

单词 writ of right close

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writ of right close
writ of right close n. [after Anglo-Norman bref de dreit clos (13th cent. or earlier)] Feudal Law a royal writ dealing with a case concerning the tenants of a manor, only valid in and applicable to the court of the lord of that manor. Also little writ of right close, petty writ of right close. Cf. right close n.
society > law > administration of justice > process, writ, warrant, or order > [noun] > writ > other types of writ
quo warrantoa1325
writ of right closea1325
writ of oyer and terminer1414
writ of right1414
quare impedit?a1424
praecipe in capitec1523
melius inquirendum1549
ne exeat regnum1559
quo minus1592
letters (or writ) of supplementc1600
fair pleading1607
ne exeat regno1607
ne exeat1644
right close1651
writ of second deliverance1652
fair pleader1655
proclamation writ1713
writ of inquiry1809
writ of intendence and respondence1881
a1325 Statutes of Realm (2011) xxv. 85 Þei in þe olde seignurie of þe corone ne ourne no writ oþer þan þe luttle writ of riȝt clos, noȝt forþi I sai mine maistres in þre cas nimen assise of nouele deseisine.
c1523 J. Rastell Expos. Terminorum Legum Anglorum sig. E. 8 Yf any land in auncion demesne be in varyauns betwene the tenauntys than ye tenaunt so greuyd shall haue agaynst the other a wryt of ryght close.
1533 in I. S. Leadam Select Cases Court of Requests (1898) 37 All the Tenauntes within the seid manour haue vsid..to plede..within the same manour by pety writte of righte close for all maner of pleys towching their landes.
1607 J. Cowell Interpreter sig. Iii4v/1 at Recto A writ of right close..lieth for those, which hould their lands..by charter in fee simple..or in dower, if they be eiected out of such lands.
1614 J. Selden Titles of Honor 335 In the writ of Right Close, the Tenure must not be laid per liberum seruitium, because..no Free man may bring that writ.
1701 G. Booth Nature & Pract. Real Actions ii. ii. 86 Præcipe in Capite, is a Writ of Right Close.
1768 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. III. 195 There is likewise a little writ of right close,..which lies for the king's tenants in antient demesne,..to try the right of their lands and tenements in the court of the lord exclusively.
1831 R. Fox Hist. Godmanchester v. 89 Upon informalities apparently much less important, Writs of Right Close are numerous in the Court Records of the Borough, from the most antient times, but for the last half century have been less common.
1865 F. M. Nichols in tr. Britton II. 338 (margin) Writ of right close not removable.
1925 Harvard Law Rev. 38 483 Will an ordinary common-law writ (not the little writ of right close which was the peculiar privilege of ancient demesne) run for the recovery of a tenement..for a parson whose only remedy is the utrum?
1988 Jrnl. Econ. Hist. 48 446 Despite the importance modern authorities attached to the little writ of right close, Havering tenants displayed no liking for it.
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