

单词 with the time

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with the time(s)
a. A period considered with reference to its prevailing conditions; the general state of affairs at a particular period. Usually in plural. Frequently as with the time(s), in various phrases expressing adaptation to changing circumstances.to move with the times: see move v. 20b.
the world > existence and causation > existence > state or condition > circumstance or circumstances > [noun] > at a particular time
1484 W. Caxton tr. Subtyl Historyes & Fables Esope ii. viii. f. xlvi Men say comynly that after that the tyme goth, so must folke go.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) 1 Macc. viii. C The Romaynes shal stonde by them with a good wil, acordinge as the tyme wil suffre.
1544 A. Cope Hist. Anniball & Scipio lxix. f.132 My cuntreye, frome whense I came forthe but yonge, with the tymes sometyme chaungynge to prosperitie, sometyme to aduersytie.
1561 T. Norton tr. J. Calvin Inst. Christian Relig. i. xvii. f. 64 The tymes are suche, that the faithfull can not shewe suche a sight to the weake brethren, but that they shall sore wounde their consciences.
1603 W. Shakespeare Hamlet i. v. 189 The time is out of ioynt.
1645 Directory Publique Worship 82 So far as the time will give leave.
a1646 J. Burroughes Expos. Hosea (1652) ii. v. 249 We have many now who not long since have been very vile apostates, they have gone with the times, they saw preferment went such a way, and their hearts went that way.
a1720 J. Sheffield Wks. (1753) I. 179 One whom tame fools miscal a mod'rate man; That is, a mean complyer with the times.
1758 B. Franklin Poor Richard's Almanack 8 We may make these Times better if we bestir ourselves.
1768 Flagel 12 He set out well in life in his earlier days, went with the times and turned his coat twenty times in seven years.
1803 Cobbett's Weekly Polit. Reg. 17 Sept. 396 You perceived..that the times were changed again.
1837 J. H. Newman Parochial Serm. (ed. 2) III. xii. 178 When times grew cold and unbelieving.
1845 B. Disraeli Sybil II. iv. v. 192 A disciple of Progress, who went with the times, but who took particular good care to ascertain their complexion.
1874 J. A. Symonds Sketches Italy & Greece 91 So bad was this tyranny of priests and bastards that..the Perugians regretted the troublous times of the Baglioni.
1903 Fibre & Fabric 2 May 138/3 Mr. Code believes in keeping up with the times and is installing new machinery from time to time.
1921 ‘M. Corelli’ Secret Power vii. 73 Certain people who once ‘went with the time’—and decided to stop en route, and are still at the stopping-place.
a1935 W. Holtby South Riding (1936) i. iv. 45 Times are changing, and we've got to change with them.
1982 Z. Edgell Beka Lamb i. 5 Miss Eila had explained to her Gran that times were too hard to hold a proper nine nights for Toycie.
2009 N.Y. Times (National ed.) 14 June (Business section) 2/6 In a sign of how much the times have changed, some malls even want to remove their once-vaunted roofs.
extracted from timen.int.conj.
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