

单词 by this ways

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by this ways
a. Noun phrases used adverbially, as each ways, this ways, that ways, which ways, the same ways, etc.: in the specified direction or manner. Also occasionally in prepositional phrases, as by this ways, in this ways. For corresponding phrases with the singular way, see A. 13a(a), A. 13b, Phrases 6. Now colloquial (chiefly U.S.) or nonstandard.Originally in phrases containing the genitive ways (Old English weges), most of which came to be treated as single-word adverbs, e.g. anyways adv., noways adv., otherways adv. and adj. (compare Old English ōðres weges in quot. OE2); see also -ways comb. form. Later phrases formed on this pattern were interpreted as containing the plural form and hence viewed as ungrammatical and largely restricted to informal and nonstandard varieties of the language. [Compare earlier adverbial use of the genitive in the sense ‘by the specified route’ (compare sense A. 7):
OE Ælfric Catholic Homilies: 1st Ser. (Royal) (1997) vii. 240 Ure eard soðlice is neorcsenawang, to þam we ne magon gecyrran þæs weges þe we comon.
OE Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Tiber. B.i) anno 1016 Se cyng..syððan wende him suðwerd oþres weges [lOE Laud oðres weges] eal be westan.
lOE Distichs of Cato (Trin. Cambr.) lxxxi. (homiletic commentary) in Anglia (1972) 90 16 Þonne nellað þa heafdu eall anes weges. Ac gif ðe heafdu anes weges nellað, þonne sceal þæt bodig bion þy bysigre.
c1225 (?c1200) St. Katherine (Royal) (1981) 905 Þis pinful gin wes of swuch wise iginnet þet te twa turnden eiðer wið oðer, ant anesweis baðen; þe oðer turnden anesweis alswa ah to-ȝein þe oðere.
c1225 (?c1200) St. Juliana (Royal) 308 (MED) Sei me ȝet witerluker..hwuches weis ȝe wurcheð ant bicherreð godes children.
c1225 (?c1200) Hali Meiðhad (Bodl.) (1940) 112 Hit is þah i wedlac summes weies to þolien.
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1978) l. 12690 Neoren hit noht cnihtes no þes wæies idihte.
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1978) l. 9333 Ælches weies[c1300 Otho weyes] him wes wa.
?a1400 (a1338) R. Mannyng Chron. (Petyt) ii. 123 Roberd þe Marmion þe same wayes did he, He robbed þorgh treson þe kirke of Couentre.
c1450 (c1425) Brut (Cambr. Kk.1.12) 352 Þe tokyn ij smale tewellys..and caste þe tewellys aboute þe Dukis nek..and þan þei drowen her towellis eche wayez.
1525 J. Clerk Let. 19 Mar. in H. Ellis Orig. Lett. Eng. Hist. (1827) 2nd Ser. I. 309 Ther powar shold gretly incresse by this ways.
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement iii. f. c.xl.v/2 He hath altered his stayre another wayes, il a coutourne ses degrez tout aultrement.
1585 Earl of Leicester Corr. (1844) 463 Before which tyme, the winde beinge as it was, the fleete wolde be gonne over landes end, and passe that waies to the seas.
1590 R. Payne Briefe Descr. Ireland (1841) 9 Let the slope side of your ditch be towardes your marraine, and that wayes throw vp all your earth.
1597 T. Beard Theatre Gods Iudgements i. vii. 20 He could not tell which waies to turne himselfe.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Merry Wives of Windsor (1623) ii. ii. 45 I pray your worship come a little neerer this waies . View more context for this quotation
a1642 R. Callis Reading of Statute of Sewers (1647) iii. 127 Doctor Bonhams Case, fol. 119 in the same Report, wherein the principal Case there put sways the same ways.
1705 J. Edwards Preacher 212 We are not remonstrating against Reason and Solid Argument: and indeed that Pious Father was never that ways enclined.
1833 Southern Agriculturist Feb. 99 The distances at which the common kinds of corn are planted in this section, are from three and a half to four feet between the rows each ways.
1896 G. Chanter Witch of Withyford xiv. 170 Going..up over the track that ways to Witches' Combe.
1909 Circle Mag. Aug. 66/3 No, he ain't going either ways, my dear—not toward home nor away from home.
1922 D. Figgis House of Success (ed. 4) i. 11 We'll be paying for this yet before we're out with the winter. I always seen it that ways myself.
1966 Praxis 2 103 However, there are also ontological reasons for conceiving them in this ways.
2002 Cigar Aficionado Jan. 108/1 TiVo's programming suggestions are off base about as often as they're right, but I do sometimes make real discoveries this ways.
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