at, in) wholesale1417
on or upon a (large, small, liberal, etc.) scale1785
to do things on the big figure1831
in a big way1840
1417 in M. Sellers York Memorandum Bk. (1912) I. 183 To sell any girdeles by retaile or holesale.
1579 W. Wilkinson Confut. Familye of Loue f. 41 Those men which sell by whole sale haue a quicker dispatch.
1593 T. Nashe Christs Teares 53 If seates of iustice were to be solde for money, wee haue them amongst vs that would buy them vp by the whole sale.
1617 F. Moryson Itinerary iii. 95 Great Merchants disdaine to sell, otherwise then by whole sale.
1640 tr. J. A. Comenius Janua Linguarum Reserata (new ed.) xlv. §491 Pety chapmen buy up commodities of those that sell by wholesale, and sell them off dearer by retaile, and parcell them out.
1674 in J. D. Marwick Extracts Rec. Burgh Glasgow (1905) III. 174 The said magistratis and counsell..heirby gives him libertie to sell the same in haill saill to any of the burgessis of this burgh.
1717 Daily Courant 15 Feb. 1/2 The Home-brew'd Ale in the Cellar is to be sold by wholesale.
1732 Norwich Mercury 19 Feb. 3/2 William Steele..selleth the following Goods either by Wholesale or Retail.
1824 R. Southey Sir Thomas More (1829) I. 135 Purchasing articles for the community in wholesale.
1897 Appletons' Pop. Sci. Monthly Sept. 589 There follows an extensive list of maximum prices..from raw materials by wholesale to finished products by retail.
1917 Refrigerating World May 37/1 The Yuma Ice Company..will sell ice at wholesale for from $4.00 to $6.00 per ton.
1954 R. J. Hammond Food & Agric. in Brit., 1939–45 v. 90 Some 80 percent of the larger producers selling by wholesale.
2005 Athens (Georgia) Banner-Herald (Nexis) 16 Oct. Epstein began baking and making pet treats, which she sold by wholesale or at festivals.
b. figurative. On a large scale; in large quantity or number; profusely, extensively; indiscriminately. Now rare.
the world > relative properties > quantity > greatness of quantity, amount, or degree > [adverb]
by greata1513
in gross1538
by wholesale1592
full tide1709
1592 T. Nashe Strange Newes sig. C4 All which hee reckons vp to make the world beleeue he hath read much but..he hath stole them by the wholesale out of some Booksellers Catalogue, or a table of Tractats.
1601 W. Cornwallis Ess. II. xxix. sig. Q7 We whose narrow roomes are not able to traffick with vertue by the whole-sale but by retayle.
1671 I. Barrow Duty & Reward of Bounty 204 St. Cyprian, who was liberal by whole-sale, bestowing all at once, a fair Estate, on God and the poor.
1741 I. Watts Improvem. Mind i. v. 87 They despise a valuable Book, and..throw Contempt upon it by wholesale.
1799 Anti-Jacobin Rev. & Mag. July 366 Ye robb'd in wholesale for your tutor's dame.
1837 Blackwood's Edinb. Mag. 42 112 The wild Bashkirs..slaughtered them by wholesale.
1871 E. A. Freeman Hist. Norman Conquest IV. xx. 503 The Norman version makes him overthrow Welsh Kings by wholesale.
1908 S. Atlantic Q. July 285 All at once the city realizes that it has grown up without parks, and a movement is set on foot to secure them by wholesale.
1949 J. Frank Courts on Trial (1950) vii. 102 Courthouse justice is..done at retail, not at wholesale.
extracted from wholesalen.adj.adv.
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