

单词 wild mallow

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wild mallow
1. (Formerly also plural, with singular agreement.) Originally (more fully common mallow, wild mallow, or field mallow): a common European plant of waysides and waste places, Malva sylvestris, with showy, deeply notched, rose-purple flowers, widespread in Britain. Later more widely (frequently with distinguishing word, as curled, dwarf, musk-mallow, etc.): any of various plants of the genus Malva, characteristically having palmately divided leaves and flowers in various shades of purple. Also (with distinguishing word): any of various plants of the same family, Malvaceae (French, Indian, tree mallow, etc.), or (rare) otherwise thought to resemble a mallow in appearance or consistency (Jew's mallow: see Jew n.).
the world > plants > particular plants > plants and herbs > according to family > Malvaceae (mallows and allies) > [noun]
crisp mallowa1300
vervain mallow1548
cut mallow1565
dwarf mallow1578
curled mallow1620
curled-leaved mallow1754
round dock1825
mallow wort1845
crisped-leaved mallow1846
fairy cheeses1869
frog cheese1886
musk plant1898
the world > plants > particular plants > trees and shrubs > tree or shrub groups > hibiscus or mallow trees or shrubs and allies > [noun]
shrubbed mallow1597
shrubby mallow1597
shrub mallow1640
Malabar rose1818
rose of Sharon1835
cotton tree1876
eOE Bald's Leechbk. (Royal) (1865) ii. xvi. 194 Leahtric & mealwan & hænne flæsc.
eOE Bald's Leechbk. (Royal) (1865) ii. xxiv. 214 Eft wildre mealwan seawes þry lytle bollan fullan.
OE Antwerp Gloss. (1955) 11 Malua, maluwe uel geormenleaf.
a1300 in T. Wright & R. P. Wülcker Anglo-Saxon & Old Eng. Vocab. (1884) I. 559/3 Malua, malue.
a1425 J. Wyclif Sel. Eng. Wks. (1871) II. 194 It growiþ to a tree, as done malues in sum contre.
c1450 Med. Recipes (BL Add. 33996) in F. Heinrich Mittelengl. Medizinbuch (1896) 151 Tak bausones grece, wylde malwe..& pimpernel.
a1475 Liber Cocorum (Sloane) (1862) 47 Redde nettel crop and malues grene.
1570 T. Tusser Hundreth Good Pointes Husbandry (new ed.) f. 15 Dig Gardain, stroy malow now may ye at ease.
1580 Baret's Aluearie (rev. ed.) M 77 Mallowes, this herb groweth in gardens, and in vntilled places.
1597 J. Gerard Herball ii. 784 The wilde Mallowe hath broade leaues somewhat rounde and cornered.
1607 B. Jonson Volpone i. i. sig. Bv A thresher..dares not taste the smallest graine, But feedes on mallowes . View more context for this quotation
1611 Bible (King James) Job xxx. 4 Who cut vp mallowes by the bushes. View more context for this quotation
1611 R. Cotgrave Dict. French & Eng. Tongues at Maulve The white Mallow... The field Mallow, wild Mallow; our ordinarie Mallow.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Tempest (1623) ii. i. 150 Ant. Hee'd sow't [sc. this Isle] with Nettle-seed. Seb. Or dockes, or Mallowes . View more context for this quotation
1771 J. Robertson Jrnl. 7 June in D. M. Henderson & J. H. Dickson Naturalist in Highlands (1994) vi. 155 On the outside of the garden at Abergaldie I saw the sweet Cicely or Myrrh, Musk-mallow, common mallow, Ever-green Bugle, and Jack by the Hedge.
1783 G. Crabbe Village i. 6 Hardy and high..The slimy mallow waves her silky leaf.
1855 Ld. Tennyson Brook in Maud & Other Poems 103 Many a fairy foreland set With willow-weed and mallow.
1855 E. Smith in Orr's Circle Sci.: Org. Nature II. 117 In the Geranium and the Mallows the whole [of the stamens] are united.
1876 J. Harley Royle's Man. Materia Med. (ed. 6) 709 The Mallow is found in most parts of Europe.
a1933 J. A. Thomson Biol. for Everyman (1934) I. xx. 606 The bird flowers are usually conspicuously coloured... Good examples are to be found among the following kinds: fuchsias, mallows, aloes, tropaeolums, verbenas, honeysuckles, [etc.].
1986 J. Urquhart Whirlpool (1990) 68 Patrick was standing ankle deep in the mallows at the shore.
extracted from mallown.
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