

单词 yours etc

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Yours etc.
1. As phrase: And the rest, and so forth, and so on (cf. Greek καὶ τὰ λοιπά, German und so weiter), indicating that the statement refers not only to the things enumerated, but to others which may be inferred from analogy. Occasionally used when the conclusion of a quotation, a current formula of politeness, or the like, is omitted as being well known to the reader. Also Yours etc., used as an ending in letters. A custom formerly common, but now nearly disused except in certain government offices, is to write ‘&c., &c.’ in the addresses of letters, as a substitute for the titles of office or dignity affixed to the name of the person addressed.
1418 in F. J. Furnivall Fifty Earliest Eng. Wills (1882) 37 Also a gowne..in ward, &c.
a1450 Knt. de la Tour cxiii. 154 Not to foryete the countesse moder unto the erle et cetera.
1532 T. More Confut. Tyndale in Wks. 612/1 The woordes of saynt Paule, It is impossible that they whiche haue once been illumined, &c.
1640 in J. Rushworth Hist. Coll. III. ii. 1186 I A.B. do swear, That I do approve the Doctrine and Discipline..established in the Church of England..nor will I ever give my Consent to alter the Government of this Church by Archbishops, Bishops, Deans, and Archdeacons, &c.
1745 J. Elton Let. 7 Feb. in J. Hanway Hist. Acct. Brit. Trade Caspian Sea (1753) II. viii. 38 I beg you will not loose one single thought upon me. I am, &c.
1825–6 C. Dickens Lett. (1965) I. 1 Cheaper in comparison than a Leg. Yours &c C Dickens.
1860 All Year Round 17 Mar. 497 In the name of the indigent classes themselves..et cetera.
1920 F. W. Crofts Cask xi. 124 An unexpected call to England prevented me ordering this in person. Yours, etc., Leon Felix.
1970 Times 13 Nov. 11/4 He came..from Italy. Yours, &c., F. Bennett.
extracted from et ceteran.
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