

单词 by post

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by (the) post
P3. by (the) post: † (a) by courier; via relays of post-horses (obsolete); (b) by the public postal service, through the post office.See also by return of (†the) post at return n. Phrases 7, per post at per prep. 3c.
society > communication > correspondence > postal services > [adverb] > by post
per post1477
by (the) post1513
society > communication > correspondence > postal services > [adverb] > by post > by relays of horses
by (the) post1513
1513 E. Howard in H. Ellis Orig. Lett. Eng. Hist. (1846) 3rd Ser. I. 148 For Godds sake sende by post all along the coste that they brew bere, and make bisket.
1513 Queen Katherine in H. Ellis Orig. Lett. Eng. Hist. (1846) 3rd Ser. I. 152 Maister Almoner I receyved your Lettre by the post, Wherby I understande of the commyng hider of the Duc.
1545 in State Papers Henry VIII (1836) V. 496 We doubte not Your Lordship will take ordre for his passage by post, as apperteyneth.
1583 T. Stocker tr. Tragicall Hist. Ciuile Warres Lowe Countries iii. 85 The Burrough Masters..receiued letters from his Excellencie by the Poste, who was foorthwith sent backe.
1598 R. Barckley Disc. Felicitie of Man i. 15 When he was farre from the sea, then he would eate nothing but fish brought aliue by post with an excessiue charge.
1652 T. Froysell Gale of Opportunity 20 Letters were sent by post into all the Kings Provinces to destroy, to kill and to cause to perish all Jewes both young and old.
1684 J. Ray Corr. (1848) 138 I received [your letter] by post, with the plants enclosed.
1724 R. Wodrow Corr. (1843) III. 112 If that worthy person will let me know by post or a slip, wherein I can serve him here.
?1795 H. Macneill Scotland's Scaith 16 Twice a week to Maggie's cot-house, Swith! by post the papers fled.
1843 C. Dickens Martin Chuzzlewit (1844) vii. 84 I ask you for the loan of three half-crowns... And when I add that they will be returned by post, this week, I feel that you will blame me.
1885 Act 48 Victoria c. 15 Sched. iii. Precept §11 If a letter is addressed to him by post.
1922 G. Bell Let. 4 Dec. (1927) II. xxii. 658 I sent you by post the yearly report to the S. of S., a very silly sort of Xmas present.
1993 Taste Aug. 15/3 Wild mushrooms are a speciality of Gourmet By Post..ranging from trompettes to mousserons.
extracted from postn.3
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