

单词 within or out of compass

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within or out of compass
2. ‘Moderate space, moderation, due limits’ (Johnson); esp. in within or out of compass: i.e. within or beyond the bounds of moderation. Obsolete exc. dialect.[Possibly arising out of the sense ‘measure’, but certainly related also to sense A. 9 ]
the world > relative properties > kind or sort > individual character or quality > quality of being special or restricted in application > quality of being restricted or limited > [noun] > limit > due limits
1579 L. Tomson tr. J. Calvin Serm. Epist. S. Paule to Timothie & Titus 59/2 We cannot bring our selues in compasse vnder it, vnlesse God draws vs to it.
1579 L. Tomson tr. J. Calvin Serm. Epist. S. Paule to Timothie & Titus 133/1 Wee haue need of some order and bridle, to hold vs within our compasse.
1612 J. Davies Discouerie Causes Ireland 200 In that space of time, which was betweene the tenth yeare of king Edward the second, and the 30. yeare of King Edward the third (I speak within compasse)..all the old English Colonies..became degenerat.
1615 G. Sandys Relation of Journey 61 I should not speake much out of compasse, should I say as large as a bushell.
1632 P. Heylyn Augustus 166 To keepe these [malecontents] in compasse, Avgvstvs..constituted a Provost of the Citie.
1701 J. Collier tr. Marcus Aurelius Conversat. with Himself 179 Which..keeps those Things which Decay from running out of Compass.
1741 S. Richardson Pamela III. xxxvii. 354 I must keep within Compass.
1887 T. Darlington Folk-speech S. Cheshire To ‘speak i' compass’ is to speak within limits, to speak guardedly.
extracted from compassn.1adj.adv.
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