

单词 worth gramercy

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worth gramercy
3. quasi-n. The salutation ‘thanks’ or ‘thank you’. Hence in phrases, as worth gramercy, worth giving thanks for, of some value or importance. no gramercy, no occasion for deserving thanks; no special merit; similarly, what gramercy?, for gramercy: for a ‘thank-you’; for nothing or next to nothing; gratis. (Cf. God-a-mercy n.) Obsolete.
the mind > emotion > gratitude > [noun] > thanks > an instance or expression of
a thankc1400
thank you1792
asante sana1996
c1485 Digby Myst. (1882) iv. 410 Is this theire gramercy? is this theire reward?
1548 Hall's Vnion: Henry VIII f. xviijv The kyng..sendeth to you greate gramercies.
1548 N. Udall et al. tr. Erasmus Paraphr. Newe Test. I. Mark viii. 57 Suche a one as loketh for summe thankes or gramercies.
1549 M. Coverdale et al. tr. Erasmus Paraphr. Newe Test. II. 1 Pet. ii. f. vii But what garmercye were it, yf you suffre whan you are buffetted for naughtye doynges?
1551 R. Robinson tr. T. More Vtopia sig. Niiiv Payinge very lytle for them, yea mooste commonlye gettynge them for gramercye.
1572 G. Gascoigne Hundred Flowers 274 The Ladies all saluted him & he gaue them the gramercy.
1578 T. Tymme tr. J. Calvin Comm. Genesis 279 It was no gramercie to him, that his wife's honesty was not put in hazard.
1579–80 T. North tr. Plutarch Lives (1676) 966 He made Corn to be distributed to the People at a very mean price to some, and for gramercy to the poor.
1581 R. Mulcaster Positions xxxix. 221 Where desire to do good, & good for gramercie be the true ends of most honour.
1587 A. Fleming et al. Holinshed's Chron. (new ed.) III. 540/2 Rendering to him and his armie a thousand gramersies.
a1610 J. Healey tr. Epictetus Manuall (1636) xvii. 21 Nothing is gotten for gramercy.
1624 R. Montagu Gagg for New Gospell? xix. 153 Workes..of compulsion, are not worth Gramercy.
1641 J. Milton Animadversions 21 So have wee our severall Psalmes for severall occasions, without gramercy to your Liturgy.
1643 Sir T. Browne Religio Medici (authorized ed.) 37 I cannot relate the history of my life..with a..bare gramercy to my starres.
1644 J. Milton Areopagitica 17 What grammercy to be sober, just or continent?
1652 R. Brome Joviall Crew iv. ii. sig. L3v No Ladies live such Lives. Mer. Some few, upon necessity, perhaps. But that's not worth g'rammercy.
a1670 J. Hacket Scrinia Reserata (1693) i. 174 The Duke returned him no Gra-mercy, being resolute to out-face Envy.
extracted from gramercyint.
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