

单词 yellow-striped

> as lemmas

(a) Forming parasynthetic and instrumental adjectives. Frequently in names of animals or plants, as yellow-beaked, yellow-finned, yellow-striped, etc. See also yellow-bellied adj., yellow-billed adj., yellow-eyed adj., yellow-haired adj., yellow-legged adj.
a1593 C. Marlowe tr. Ovid Certaine Elegies ii. iv, in J. Davies & C. Marlowe Epigrammes & Elegies (?1599) sig. F3v Yellow trest [1603 Amber trest] is she.
1607 T. Walkington Optick Glasse ix. sig. H7v Now to discerne a man of a cholerick complection, he is alwaies either oringe or yellow visag'd because hee is most inclined to the yellow iaundice.
1611 R. Cotgrave Dict. French & Eng. Tongues Saulx vitelline,..yellow-barked Willow.
1645 J. Milton On Christ's Nativity: Hymn xxvi, in Poems 12 The yellow-skirted Fayes.
1697 J. Dryden tr. Virgil Æneis x, in tr. Virgil Wks. 521 Camers the yellow Lock'd.
1747 S. Trowell & W. Ellis Farmer's Instructor 258 The yellow striped Lilly is very much valued here.
1771 T. Smollett Humphry Clinker II. 19 It was the singularity in S——'s conduct..that reconciled him to the yellow-gloved philosopher.
1783 J. Latham Gen. Synopsis Birds II. ii. 461 Yellow-fronted Warbler. The forehead and crown are of a bright yellow.
1787 J. Hawkins Life Johnson 233 A long yellow-hilted sword.
1798 J. Middleton View Agric. Middlesex i. iv. 18 A full crop of yellow blossomed broom covers the ground.
1823 E. James Acct. Exped. Pittsburgh to Rocky Mountains II. xiii. 327 Great numbers of minute sand-pipers, yellow-shanked snipes, killdeer plovers,..and telltale goodwits about the river.
1832 J. Rennie Conspectus Butterflies & Moths Brit. 174 The Yellow-barred Iron..occurs in woods.
1841 W. M. Thackeray in Fraser's Mag. Oct. 395/2 ‘Get some of that yellow-sealed wine, Tiggins,’ says the captain.
1859 C. Darwin Origin of Species iv. 85 Another disease attacks yellow-fleshed peaches far more than those with other coloured flesh.
1860 N. Hawthorne Transformation III. iii. 30 Those immense seven-storied, yellow-washed hovels.
1880 A. H. Swinton Insect Variety 94 The groups of Yellow-ringed Gnats.
1890 Birmingham Daily Post 19 Aug. 4/5 The church has been draped with yellow-fringed black hangings.
1906 Hist. Coll. Nat. Hist. Dept. (Brit. Mus.) II. iii. 235 Yellow-pinioned Finch.
1908 C. F. Holder Big Game at Sea xxiii. 342 The boatmen..called it the ‘yellow-finned tuna’... This was in 1904, and ever since the new tuna, with its vivid lemon finlets, has appeared every August or September.
1919 J. Joyce Ulysses x. [Wandering Rocks] in Little Rev. June 40 Two barefoot urchins, sucking long liquorice laces, halted near him, gaping..with their yellow slobbered mouths.
1927 New Castle (Pa.) News 29 Mar. 15 ‘Guess you're right,’ answered the Old Red Rooster, scratching his bright red comb with his yellow toed foot.
1966 E. Palmer Plains of Camdeboo xvi. 262 By far the showiest is the yellow-beaked Stapelia, Stapelia flavirostris, with dark flowers marked with yellow and ornamented with silver hairs.
1992 Calgary (Alberta) Herald (Nexis) 6 Apr. b1 The black-footed ferret and yellow-cheeked vole no longer exist in this province but are found elsewhere.
2011 M. Kenefick et al. Birds Trinidad & Tobago 178 Yellow-chinned Spinetail Certhiaxis cinnamomeus cinnamomeus... Small yellow chin patch only visible at very close range.
2012 Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 109 4269/1 We have identified an influenza A virus from little yellow-shouldered bats captured..in Guatemala.
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