

单词 worshipper


Brit. /ˈwəːʃᵻpə/, U.S. /ˈwərʃəpər/
Forms: see worship v. and -er suffix1; also late Middle English worschipis (plural, transmission error), late Middle English– worshipper, 1500s– worshiper.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: worship v., -er suffix1.
Etymology: < worship v. + -er suffix1.
a. A person who worships a being or power as supernatural or divine, or a thing as holy. Often with of, genitive, or modifying word, indicating the being, power, or thing worshipped.angel-worshipper, devil-worshipper, Jesus-worshipper, snake-worshipper, etc.: see the first element. See also fire-worshipper n., image-worshipper n., lip-worshipper n. at lip-worship n. Derivatives, etc.
society > faith > worship > [noun] > worshipper
c1384 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) (1850) Deeds xvii. 22 Men of Athenis, bi alle thingis I se ȝou as veyn worschiperis [L. superstitiosiores].
c1384 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) (1850) 2 Macc. i. 19 Prestis that thanne weren wirshipers [L. cultores] of God.
?c1430 (c1400) J. Wyclif Eng. Wks. (1880) 88 Þes wickid ydolatrours, worschiperis of false goddis.
a1450 St. Katherine (Richardson 44) (1884) 31 (MED) O blessed worschepers of suche goddes whyche, þough þey be called in nede, þey come not.
1526 W. Bonde Pylgrimage of Perfection iii. sig. LLLi God..is a spirit: and they that be his true worshyppers, muste worshyp hym in spirit.
a1533 Ld. Berners tr. A. de Guevara Golden Bk. M. Aurelius (1546) sig. P.iijv He was a greatte louer of his goddis, and woorshypper of theym.
1549 J. Cheke Hurt of Sedicion sig. G8v Suche phansies lyghted nowe in papistes & irreligious mens heades,..delyghteth in true worshippers hurte.
a1625 W. Shakespeare & J. Fletcher Two Noble Kinsmen (1634) v. i. 35 True worshippers of Mars. View more context for this quotation
1631 W. Gouge Gods Three Arrowes iii. §3. 187 This immortall fewde against worshippers of the true God.
1681 R. Knox Hist. Relation Ceylon iii. v. 83 He [sc. the King] doth not in the least give any countenance either to the Worshipper, or to the manner of worship.
1756 tr. J. G. Keyssler Trav. I. 47 The ready imitation of his [sc. Odin's] superstitious worshippers.
1794 R. J. Sulivan View of Nature I. 141 Fire, being the purest body in nature, its worshippers supposed that it ought to be honoured with the purest kind of devotion.
1828 W. Scott Fair Maid of Perth ix, in Chron. Canongate 2nd Ser. III. 247 The good father..is..already a worshipper of the Deity whom I have served.
1860 N. Brit. Rev. 32 141 The Worshipped and the worshipper are there.
1907 Classical Rev. 21 210/2 These religions distinguished in the world only one relation..—that between the worshipper and the worshipped.
1957 Glasgow Herald 25 Nov. 5/2 Disunity..is a slap in the face of Christ, delivered by those who claim to be His adoring worshippers.
1999 Fortean Times 4 July 20/3 The sky darkened..during a Catholic prayer convention attended by thousands of Catholics and worshippers of black magic, voodoo, fetish and ‘gris gris’.
b. A person engaged in, or taking part in, religious worship.
?1545 J. Bale 2nd Pt. Image Both Churches ii. xi. sig. A.v Non other is yt to prophecye ageyne in this sixt age, but thus to mete the temple, the aulter, and the worshippers therin, and to proue them in length, bredeth, heyth, and depeth.
1625 R. Horne Shield of Righteous 114 The wayes and duty of reuerend worshippers at Church, during all the time of prayer and preachings.
1650 H. Holland Expos. Comm. Revelation xi. 74 Though none (but the chief Priest) worshipped in the Temple, other worshippers stood in the Court.
1727 tr. Plutarch Lives I. 287 As to the Turning which the Worshippers are to use in divine Adoration, it is said to be in imitation of the circular motion of the World.
1761 L. Howard in Bk. Common Prayer Illustr. & Explained Pref. p. iv Forms of prayer were used by God's worshippers under the Old Testament dispensation, and by Christ himself under the New.
1825 W. Scott Talisman ix, in Tales Crusaders III. 220 Did you, or did you not, know any lady amongst that band of worshippers?
1855 T. B. Macaulay Hist. Eng. III. xiii. 252 The worshippers were dispersed, beaten, and pelted with snowballs.
1914 J. Mackay Church in Highlands v. 107 Few worshippers could be got together.
1950 I. Unterman Jewish Holidays 214 On the second day of Passover..a lump of salt is given to each worshipper in the Tripoli synagogues.
2015 Church Times 26 June 23/2 Minimising repetition..undermines the function of a text to ingrain and embed Christian truths in the lives of worshippers.
2. A person who regards someone or something with feelings akin to religious worship; a devotee. Often with of, genitive, or modifying word indicating the object of devotion or adoration.beauty-worshipper, Mammon-worshipper, wine-worshipper, woman-worshipper, etc.: see the first element; men-worshipper: see man n.1 Compounds 4b. See also hero-worshipper n., heroine-worshipper n., etc.
the mind > emotion > love > [noun] > one who loves > devotee
c1450 (a1400) Orologium Sapientiæ in Anglia (1888) 10 385 (MED) Also ȝee [read þe] devoute worschepers & disciples of euer-lastynge wisdame mowen..euery daye saye or rede þe schorte seruyse of þat wisdam þat is writen in latyne to clerkes.
c1475 tr. C. de Pisan Livre du Corps de Policie (Cambr.) (1977) 45 (MED) She..is the preysar and worchyppar of connyng and vndirstonding.
1564 T. Harding Answere to Iuelles Chalenge xiv. f. 152v Least we shuld seme to be worshippers of creatures and of matters, as of golde, syluer, stones, woodde, and of such other the like thinges.
1572 G. Fenton tr. E. Pasquier Monophylo ii. f. 15v They might haue chosen many matters of much more worthynesse, than to become vaine worshippers of transitorie ydols.
1647 A. Cowley Mistresse 10 Thou sit'st, and dost not see, nor smell, nor hear Thy constant zealous worshipper.
1788 W. Crowe Lewesdon Hill 3 And, vested so, Thou dost appear more gracefully array'd Than Fashion's worshippers.
1792 J. Almon Anecd. Life W. Pitt (octavo ed.) I. xx. 331 Notwithstanding the state of modern depravity, Truth will continue to have her worshippers.
1829 E. Bulwer-Lytton Devereux I. ii. v. 197 A worshipper of the ‘Glass of Fashion’, rather than of ‘the Mould of Form.’
1855 T. B. Macaulay Hist. Eng. IV. xvii. 85 Sarsfield was..too honourable a gentleman to abuse his immense power over the minds of his worshippers.
1874 J. Parker Paraclete i. vii. 108 The worshippers of Intellect may not know that they are worshippers of God under another name.
1927 Amer. Mercury Nov. 346/1 Large windows with sills so low that the devout worshippers may watch the license tags on every automobile that passes.
1991 Harper's Mag. Jan. 72/3 The power worshipers and influence peddlers of Washington, D.C.
2012 Independent 14 Aug. 21/2 When money-making has briefly been forgotten, not a word of concern has been uttered by the dead-eyed worshippers of profit.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2017; most recently modified version published online December 2021).




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