

单词 wild horse

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wild horse
wild horse n. a horse not domesticated or broken in; esp. in phrases referring to a mode of punishment or torture (cf. quots. s.v. draw v. 8), and hence humorously with negative (see quots.); in quot. 1834 (with hyphen) rendering Dutch wildepaard as a name for the zebra.
society > authority > punishment > capital punishment > [noun] > quartering
wild horsec897
the world > animals > mammals > group Ungulata (hoofed) > family Equidae (general equines) > equus caballus or horse > [noun] > defined by general characteristics
wild horsec897
the world > animals > mammals > group Ungulata (hoofed) > family Equidae (general equines) > temperament > [noun] > not domesticated or broken in
wild horsec897
the world > animals > mammals > group Ungulata (hoofed) > family Equidae (general equines) > [noun] > equus burchellii (zebra)
wild horse1834
c897 K. Ælfred tr. Gregory Pastoral Care xli. 303 Swa swa wildu hors, ðonne we hie æresð gefangnu habbað, we hie ðacciað straciað.
c995 in Kemble Cod. Dipl. VI. 133 Hio becwið Cynelufe hyre dæl ðera wildera horsa ðe mid Eadmere synt.
a1250 Owl & Nightingale 1062 Þu naddest non oþer dom ne laȝe, Bute mid wilde horse were todraȝe.
a1400–50 Alexander 1250 Þe multitude was sa mekill..Of wees & of wild horsis [v.r. horse].
c1400 Melayne 57 He sall be hangede or oþer morne And with wylde horse be drawen.
1424 in J. Raine Wills & Inventories N. Counties Eng. (1835) I. 71 iiij Wildehorsez, ad tunc nuper tractos vel in stabulo.
c1480 (a1400) St. Placidus 318 in W. M. Metcalfe Legends Saints Sc. Dial. (1896) II. 78 Wyld hors & tayme.
c1546 in P. D. Mundy Star Chamber Proc. (1913) 36 Or ells they wolde draw hym fourth with wylde horses.
1834 T. Pringle Afr. Sketches 14 The buffalo bendeth to my yoke, The wild-horse to my rein.
1883 D. C. Murray Hearts xii After that wild horses would not have drawn him to an exculpation of himself.
1890 W. Besant Demoniac xv. 179 To have his flesh wrenched off with red-hot pincers and to be torn to pieces by wild horses.
extracted from wildadj.n.
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