

单词 writing-desk

> as lemmas

1. An article of furniture for a library, study, church, school, or office, the essential feature of which is a table, board, or the like, intended to serve as a rest for a book, manuscript, writing-paper, etc., while reading or writing, for which purpose the surface usually presents a suitable slope.
The name is applied to articles differing greatly in details of construction and in accessories, according to their particular purpose, which is often indicated by a qualification, as litany-desk, music-desk, prayer-desk, school-desk, writing-desk, etc. See also reading desk n. at reading n.1 Compounds 3.It may be a simple table, board, or shelf fixed at a convenient height for resting a book, etc., while reading or writing, or fitted on a small frame so as to be placed on a table, or upon a taller frame, with legs, etc., so as itself to stand on the floor, or it may be more or less elaborately provided with shelves for books, and with drawers and receptacles for papers, documents, etc., such as are required for use in a library, study, school, or office.
a. As a requisite for reading or writing on, or studying at.
society > inhabiting and dwelling > inhabited place > a building > furniture and fittings > desk > [noun]
book desk1686
partners' desk1925
partners' pedestal desk1930
c1405 (c1395) G. Chaucer Franklin's Tale (Hengwrt) (2003) l.420 At Orliens in Studie a book he say Of Magyk naturel, which his felawe..Hadde prively vp on his desk [v.r. deske] ylaft.
c1440 Promptorium Parvulorum 299 Leterone or lectorne, deske, lectrinum, etc.
a1500 Orol. Sap. in Anglia X. 356 Lenynge hym vpon a deske.
1581 R. Mulcaster Positions v. 34 Incke & paper..a deske & a dustboxe will set them both vp [i.e. a scholar to learn to draw as well as to write].
1594 H. Plat Jewell House 38 You must have a deske of the cleerest and evenest glasse that is to be bought..Upon this Deske you must fasten the patterne at the foure endes with a little wax.
1615 J. Stephens Ess. & Characters (new ed.) 333 Lawyers Clarke..Hee doth relye upon his maisters practise, large indentures, and a deske to write upon.
1666 S. Pepys Diary 23 Jan. (1974) VIII. 25 I observed the Deske which he hath to remove, and is fastened to one of the armes of his Chayre.
1711 R. Steele Spectator No. 109. ⁋5 He sits with one Hand on a Desk writing.
1785 J. Boswell Jrnl. Tour Hebrides 17 Aug. 41 [Johnson:] Composing a Dictionary requires books and a desk. You can make a poem walking in the fields, or lying in bed.
1839 C. Dickens Nicholas Nickleby ii. 6 Nickleby closed an account-book which lay on his desk.
1842 Ld. Tennyson Audley Court in Poems (new ed.) II. 44 Oh! who would cast and balance at a desk, Perch'd like a crow upon a three-legg'd stool?
1847 Ld. Tennyson Princess ii. 28 To Lady Psyche's:..There sat along the forms,..A patient range of pupils; she herself Erect behind a desk of satin-wood.
1850 Ld. Tennyson In Memoriam cxxvi. 198 To cramp the student at his desk . View more context for this quotation
1872 J. Morley Voltaire iii. 104 He seems to have usually passed the whole day at his desk.
b. As a repository for writing materials, letters, etc., as well as for writing on. In modern use often a portable box or case opening so as to present a sloping surface.
1548 T. Cooper Bibliotheca Eliotæ (rev. ed.) Pluteus..a littell holowe deske lyke a coffer, whereupon men do write.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Comedy of Errors (1623) iv. i. 103 In the Deske That's couer'd o're with Turkish Tapistrie, There is a purse of Duckets. View more context for this quotation
1626 F. Bacon Sylua Syluarum §658 Some..for Tables, Cupboards and Desks, as Walnuts.
1692 J. Washington tr. J. Milton Def. People Eng. Pref. p. xv Your Boxes and Desks, stufft with nothing but Trifles.
1720 A. Pope Let. 1 May (1960) 154 I have been obliged to leave unfinished in my desk the heads of two essays.
1866 A. Trollope Belton Estate II. vii. 193 She got out her desk and prepared herself for her letter.
1895 N.E.D. at Desk Mod. The prisoner had forced the desk open and taken the money out of it.
c. In early use, applied also to a shelf, case, or press, on or in which books stand in a library or study. Obsolete.
society > communication > book > receptacle for books > [noun] > bookcase
book unit1901
c1400 Promptorium Parvulorum 120 Deske, pluteum.
1483 Cath. Angl. 97 A Deske; pluteus [a book-shelf, book-case, desk].]
a1552 J. Leland Itinerary (1710) I. 46 At the Toppe of every Square was a Desk ledgid to set Bookes on Bookes on Cofers withyn them.
1557 T. North tr. A. de Guevara Diall Princes Gen. Prol. f. Aiij One that for his pastime is set round with deskes of bookes.
1669 Hackett Let. in R. Willis & J. W. Clark Archit. Hist. Univ. Cambr. (1886) II. 554 Expended..upon the College Library, either for bookes, or desques.
1717 G. Berkeley Jrnls. Trav. Italy 7 Jan. in Wks. (1955) VII. 245 The books are all contained in desks or presses whose backs stand to the wall. These desks are all low, of an equal height so that the highest books are within reach without the least straining.
extracted from deskn.
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