

单词 who does what?

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who does what?
(c) who does what?: which person will do which task?; hence (as modifier) designating discussion about the allocation of roles, esp. a demarcation dispute about members of which trade union will do a certain job.
1922 H. Walpole Cathedral ii. iii. 194 But who's going to decide who does what?.. We're not much in the sewing line.
1960 Guardian 13 Sept. 3/2 A who-does-what dispute between the Amalgamated Engineering Union and the Electrical Trades Union.
1962 Economist 13 Oct. 118/1 The squabble over who-does-what.
1992 Independent 8 July 19/5 To do this..will need careful career planning and a renegotiation of the ‘who does what’ element of the partnership contract.
2011 Atlantic Nov. 44/3 The American family circa 2011 is, after all, an acutely self-conscious and self-interrogating unit: How does one ‘parent?’ Who does what, which ‘role’?
extracted from whopron.n.
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