

单词 whetheror

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a. Introducing a disjunctive clause (usually with correlative or) having a qualifying or conditional force, and standing in adverbial relation to the main sentence (cf. whatever pron. 1, whatever adj. 2, wherever adv. and conj. 4): whether..or = whichever of the alternative possibilities or suppositions be the case; in either of the cases mentioned; if on the one hand..and likewise if on the other hand.Sometimes repeated with each alternative (occasionally with omission of or, or substitution of and); but most frequently with ellipsis in the second alternative, the or connecting two predicates, objects, etc., or the second alternative being reduced to a simple negative or the like (or not, or otherwise, etc.; see also no adv.1 4 below).
a1250 Owl & Night. (Cotton MS.) 1360, 1362 Wummon mai pleie under cloþe Weþer [Jesus MS. hweþer] heo wile wel þe wroþe & heo mai do bi mine songe Hwaþer [Jesus MS. hweþer] heo wule wel þe wronge.
c1380 J. Wyclif Sel. Wks. I. 321 Þat þis world is beterid bi everyþing þat falliþ þerinne, where þat it be good or yvel.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Gött.) l. 10205 If þai ani child miht haue, Queþer þat it ware scho or he.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 6618 O þis watur he gert ilkan Drinc, quer he wald or [MS ar] nan.
1470–85 T. Malory Morte d'Arthur ii. v. 81 Ye shal abyde whether ye will or nyll.
1600 W. Shakespeare Midsummer Night's Dream iii. i. 145 Thou shalt remaine here, whether thou wilt or no. View more context for this quotation
1611 Bible (King James) Rom. xiv. 8 Whether [ Tindale yf] we liue, we liue vnto the Lord: and whether [ Tindale yf] wee die, we die vnto the Lord; whether [so in Tindale] wee liue therefore or die, we are the Lords. View more context for this quotation
1678 S. Butler Hudibras: Third Pt. iii. ii. 103 For Loyalty is still the same, Whether it win or lose the Game.
1733 A. Pope Ess. Man ii. 12 Alike in Ignorance, his Reason such, Whether he thinks too little, or too much.
1796 C. Burney Mem. Life Metastasio II. 389 Now I am forced to finish my letter, whether I will or no.
1818 S. T. Coleridge Friend (new ed.) I. 335 That Reason which remains always one and the same, whether it speaks through this or that person.
1857 H. T. Buckle Hist. Civilisation Eng. I. vii. 347 Whether it is fair, or whether it is wet, he pursues his labours with equal success.
extracted from whetherpron.adj.n.conj.
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