

单词 whoa ho

whoa hoint.n.

Brit. /ˌwəʊ ˈhəʊ/, U.S. /ˌ(h)woʊ ˈhoʊ/

α. 1500s–1600s 1800s– wo ho, 1600s 1900s– whoa hoe, 1800s who ho, 1800s wo hoh, 1800s– whoa ho, 1800s– whoa hoa, 1800s– woa ho, 1800s– woa hoa.

β. 1800s wo ha.

Also with reduplication of the second element, occasionally with additional vowel variation, as

α. 1500s wo ho how, 1600s whoa ho hoa.

β. 1600s wo ha ho.

Origin: Formed within English, by compounding. Etymons: whoa int., ho int.1, ho int.2
Etymology: < whoa int. + ho int.1 or ho int.2In β. forms with alteration of the second element after ha int. With the final element of the form wo ho how compare how int.1
A. int.
1. Used to attract attention, esp. from a distance; spec. used as a falconer's call to a hawk. Obsolete.Recorded earliest in reduplicated form.
1575 G. Turberville Bk. Faulconrie 129 Whyles your hawke is vpon the lewre, go aboute hir fayre and softly, lewring and crying: wó hó hó, as Falconers vse.
1588 ‘M. Marprelate’ Oh read ouer D. Iohn Bridges: Epist. 36 Wohohow, brother London, do you remember Thomas Allen?
1599 ‘T. Cutwode’ Caltha Poetarum sig. D7v Come bird com..come to me With so ho ho, and wo ho ho cries she.
1600 W. Shakespeare Merchant of Venice v. i. 39 Clowne. Sola, sola: wo ha, ho sola, sola. View more context for this quotation
1606 G. Chapman Gentleman Vsher v. sig. H3 Ile rush vpon them With a most hideous cry, the Duke, the Duke, the Duke, Ha, ha, ha, wo ho, come againe I say.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Merry Wives of Windsor (1623) v. v. 174 Whoa hoe, hoe, Father Page. View more context for this quotation
a1616 W. Shakespeare Winter's Tale (1623) iii. iii. 76 He hallow'd but euen now. Whoa-ho-hoa . View more context for this quotation
1802 European Mag. & London Rev. Feb. 102/2 Hearing one night a rat scratch against the vessel's side, he ran upon deck in his shirt to proclaim it to the sailors, calling out with a joyful tone of voice, ‘Whoa! hoa! hoa! a rat! a rat!’
1829 W. Scott Anne of Geierstein II. v. 161 A woodcock sprung from some bushes, and the young lady threw off her merlin in pursuit. ‘Sa ho—sa ho—wo ha!’ hollowed the falconer.
1833 G. P. R. James Mary of Burgundy II. 33 ‘So ho! woa ho!’ cried the falconer, with a loud whistle: ‘he will make his point yet, your Grace.’
2. Used as a command to a horse or other draft animal to stop or stand still, or to a person to stop or desist; = whoa int. 1.
the world > movement > absence of movement > do not move [interjection] > command to stop > specific to animals
whoa ho1802
1802 G. Colman Poor Gentleman (new ed.) i. i. 9 Woho! old Argus and Jolly, there!
1839 C. Dickens Nicholas Nickleby vi. 41Wo ho!’ cried the guard,..running to the leaders' heads.
1872 A. C. Steele Broken Toys iv. 14/1Whoa, ho ! Now get up, can't you? Stand over!’ Dick cried, making his voice as fierce as he could.
1921 E. Œ. Somerville & ‘M. Ross’ Enthusiast xxi. 187 Come along, mare, if you jump half as big as he did you'll do!.. Good! We did that all right! Wo-ho, my pet!
1933 tr. Das Steckenpferd in German Q. 6 15 Whoa, ho, heed! Stop my fiery steed.
1969 H. Orton & P. M. Tilling Surv. Eng. Dial. III. i. 190 When you want your (plough-)horses to stop, what do you say?.. [Leicestershire] Wo ho.
2007 Rural Heritage Winter 25/1 The same voice once stopped an entire eight-team logging operation for a few seconds when he hollered his familiar, ‘Whoa Ho!’ Every horse in the wood stopped at the command intended for his own eager team.
3. Used to express pleasure, surprise, interest, etc. Cf. whoa int. 2.
1868 Bentley's Misc. Dec. 16 Rolling in money, Charley says... Whoa, ho, boy!
1887 Donahoe's Monthly Mag. May 480Whoa! ho!’ he said, as his hat was lifted from his head [by the wind].
1915 Badminton Mag. Sept. 15/1Whoa-ho!’ said O'Hara. ‘You're married after all, I can see.’
1989 W. Barnhardt Emma who saved My Life (1998) 26 Lisa, always good to see you—and whoa hoa hoa, this must be the new boy!
1998 A. Hollinghurst Spell (1999) i. 9Wo-ho! And you lived to tell the tale?’
2015 M. Meyerhoff Introducing Sociolinguistics x. 212 ‘What's your research on?’.. ‘Language and sex,’ I replied. ‘Whoa-ho,’ she said, ‘You must have them lining up to supervise you.’
B. n.
An utterance of ‘whoa ho’.
the mind > mental capacity > expectation > surprise, unexpectedness > [noun] > cause of surprise > expression of surprise
whoa ho1622
my conscience!1817
suffering cat!1869
1622 M. Drayton 2nd Pt. Poly-olbion xx. 19 With many a Wo ho ho, and iocond Lure againe.
1859 ‘G. Eliot’ Adam Bede I. i. xii. 235 There was a great deal of strong language, mingled with soothing ‘who-ho's’ while the leg was examined.
1937 Blackwood's Mag. July 113/1 Jupe pulled up the horse and uttered a ringing ‘Whoa-hoa!’.
2002 B. Stackhouse Hickory, Dickory vi. 70 Martin sailed his first dart straight into the bull's-eye..and received a clamor of whoa hos and wows.


whoa hoing n. Obsolete
1863 Trans. Hawick Archaeol. Soc. 28/1 The pony..showed symptoms of insubordination.., which Robbie was too impatient to curb or soothe by the ordinary process of wo-hoing.
1885 H. R. Haggard Witch's Head iii. 65 Presently from the stables there arose a sound of kicking, plunging, and wohohing impossible to describe.
1901 S. F. Bullock Irish Pastorals 108 The Master yoked a horse to the slipe,..and with much bustle and wo-hoing fell to gathering in the long yellow rows.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2016; most recently modified version published online December 2021).




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