

单词 would rather

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would rather
e. would rather: would rather have or choose.
the mind > will > free will > choice or choosing > types of choice > [adverb] > in preference to something else
would rather1557
1557 T. North tr. A. de Guevara Diall Princes 96 I woulde rather one onely day of lyfe then all the ryches of Roome.
1630 Bp. J. Hall Occas. Medit. §xlix I would rather never to haue light, then not to haue it alwayes.
1675 R. Burthogge Cavsa Dei 99 The Parent..who would rather than the better part of his estate..he could reclaim and turn him.
a1727 W. Pattison Cupid's Metamorph. (1728) 35 O! could I hide the Wish I fear to name! Would rather kinder Fortune guide my Flame!
1792 F. Reynolds Notoriety ii. 24 I would rather he'd have can'd me than nobody.
1850 Punch 18 197/2 I would rather a good dinner than a bad one.
1862 Mrs. H. Wood Channings II. xvii. 262 I would rather a nurse broke one of my children's limbs, than thus poisoned its fair young mind.
1939 P. Gallagher My Story 54 I would rather her stories than my father's.
1998 M. J. Lanning Delivering Profitable Value ii. 52 Some smokers would rather a cigarette associated with a tough, masculine, independent cowboy who lives with his horse, riding through the rain in the desert.
extracted from ratheradv.
would rather
a. transitive. Equivalent to sense 2a, expressing a person's wish: desire or wish (that something be done or happen): wish for, have a mind to, want (something). Followed by a that-clause (with past tense or unmarked present tense verb (in Old and early Middle English, in subjunctive), or with should and infinitive), or (rare) †with object and infinitive (obsolete). Now only in would rather: should prefer.
the world > action or operation > easiness > [adverb] > more easily or readily
would rathereOE
the world > time > a suitable time or opportunity > [adverb] > soon or quickly > earlier or sooner
would rathereOE
eOE tr. Orosius Hist. (BL Add.) (1980) ii. i. 38 Ic wolde þæt þa ongeaten, þe þa tida..leahtriað, hwelc mildsung siþþan wæs.
c1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) Ded. l. 134 I wollde bliþeliȝ. þatt all ennglisshe lede..shollde itt trowwenn.
c1200 Serm. in Eng. & Germanic Stud. (1961) 7 62 He vold þ[e]t man ded vare..and valde þet man heuene forlure.
c1390 in C. Brown Relig. Lyrics 14th Cent. (1924) 143 But in heor hertes I wolde þei hade..Hou sone þat god hem may de-grade.
1455–6 Rolls of Parl.: Henry VI (Electronic ed.) Parl. July 1455 §55. m. 2 Every wele disposed persone..by reason and naturall favour, wold rather that wymmen of their nacion born and owen blode hadde the occupacion therof, than strange people.
?1499 J. Skelton Bowge of Courte (de Worde) sig. Bv And so I wolde it were so god me spede.
a1547 J. Redford Wit & Sci. (1951) 5 My hed akth sore I wold wee returnd.
1597 J. Payne Royall Exchange 33 Wch I would you ever to remember.
1601 B. Jonson Fountaine of Selfe-love Praeludium sig. A4v I would thou hadst some Sugar Candyed, to sweeten thy Mouth. View more context for this quotation
1675 R. Burthogge Cavsa Dei 99 The Parent..who would rather than the better part of his estate..he could reclaim and turn him.
1885 Ld. Tennyson Charge Heavy Brigade Epil. in Tiresia & Other Poems 165 I would that wars should cease, I would the globe from end to end Might sow and reap in peace.
1941 M. Mitchell Let. 13 Feb. in Gone with the Wind Lett. (1986) 328 I would rather you learn of it from me..instead of receiving third-hand garbled reports.
2016 New Scientist 17 Sept. 22/4 Self-verification theory says that we would rather other people had an accurate view of who we really are than an overly positive one.
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