

单词 white arsenic

> as lemmas

white arsenic
c. More fully white arsenic. The highly toxic compound arsenic trioxide, As2O3, a white solid used as a poison (see sense 1d) and (esp. formerly) medicinally; see arsenic trioxide n. at Compounds 2.
the world > physical sensation > use of drugs and poison > poison > [noun] > mineral poison > arsenic
poison flour1839
the world > matter > chemistry > elements and compounds > metals > specific elements > arsenic > [noun] > compounds
yellow arsenic1598
arsenic glass1738
arsenious oxide1809
hydrogen arsenide1868
?a1425 tr. Guy de Chauliac Grande Chirurgie (N.Y. Acad. Med.) f. 34v (MED) Arsnec sublimed [L. arsenicum sublimatum] and preperate, who kon wele lede it, opteneþ þe principaltee.
?a1425 tr. Guy de Chauliac Grande Chirurgie (N.Y. Acad. Med.) 141 (MED) A sharp medicyne made wiþ calce [?c1425 Paris quyklyme] & sope or arsenic dissolued with som liquour.
1562 W. Ward tr. G. Ruscelli 3rd Pt. Secretes Alexis of Piemont i. f. 55 Take halfe an vnce of copper, thre quarters of an vnce of whyte Arsenick [L. arsenicum album].
1605 T. Tymme tr. J. Du Chesne Pract. Chymicall & Hermeticall Physicke i. vii. 26 White sublimate and arsnic..foster and hide most burning and deadly fire.
1636 W. Davenant Witts iii. sig. F2 An ounce of Arsnick to mixe in thy Aunts Caudels.
1675 News fr. Ring-Cross 3 Another time putting white Arsenick into her broth.
1728 E. Chambers Cycl. (at cited word) White and Yellow Arsenic are also procurable from cobalt.
1788–9 G. S. Howard New Royal Encycl. I. 224/2 White arsenic, or arsenic strictly so called..is a most violent poison to all animals.
1813 H. Davy Elements Agric. Chem. ii. 43 Arsenic..may be procured by heating the powder of common white arsenic of the shops strongly in a Florence flask with oil.
1863 H. Watts Dict. Chem. I. 374 The Tyrolese peasants are said to swallow arsenic in considerable quantities.
1877 H. E. Roscoe & C. Schorlemmer Treat. Chem. (1881) I. 516 White arsenic or the trioxide is first distinctly spoken of by Geber, who states that he obtained it by roasting the sulphide of arsenic.
1940 G. H. J. Adlam & L. S. Price Higher School Certificate Inorg. Chem. (ed. 2) xlii. 412 In popular literature, arsenious oxide, As2O3, is generally called arsenic, sometimes white arsenic.
2012 D. Wilson Mary Ann Cotton (2013) iii. 94 Murder through using white arsenic became so commonplace that people joked about white powdering their enemies.
extracted from arsenicn.
white arsenic
white arsenic n. see arsenic n. 1c.
extracted from whiteadj.adv.n.
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