

单词 with mischance!

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with mischance!
a. In exclamations and imprecations, esp. with mischance!: ‘confound it!’ Also how mischance——?: ‘how the devil——?’ Obsolete.
the mind > language > malediction > oaths > [interjection] > oaths other than religious or obscene
how mischance——?c1330
with mischance!c1330
by my hoodc1374
by my sheath1532
by the mouse-foot1550
what the (also a) goodyear1570
bread and salt1575
by Jove1575
in (good) truly1576
by these hilts1598
by the Lord Harry1693
by the pody cody1693
by jingo!1694
by jing!1786
I snore1790
by the hokey1825
shiver my timbers1834
by the (great) horn spoon1842
upon my Sam1879
for goodness' sake1885
for the love of Mike1896
by the hokey fiddle1922
c1330 (?c1300) Guy of Warwick (Auch.) 2533 Ȝif ich Gij mete may, Wiþ meschaunce y schal him gret.
c1390 G. Chaucer Manciple's Tale 11 Is that a cook of Londoun, with meschaunce?
c1390 G. Chaucer Man of Law's Tale 602 God yeue hym meschaunce.
a1425 (c1385) G. Chaucer Troilus & Criseyde (1987) iv. 1362 Or how, meschaunce, sholde I dwelle there?
a1425 (?a1400) G. Chaucer Romaunt Rose (Hunterian) 7579 What? welcome with myschaunce now!
c1475 Advice to Lovers in J. O. Halliwell Select. Minor Poems J. Lydgate (1840) 34 (MED) She..hir husband disceyvethe, allas! meschaunce!
a1529 J. Skelton Magnyfycence (?1530) sig. Biii God gyue you a very myschaunce.
?1536 Jack Upland in W. W. Skeat Chaucerian & Other Pieces (1897) 203 Than so shulde they be better than Christ himselfe, with miscaunce!
1594 (a1555) D. Lindsay Hist. Squyer Meldrum l. 506, in Wks. (1931) I. 159 Bot Talbartis Hors, with ane mischance, He outterit, and to ryn was laith.
extracted from mischancen.
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