

单词 with menaces

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with menaces
a. A declaration or indication of hostile intention, or of a probable evil or catastrophe; a threat. Now chiefly Law, except in with menaces (somewhat literary).The Larceny Act of 1861 made it a criminal offence to demand money ‘with Menaces’, and the phrase has been used in subsequent Acts dealing with similar offences.
the world > action or operation > harm or detriment > danger > threat or threatening > [noun]
Mau Mau1970
the world > action or operation > harm or detriment > danger > threat or threatening > [noun] > a threat
c1300 Childhood Jesus (Laud) 1341 in C. Horstmann Altengl. Legenden (1875) 1st Ser. 45 (MED) Non of heom ne hadde no space To par fourmi heore manace.
1344 Petition (P.R.O.) cxcii. 9580 Jon ne dorste neuereft come in to þat contreie..vor drede of deþ, vor þe luþere manaces of life & of lime..þt þe vorseid misdoeres dude jon.
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) iii. 1832 (MED) He bad hem trete, And stinte of the manaces grete.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) 1834 (MED) For quils þat godd þam raght his grace, Littel roght þam of his manance [v.rr. manace].
?c1450 Life St. Cuthbert (1891) 5032 He had mare drede of his trespas þan of þe Erlis manas.
1484 W. Caxton tr. Subtyl Historyes & Fables Esope ii. xvi. 54 Somme maken grete menaces whiche haue no myghte.
1523 Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Cronycles I. cccxxvii. 207 b Suche wordes and manasshes abasshed greatly ye cardynals.
1565 T. Stapleton tr. Bede Hist. Church Eng. i. vii. f. 17v Saynt Albane..litle heeded the menacies [L. minas] of the Prince.
1584 R. Scot Discouerie Witchcraft ix. vii. 176 They stand in more awe of the manacies of a witch, than of all the threatnings..pronounced by God.
1608 W. Shakespeare King Lear ii. 141 Menaces and maledictions against King and nobles. View more context for this quotation
1637 T. Nabbes Hannibal & Scipio ii. iv If Syphax Should againe suffer Scipio's menacies To fright his weaknesse out of this resolve!
1664 H. More Modest Enq. Myst. Iniquity 281 Those powerful and affrightful words of Excommunication, that Menace of committing men to Hell-fire.
1682 N. O. tr. N. Boileau-Despréaux Lutrin iii. 134 And scorn their proudest braves, their stern Menaces! [rhyme faces].
1736 J. Kelly Fall of Bob i. 5 In Price, does Cow-heel rise; or Gibraltar, Does Spain demand, with Menaces of War?
1752 C. Lennox Female Quixote I. x. 50 You must also..appear before me again, pursue me to my Chamber, and use the most brutal Menaces to me.
1768 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. III. 120 A menace alone, without a consequent inconvenience, makes not the injury.
1821 Ld. Byron Marino Faliero (2nd issue) iv. i. 103 What means this menace?
1867 J. A. Froude Short Stud. (1883) IV. i. ix. 106 The fierce menace was delivered amidst frowning groups of..nobles.
1902 J. Conrad Heart of Darkness iii As though an animated image of death..had been shaking its hand with menaces at a motionless crowd of men.
1931 Morning Post 18 Feb. 5/1 The two men..could not be tried now on the charge of uttering a letter demanding money with menaces, as in both cases there were the same letters and substantially the same acts.
1990 D. Rutherford Game of Sudden Death (BNC) 317 The driver of the Vauxhall had got out of her car and was advancing with menaces.
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