

单词 whiggamore road

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Whiggamore road
C1. Designating the raid on Edinburgh in 1648 by Covenanters from the West of Scotland, which took power from Royalist Engagers (engager n. 2) and led to the Marquis of Argyll forming a new government favourable to the English Parliamentarian forces. Chiefly in Whiggamore road, (now) Whiggamore raid.
1654 A. Johnston Let. 29 Mar. in R. Baillie Lett. & Jrnls. (1842) III. 568 Some hes maid a report..that wee wer raysing a Whigimyre road vnder Argyle.
a1657 J. Balfour Hist. Wks. (1824) III. 388 Anent the Scotts last going into England, and the Englishe, with Cromwell and Lambert, ther heir-coming at the Whiggamaire roade.
a1686 J. Turner Mem. (1829) 68 So soone as the news of our defeate [sc. of the Scots at Preston] came to Scotland, Argile and the Kirks partie rose in armes everie mothers sonne; and this was calld the Whiggamer rode.
1845 T. Carlyle in O. Cromwell Lett. & Speeches I. 359 The Whiggamore Raid, all the force of the West Country, 6,000 strong, is already there.
2013 Sc. Hist. Rev. 92 72 It was from this region that the Covenanting army of the Whiggamore raid on Edinburgh in 1648 had been drawn.
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