

单词 but save

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but save
a. Except, with the exception of; but, except for. Frequently with additional word for emphasis, as only, alone, etc. Also in save and except, †but save. Cf. save for at sense B. 1c.
the world > relative properties > kind or sort > individual character or quality > quality of being exclusive > exclusiveness [preposition] > except or excepting
other thana1425
to set aside1610
abstracting from1614
save fora1616
aside from1818
c1330 (?c1300) Amis & Amiloun (Auch.) (1937) l. 346 For þat he was so hende & gode, Men blisced him..Saue þe steward.
c1390 (a1376) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Vernon) (1867) A. ii. l. 210 Saue Meede þe Mayden no mon dorste abyde.
c1400 Last Age of Church (1840) p. xxviii Euery lettre in þe abece may be souned wiþ opyn mouþ saue .m. lettre one.
a1425 (?a1350) Gospel of Nicodemus (BL Add. 32578) (1907) l. 482 Bedrede I lay ffourty ȝhere fully sawe two.
1450–1 Rolls of Parl.: Henry VI (Electronic ed.) Parl. Nov. 1450 §18. m. 7 The last day save oon of August.
a1500 Eng. Conquest Ireland (Rawl.) (1896) 19 Trewe frendis ne fownde he none, Sawe Robert Steuenes-Son.
1548 Hall's Vnion: Henry IV f. xxi No Chronicler saue one, maketh mencion what was the uery cause.
1617 F. Moryson Itinerary i. 77 The aforesaid boats are..covered all save the ends with black cloth.
1684 N. S. tr. R. Simon Crit. Enq. Editions Bible xxvi. 238 His Notes generally are pretty plausible,..save only when he bustles for his Religion,..Preaches, Cants and ridicules himself.
1749 H. Fielding Tom Jones III. viii. xi. 245 We spent the next Evening (save one) in London. View more context for this quotation
1796 R. Bage Hermsprong II. xv. 103 All victims of gout, save one, hitherto preserved by a true carbuncle face.
1808 G. Ellis Let. in J. G. Lockhart Mem. Life Sir W. Scott (1837) II. iv. 143 The most pleasing poem in our language—save and except one or two of Dryden's fables.
1878 W. Stubbs Constit. Hist. (ed. 2) III. xviii. 140 All that remained to England in France, save Calais, was lost.
1922 Rep. Court of Appeals Kentucky 192 256 She may have had some grounds for jealousy, but..she produced no competent evidence thereof, save and except one photograph..which she had possessed all that time.
1952 E. Wilson Lit. Chron. (1956) 107 The several heroes..seem at first to have nothing in common save the accident of all being observed by the American who is telling the story.
2004 H. Fearnley-Whittingstall River Cottage Meat Bk. xi. 304 A cassoulet needs no accompaniment, save a robust and artisanal red wine.
β. a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 17288 + 438 (MED) Alle to-geder þai whore sauf thomas of ynde allone.c1400 (?c1380) Cleanness (1920) l. 1749 Heȝest of alle oþer, saf onelych tweyne.1485 Malory's Morte Darthur (Caxton) xx. vii. sig. bbiiiv How they were alle slayne sauf hym self al only.1488 (c1478) Hary Actis & Deidis Schir William Wallace (Adv.) (1968–9) xii. l. 134 Sexte and vi xvi to ded has dycht, Bot saiff vii men at fled out of thar sycht.1530 Myroure Oure Ladye (Fawkes) (1873) ii. 178 A certayne crowne of so greate fayrenesse..that the maieste of none, safe of god alone, shulde ouer passe yt.1579 in 10th Rep. Royal Comm. Hist. MSS (1885) App. v. 430 No kynd of..tymber..salfe onely fuell of wood for fyre.c1600 Wriothesley's Chron. Eng. (1875) I. 86 All the lightes of waxe in every church to be taken downe, saffe onely the roode-loft light.a1614 J. Melville Autobiogr. & Diary (1842) p. xl He callit on his childring, quho wer all thair, saiff ane.
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