

单词 admiralty


Brit. /ˈadm(ə)rəlti/, /ˈadm(ə)rl̩ti/, U.S. /ˈædm(ə)rəlti/

α. late Middle English admiralte, late Middle English–1500s admyraltie, 1500s admyralty, 1500s–1600s admeraltie, 1500s–1600s admiraltie, 1500s–1600s admiraltye, 1500s– admiralty, 1600s admeralty; Scottish pre-1700 admiralte.

β. late Middle English ameralte, late Middle English amralte, late Middle English amrelte, late Middle English amyralte, 1500s amiraltye, 1500s ammiraltie, 1500s amraltie, 1600s amiralty, 1600s ammiralty, 1600s amralty.

γ. Scottish pre-1700 admeralitie, pre-1700 admiralite, pre-1700 admiralitie, pre-1700 1700s– admirality; U.S. 1700s– admirality; Irish English 1900s– admirality.

Origin: A borrowing from French. Etymon: French admiralté.
Etymology: < Anglo-Norman and Middle French admiralté, amiralté, Middle French admiralité (Middle French, French amirauté ) office or command of an admiral (a1325 or earlier), the branch of justice concerned with naval matters (1373), area under the jurisdiction of an admiral (1379 or earlier), governing body in charge of naval administration (1382 or earlier) < admiral admiral n. + -té -ty suffix1. Compare post-classical Latin admirallitas office or jurisdiction of admiral (frequently from 1339 in British sources).With the γ. forms compare -ity suffix and also post-classical Latin admirallitas , Middle French admiralité (both cited above). Compare also German Admiralität (1609), Dutch admiraliteit (1591 as almiraliteit ), Swedish amiralitet (1634 as ammiralitet ). With court of admiralty n. at sense 1a compare post-classical Latin curia admirallitatis (from 1383 in British sources) and Anglo-Norman courte de amiralté (1401 or earlier). Compare later Admiralty court n. at Compounds 2. With sense 3 compare Dutch admiraalschap (1631), German Admiralschaft (1614 or earlier in this sense as Ammiralschafft , also as Admiralschafft in sense ‘office of admiral’ (1614, rare, compare admiralship n.2)).
a. The branch of justice concerned with maritime questions and offences. Also: legal matters relating to this. Frequently in court of admiralty n. a court exercising jurisdiction over such matters, spec. (British) that formerly presided over by the Lord High Admiral (Lord High Admiral n.). See also Admiralty court n. at Compounds 2, Droits of Admiralty at droit n.1 1a.In Britain courts of admiralty came under the jurisdiction of the admiralty (in sense 1b), making the two senses difficult to distinguish. The Court of Admiralty was absorbed into the Probate, Divorce, and Admiralty Division of the High Court of Justice in 1887, and in 1971 its functions passed to the Admiralty Court in the Queen's Bench Division.
society > law > branch of the law > [noun] > maritime law
Rhodian law1613
admiralty law1676
maritime lawa1682
society > law > administration of justice > judicial body, assembly, or court > [noun] > courts dealing with maritime or river matters
water court1482
court of admiraltya1500
marine court1697
Court of the Watercourse1698
court of lodemanage1716
prize court1775
instance court1802
1419 in H. Nicolas Proc. & Ordinances Privy Council (1834) II. 248 (MED) Yt was fond be divers inquisiciouns taken be myn officers of Admiralte..said vessel had forfait ayein the trieuves.
a1500 in T. Twiss Black Bk. Admiralty (1871) I. 40 Wel and trewly at this tyme thou sow [c1425 Vesp. to ȝow] at this court of thadmiralte present as moche as I have in knowleche [etc.].
1589 ‘M. Marprelate’ Hay any Worke for Cooper (1844) 46 Yea but Civilians liue by the court of Amraltie.
1666 S. Pepys Diary IV. 131 Sir R. Ford would accept of one-third of my profit of our private man-of-war, and bear one-third of the charge, and be bound in the Admiralty.
1667 S. Pepys Diary IV. 281 This Judge of the Admiralty, Judge Jenkins.
1702 N. Luttrell Diary in Brief Hist. Relation State Affairs (1857) V. 198 Condemned by the court of admiralty for 4 several pyracies.
1768 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. IV. xix The high court of admiralty, held before the lord high-admiral of England, is not only a court of civil, but also of criminal jurisdiction.
1805 E. H. East Rep. Cases King's Bench 5 317 The vessel and her cargo have been libelled in the Court of Admiralty for condemnation.
1869 D. Roberts Treat. Admiralty & Prize xiii. 347 Dr. Lushington recognizes the defense or process of recoupment as a legitimate remedy in admiralty touching freight.
1912 Times 4 Jan. 10/4 The finding of the Court of Admiralty in this case has not met with the approval of the Guild of Mercantile Marine Officers.
1993 P. I. Blumberg Multinational Challenge Corporation Law ix. 213 The law of admiralty..imposes important legal responsibilities on maritime vessels as legal units.
b. Also with capital initial. The governing body or department in charge of a country's navy and its administration; spec. (British) that in charge of the Royal Navy. Chiefly with the. See also board of admiralty n. at Phrases 1, Admiralty Board n. at Compounds 2.First Lord of the Admiralty, Marshal of the Admiralty, etc.: see the first element; also Black Book of the Admiralty.
society > armed hostility > hostilities at sea > administration and ceremonial > [noun] > Admiralty
navy board1681
Navy Department1779
minister of marine1782
society > authority > rule or government > ruler or governor > a or the government > government department or agency > [noun] > with specific responsibility > English or British
Navy Office1660
navy board1681
patent office1696
Treasury Office1706
Plantation Office1708
stamp office1710
War Office1721
India Office1787
home office1795
Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues1803
the Stamps1820
Welsh Office1852
Local Government Board1871
Scottish Office1883
Ministry of Munitions1915
War House1925
Min of Ag1946
Manpower Services Commission1973
1459 J. Brackley in Paston Lett. & Papers (2004) II. 185 On Moneday last at Crowmere was..the bokys of regystre of the Amrelte takyn awey fro myn Lord Scalys men.
1546 in State Papers Henry VIII (1830) I. 874 Wee have also commoned with theym of the Admyraltye, whoo have onely twoo shipps in aredynes.
1596 W. Raleigh Let. 3 May (1999) 138 The names of thos men that refuse to serve Her Majestye I have delivered to Pope, Marshall of the Admiraltye.
1614 tr. States Proclam., 19 July in T. Gentleman Englands Way to win Wealth sig. H We do charge also the chancellors, and Provinciall Councell, and the counsell of the Admiralty.
1679 Edward Duke of York in S. Pepys Diary (1879) V. 131 It is Mr. Pepys, who now, upon this change in the Admiralty, is like to suffer.
1701 J. Logan in Mem. Hist. Soc. Pennsylvania (1870) IX. 66 Some clashing between the admiralty and the civil powers.
1761 Philos. Trans. 1760 (Royal Soc.) 51 461 Sir Charles Wager, first lord of the admiralty.
1834 F. Marryat Peter Simple III. xxvi. 321 His case was strongly recommended to the consideration of the Lord Commissioners of the Admiralty.
1855 T. B. Macaulay Hist. Eng. IV. 233 Meanwhile the admiralties of the allied powers had been active.
1915 W. S. Churchill Let. 18 Dec. in W. S. Churchill & C. S. Churchill Speaking for Themselves (1999) vi. 137 On my leaving the Admiralty he [sc. Asquith] offered me a Brigade.
1998 B. Millman Ill-made Alliance v. 88 Wyatt was..told that neither the admiralty nor the foreign office appreciated his brand of informal diplomacy.
c. With capital initial. The building in which the business of such a governing body or department is transacted.Later spec. used of a number of government buildings near Whitehall in London, the oldest of which was built in 1726.
society > armed hostility > hostilities at sea > administration and ceremonial > [noun] > Admiralty > building
Navy Office1660
1617 J. Minsheu Ἡγεμὼν είς τὰς γλῶσσας: Ductor in Linguas Admiraltie..the place where the Admirals office is kept.
1660 R. Burney Κέρδιστον Δῶρον 66 He takes the Flag down from the main Top-mast head, when he pleases in the Admiraltie.
1706 R. Estcourt Fair Example iii. i. 26 Go you with that to Garroway's, and let some body put the other in at the Admiralty.
1774 H. Kelly Romance of Hour i. 21 When shall I hope that you'll mention the matter at the Admiralty?
1816 Ann. Reg., Chron. 85/2 The improved Semaphore has been erected on the top of the Admiralty.
1879 Whitaker's Almanack 302/2 Public and Private Buildings..Admiralty, Horse Guards, Treasury, War Office.
1979 D. Gurr Troika xi. 75 I..reported to the Admiralty... ‘Captain Jackson's office, please?’ ‘Second floor, sir.’
a. The office, position, or rank of an admiral; performance of the role or functions of an admiral. Cf. admiralship n.2
society > armed hostility > hostilities at sea > seafaring warrior or naval man > leader or commander > [noun] > naval officer > flag officer > admiral > office of
1443 T. Bekington Let. in G. Williams Mem. Reign Henry VI (1872) II. 237 (MED) How many hulks or vessells were under his admiralte..and what were the names of all the vessells that were under his admiralte?
1482 Indenture in Acts Parl. Scotl. (1875) XII. 32/2 He sal bind..him that he sal..do his office of wardanry and admiralte within the boundis of the samyn.
a1552 J. Leland Itinerary (1711) VII. 69 The Wyndowes be full of Rudders..his Badge or Token of the Amiraltye.
1598 R. Hakluyt Princ. Navigations (new ed.) I. Ep. Ded. sig. *3v Our skill in Nauigation hath hitherto bene very much bettered..vnder the Admiraltie of your Lordship.
1607 E. Grimeston tr. Gen. Inuentorie Hist. France ii. 1029 It was reserued for Aly Bascha, and that hee should content himselfe with the Admiralty of the Seas.
a1661 T. Fuller Worthies (1662) Surrey 84 He resigned his Admiralty in the reign of King James, to the Duke of Buckingham.
1706 Act 6 Anne c. 11 §19 That the Heretable Rights of Admiralty and Vice Admiralties in Scotland be reserved to the respective Proprietors as Rights of Property.
1775 J. Trumbull New Proclam. 1 Whose Admiralty reaches clever, Full half a mile up Mistic river.
1803 G. Rose Diaries (1860) II. 35 If Lord Spencer returns he must have the Admiralty.
1838 W. H. Prescott Hist. Reign Ferdinand & Isabella II. i. xvi. 129 Exclusive right of jurisdiction over all commercial transactions within his admiralty.
1903 Blackwood's Edinb. Mag. July 37/1 Nothing was left to him now beyond the memory of his admiralty.
2005 B. Silversides Fort de Prairies 28/2 A large flotilla had been assembled there under the admiralty of John Rowand.
b. With capital initial. A navy or naval department under the command of an admiral. Obsolete.
society > armed hostility > hostilities at sea > navy > [noun]
a1626 F. Bacon Union of Two Kingdoms (1670) 62 For Admiralty or Navy, I see no great question will arise.
1698 Answer to Mr. Molyneux 97 It says, they shall be under the Obedience of the Admiral of England, and the King hath no Admiralty or Navy distinct from the Kingdom.
c. A port or station for ships of war, commanded by an admiral. Obsolete.
society > armed hostility > hostilities at sea > administration and ceremonial > [noun] > naval station
naval station1615
naval base1863
1677 A. Yarranton England's Improvem. 40 Ships for the Royal Navy may..be kept either in an Admiralty at Wexford, or in some Port near.
1798 W. Eton Surv. Turkish Empire App. 502 One of his instructions was, to find a port for establishing an admiralty; i.e. a port for building, putting into dock, and stationing ships of war and other vessels.
3. A sailing formation in which ships are grouped closely together as a defence against pirates. Obsolete. rare.Apparently only in the work of Gerard de Malynes.
society > travel > travel by water > [noun] > sailing in company
1622 G. de Malynes Consuetudo 180 When ships do enter into Admiraltie one with another, whosoeuer breaketh the Admiraltie is bound to answer the damage which shall happen thereby.
1622 G. de Malynes Laws of Hanse Towns 24 When ships do enter into admiralty one with another, they shall be bound to keep together, and to stay for each other.
4. With capital initial. A type of large steam coal supplied under contract to the Royal Navy. Frequently attributive, as Admiralty coal, etc. Now historical.
society > occupation and work > materials > fuel > coal or types of coal > [noun]
earth coala1552
horse coal1552
Newcastle coal1552
cannel coal1587
stony coal1617
Welsh coala1618
foot coal1665
peacock coal1686
rough coal1686
white coal1686
slipper coal1712
black coal1713
rock coal1750
board coal1761
Bovey coal1761
house coal1784
mineral coal1785
splint coal1789
jet coal1794
black diamond1803
Welsh stone-coal1808
spout coals1821
brown coal1833
paper coal1833
sinter coal1854
oil coal1856
Kilkenny coal1861
Pottery coal1867
block coal1871
bunker coal1885
trolley coal1890
sack coal1898
navigation coal1900
1877 Times 6 Mar. 4/5 1,000 tons of Admiralty coal.
1907 Times 19 Aug. 6/5 Prices rule about 21s. 6d. to 22s. for best Admiralties.
1915 Coal & Iron 4 Jan. 337/2 Best Admiralty large steams are not dealt in to any extent, the Naval authorities still controlling supplies.
1922 Saward's Ann. 102 Three different samples of the Cardiff coal designated as Best Admiralty Large.
2000 D. M. Schurman Imperial Def. iii. 53 There was Admiralty coal stored at Singapore and facilities for coal purchase at Mauritius.


board of admiralty n. (also with capital initials) an administrative board in charge of a country's navy; spec. (British) that formerly in charge of the Royal Navy. See also Admiralty Board n. at Compounds 2.The British Navy was formerly chiefly administered by a Board of Admiralty consisting of a number of Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Its functions passed to a new Admiralty Board under the Ministry of Defence in 1964.
1701 Full Acct. Proc. in Relation to Capt. Kidd 39 The Letters of Marque to Kidd from the Board of Admiralty.
1877 W. Anderson Scot. Nation I. 331/2 His pension was doubled, on a representation of the board of admiralty to the king in council.
1901 Parl. Deb. 4th Ser. 96 948 They are not in touch..with all the best information which the Board of Admiralty have at their command.
2010 Daily Tel. (Nexis) 24 June 35 Admiral Sir Peter White,..was one of only two naval Paymasters to reach the rank of full admiral and the first to become a member of the Board of Admiralty.
P2. the price of admiralty: the cost of achieving supreme naval control of the seas.
society > travel > travel by water > seafaring life > [noun] > consequences of seafaring
the price of admiralty1893
society > armed hostility > hostilities at sea > seafaring warrior or naval man > leader or commander > [noun] > naval officer > flag officer > admiral > consequences of
the price of admiralty1893
1893 R. Kipling Song of Eng. in Eng. Illustr. Mag. May 535 If blood be the price of admiralty Good God, we ha' paid in full!
1923 E. K. Chatterton Auxiliary Patrol viii. 121 By the end of the following year..three more motor-boats had also gone, with, of course, loss of life. Such was the inevitable price of Admiralty.
1989 San Diego Union-Tribune (Nexis) 16 July (Books) 6 There is no unifying theme that tells us what is, through different times and savage battles, the price of admiralty.
2002 P. D. Grove et al. Second World War III. 91/1 Some 5,100 ships totaling over 22 million tons were lost. The price of admiralty was indeed high.


C1. General attributive (in sense 1), as admiralty business, admiralty case, admiralty judge, etc.
1625 S. Purchas Pilgrimes IV. x. viii. 1887 (margin) I haue also omitted his Admiralty commission and proceedings.
1698 R. Gaselee Capt. G. St. Lo his Proc. against Me 3 After my going through a constant Fatigue of Business at the Admiralty Office, at Plymouth,..I palpably lost my Store-keepers Employment.
1713 Ld. Bolingbroke Let. 25 Nov. (1798) III. 351 I..have got a clear knowledge of the state of every thing, which relates to admiralty affairs.
1768 S. Sayre Englishman Deceived 19 No certificate of this kind, or any justice could be obtained by the owners of this vessel, from the Admiralty Judge.
1805 Eclectic Rev. May 396/1 Military crimes and punishments, extracted from the Admiralty records.
1853 Encycl. Brit. II. 145 By the 6th and 7th Will. IV. c. 53, the admiralty jurisdiction is extended to Prince of Wales' Island, Singapore, and Malacca.
1897 Dict. National Biogr. XLIX. 162/2 The point was discussed by Rolle in consultation with two of his puisnes, two admiralty judges, and two civilians.
1914 W. F. Monypenny & G. E. Buckle Life Disraeli III. vii. 426 Derby..had told Stafford to cut down all Admiralty expenses except those for the additional seamen and Marines.
1920 M. C. Salaman Londoners Then & Now 36 New Street, Spring Gardens, where..Admiralty business is done.
1972 Amer. Bar Assoc. Jrnl. Feb. 189/2 In England, before an admiralty judge is appointed, it is quite likely he has had considerable admiralty practice.
2009 J. B. Oakley & V. D. Amar Amer. Civil Procedure 237 In 1966, the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure became applicable to most admiralty cases.
Admiralty Board n. (with capital initials) an administrative board in charge of a country's navy; spec. (British) that in charge of the Royal Navy; see also board of admiralty n. at Phrases 1.
1691 T. Hale Acct. New Inventions p. xxv One of those Lords,..was by that Admiralty-Board desired to carry both that Report and Reply to the Council-Board.
1757 W. Thompson Royal Navy-men's Advocate 32 All Officers were warranted from the Admiralty Board.
1854 Lancet 15 July 37/1 The Admiralty Board has been..culpably reckless of the health of the fleet.
1964 Times 29 Apr. 6/5 The Ministries of Science and Transport should delegate responsibility for the operation of this ship to the Admiralty Board.
Admiralty brass n. a kind of brass containing about 69–70 per cent copper, 29–30 per cent zinc, and 1 per cent tin and having increased resistance to corrosion by seawater; cf. naval brass n. 2.The precise nature of the brass referred to in quot. 1876 is not certain.
1876 Rep. Comm. Registry of Deeds (Ireland) 6 in Parl. Papers LX. 715 The Hamilton Records of the period in question were printed on a band composed of the Admiralty brass.
1908 H. J. Spooner Machine Design, Constr. & Drawing xxix. 595 Admiralty brass condenser tubes are made of alloy containing 70 per cent. best selected copper, 29 per cent. best Silesian zinc, and 1 per cent. of tin.
1984 E. P. DeGarmo et al. Materials & Processes in Manuf. (ed. 6) viii. 180 Cartridge brass with tin becomes admiralty brass.
2006 N. Warren Metal Corrosion Boats (ed. 3) vi. 81 Admiralty brass tubing is more resistant to velocity effects up to about 6 ft/sec.
Admiralty court n. (also with capital initials) = court of admiralty n. at sense 1a.
1557 in R. G. Marsden Sel. Pleas Court Admiralty (1897) II. 33 His said letter remayning in the Admyraltie courte.
1626 in S. R. Gardiner Documents Impeachm. Duke of Buckingham (1889) 70 The informative Proofes, the Sentence..in the Admiralty Court.
1708 J. Chamberlayne Magnæ Britanniæ Notitia (ed. 22) ii. ii. xii. 498 The Causes competent to the Admiralty Court of Scotland.
1791 Gentleman's Mag. Sept. 866/1 A Judge of the Admiralty Courts at Minorca and Gibraltar.
1901 Scotsman 1 Mar. 9/2 The Admiralty court yesterday awarded..the Southampton tugs..a total salvage of £10,372.
1969 Jrnl. Inst. Navigation 22 304 Admiralty Court judges have never ceased to stress that this Rule does not require officers to stand on into danger.
1990 Illustr. London News Christmas No. 101/2 The Admiralty court awarded the salvors less than a seventh of the value of the ship and her cargo.
admiralty law n. the branch of law historically dealt with by courts of admiralty; (more generally) = maritime law n.
1676 E. Coles Eng. Dict. Five-finger, a fish like a spur-rowel, to be destroyed by the Admiralty law, because destructive to Oysters.
1771 North Briton 13 Apr. 715 There is in England, you say, several laws beside the common law. For example, there is the ecclesiastical law, the admiralty law, the civil law.
1850 E. C. Benedict Amer. Admiralty iv. 26 [The courts] now administer the admiralty law and the maritime law—both of which are sometimes called the admiralty law, sometimes the Maritime Law, and sometimes the Admiralty and Maritime Law.
1889 Harper's New Monthly Mag. Jan. 302/1 The maritime code of Wisby..forms much of the groundwork of the admiralty law of the world to-day.
1973 P. O'Brian HMS Surprise i. 6 We are bound by Admiralty law: if the prize was made before the declaration of war the proceeds escheat to the Crown.
2003 M. Bullard Cumberland Island (2005) iii. 46 Vessels that went ashore as a result of pilot error or a storm at sea were, under international admiralty law, salvaged ships.
Admiralty metal n. = Admiralty brass n.
1876 Rep. Comm. Registry of Deeds (Ireland) 6 in Parl. Papers LX. 720 Owing to the thickness of the Admiralty metal, it would be more convenient to use linen..for the band on which the lands index was placed.
1902 W. Kent Mech. Engineers' Pocket-bk. (ed. 6) 325 (table) Admiralty metal... For parts of engines on board naval vessels.
1940 S. Miall New Dict. Chem. 167/2 Small quantities of tin are often incorporated to remedy de-zincification; as in Admiralty metal 70/29/1 and Naval brass 61/38/1.
1981 Oil & Gas Jrnl. (Nexis) 12 Jan. 80 NH3 carryover in the gas was later suspected in admiralty metal tubing damage in gas cooling units.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2011; most recently modified version published online December 2021).




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