

单词 with all respect

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with all (due, great, etc.) respect
e. Used parenthetically, or to preface a remark; originally as a simple expression of deference, later (now chiefly) to introduce an expression of disagreement or a dissenting view. Frequently more fully as with all (due, great, etc.) respect; also with to.
the mind > attention and judgement > esteem > respect > [phrase] > with respect
save (a person's) reverencea1387
with (a person's) reverencea1393
saving (a person's) reverence?a1425
with all (due, great, etc.) respect1614
the mind > attention and judgement > testing > attestation, witness, evidence > qualification > [adverb] > with respect
sir-reverence of1575
save (a person's) reverence1596
with all (due, great, etc.) respect1614
1614 R. Tailor Hogge hath lost Pearle i. sig. Bv With all respect Sir, pray commaund my house.
1702 tr. M.-C. d'Aulnoy Mem. Court France ii. 228 To believe that Ecclesiasticks ought to have the same extent of freedom, was a thing, with all due Respect to his Father Confessor, he could never be perswaded off.
1813 Ld. Donoughmore Let. 8 Dec. in H. Grattan Misc. Wks. (1822) 334 To the first of these propositions I answer, with great respect, that I cannot recognize the utility..of receiving instructions from the petitioners themselves.
1826 M. R. Mitford Our Village II. 207 [My greyhound] is sliding her snake-like head into my hand, at once to invite the caress which she likes so well, and to intimate with all due respect that it is time to go home.
1852 Times 25 Nov. 6/5 The Lord Chancellor..said that, with all respect to the decision of the learned Judge in the court below, he could not, after mature consideration, agree with it.
1861 N. P. Banks Let. 16 June in Official Rec. Union & Confederate Navies War of Rebellion (U.S. Naval War Rec. Office) (1880) 1st Ser. II. ix. 690 With respect I submit these considerations to you, and remain your obliged and obedient servant.
1923 C. Mackenzie Parson's Progress xviii. 257 With all respect to the gentleman at the back of the hall who passed that remark, I tell him that if you think you can do anything with your review.., you're mistaken.
1940 C. Brooks Jrnl. 2 Feb. (1998) 263 At one point Arthur said, ‘With great respect, Mr Prime Minister, I must say I think your policy invites aggression.’
1977 Church Times 22 July 10/1 It is, with the greatest respect to His Grace, very little use to say that the book has ‘caused more hubbub than it is worth’.
1980 J. Follett Churchill's Gold ii. i. 86 With respect, admiral, we should not be building boats for any other purpose than for sinking enemy shipping.
2004 V. N. McIntyre Duty, Honor, Redempt. 224 Ambassador, with all due respect—that explanation is getting pretty stale!
extracted from respectn.int.
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