

单词 by reflection

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by reflection
a. The action of a mirror or other smooth or polished surface in reflecting an image; the fact or phenomenon of an image being produced in this way. Frequently in by reflection.
the world > matter > light > reflection > [noun] > reproducing an image
a1439 J. Lydgate Fall of Princes (Bodl. 263) i. 5654 (MED) And be reflexioun, myd off the watir briht Hym thouhte he sauh a passyng fair ymage.
c1450 (?c1408) J. Lydgate Reson & Sensuallyte (1901) 5757 (MED) This wel most royall Was y-pavyd with cristall, Shewyng by refleccion Al the estris environ.
1566 W. Painter tr. O. Landi Delectable Demaundes f. 43 The Image sene in a glasse doth represent it self to our visible sight very slenderly, and by a certaine reflection.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Julius Caesar (1623) i. ii. 55 The eye sees not it selfe but by reflection, By some other things. View more context for this quotation
1653 H. More Antidote against Atheisme iii. xiii. 160 Reflexion makes the images more dim then direct sight.
1725 M. Hole Pract. Disc. Charity 331 His Eye could not bear a direct and immediate Vision of divine Objects, he could only see some Glympses of them by Reflection.
1749 tr. M.-C. D'Aulnoy Coll. Novels & Tales of Fairies (ed. 4) III. 116 A River by a Wood's Side; the pleasing Sight of which redoubling itself in the Reflection of the Water, made an agreeable Landskip.
1799 W. Render Robbers iv. vi. 121 Did I not see..some stolen tears fall into the wine..? Yes! I saw it—by the reflection from the mirror, I saw it with my own eyes.
1809 S. T. Coleridge Friend 10 Aug. 42 Occasioning us at first to mistake Images of Reflection for Substances.
1832 D. Brewster Lett. Nat. Magic ii. 33 The image was as distinct and perfect as if it had been formed by reflexion from a piece of mirror glass.
1860 J. Tyndall Glaciers of Alps i. xv. 101 In its blue depths each ice mass doubled itself by reflection.
1922 T. M. Lowry Inorg. Chem. xix. 208 Some crystals possess no plane and no centre of symmetry; when reflected in a mirror they show an image of opposite form,..just as a right hand gives a left hand by reflection in a mirror.
1982 P. Benchley Girl of Sea of Cortez viii. 85 His grin distorted by reflection into a gargoyle's leer.
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