

单词 by town-row

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by town-row
A row, series, or street of houses; = house row n. Frequently in by town-row: according to the order or succession of houses; house by house.In quot. 1825: the privileges enjoyed in a small community.
society > inhabiting and dwelling > inhabited place > district in relation to human occupation > town as opposed to country > town or city > part of town or city > [noun] > row or street of buildings
street of houses (also shops)1577
the world > relative properties > order > order, sequence, or succession > in order, sequence, or succession [phrase] > from one place to another in succession > specific
by (also in) house-rowc1586
by town-row1886
society > inhabiting and dwelling > inhabited place > dwelling place or abode > a dwelling > a house > [adverb] > house by house
by (also in) house-rowc1586
by town-row1886
1610 Bp. J. Hall Common Apol. against Brownists §52 To bee ranged in the same Towne-rowes with Iewes, Arrians, Anabaptists.
a1725 F. Gastrell Notitia Cestriensis (1845) I. 158 2 Churchw.[ardens,] one for each townsp, chosen by Town-row.
1825 J. Jamieson Etymol. Dict. Sc. Lang. Suppl. at Toun Toun-raw, used to denote the privileges of a Town-ship. To thraw one's self out o' a toun-raw, to forfeit the privileges enjoyed in a small community.
1886 R. E. G. Cole Gloss. Words S.-W. Lincs. at Town-row By Town-row, or by House-row, was the term for the old plan for keeping men off the parish when work was scarce, by finding them so many days' work at each farm in turn.
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