

单词 working arrangement

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working arrangement
a. General attributive (chiefly in sense 3), as working age, working arrangement, working conditions, working method, working practice, etc.
1588 J. Harvey Discoursiue Probl. conc. Prophesies Ep. Ded. sig. A4 [New prophecies which] feede the working humor of busie and tumultuous heads, continually affecting some innouation, or other.
1633 W. Prynne Histrio-mastix i. 256 He that hath no working time, tis equall he should have no dancing time.
a1681 R. Allestree 40 Serm. (1684) I. iv. 62 We..have bin unfruitful under the whole latitude of all thy working methods.
1719 D. Defoe Life Robinson Crusoe 83 The working Part of this Day.
1783 Let. 1 Oct. in Jrnl. House of Commons (1792) XLVII. 372/2 The Working Time that is now lost in making up the Bundles.
1821 R. Owen Rep. to County of Lanark 46 These new farming and general working arrangements may be formed by one, or any number of landed proprietors, or large capitalists.
1841 C. Dickens Old Curiosity Shop i. xxxv. 290 I'm in a working humour now,..so don't disturb me if you please.
1858 R. W. Emerson Eloquence in Atlantic Monthly Sept. 389/2 The solid result depends on a few men with working talent.
1863 P. Barry Dockyard Econ. 218 The working system of the Thames Company is contract between owner and ship~builder.
1904 Windsor Mag. June 16/1 A simple working arrangement is usual based on a percentage division of the gross receipts between the two.
1912 Nature 26 Dec. 460/1 Formulæ and tables selected from the working methods of practical photographers.
1946 ‘G. Orwell’ in Partisan Rev. Summer 321 There is resentment against long hours and bad working conditions.
1970 New Yorker 29 Aug. 45/1 Jews and pagans would never get to Heaven, with the exception of..Moses, who had a close working arrangement with Allah.
1986 Financial Times 4 July i. 8/7 Companies..had introduced flexible working practices.
1991 Economist 3 Aug. 37/3 In the first quarter of the next century the number of people of working age will start to decline. At the same time the number of old people will be increasing.
2004 Dog & Kennel Aug. 19/3 In a working environment..the dogs practically self-train.
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