

单词 what while

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what while
(a) what time: (as a compound conjunction) at the time, or at any time, at which; when; whenever; while. Similarly what day, what while. Now rare (chiefly literary and regional).
J. Gaytryge Lay Folks' Catech. (York Min.) (1901) l. 65 (MED) Teche tham thair childir..What tyme so thai er of eld to lere tham.
c1475 Antichrist & Disciples in J. H. Todd Three Treat. J. Wycklyffe (1851) p. cxxiv Seynt Ion..seide what tyme he lyued þat þenne weren many antecristis.
a1500 (a1450) Generides (Trin. Cambr.) l. 4225 What tyme that eny kyng weddid shuld be..The kyng and she shuld neuer togeder mete.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) Zech. viii. 14 Like as I deuysed to punysh you, what tyme as youre fathers prouoked me vnto wrath.
1638 J. Milton Lycidas in Obsequies 21 in Justa Edouardo King What time the gray-fly winds her sultry horn.
1791 W. Cowper tr. Homer Iliad in Iliad & Odyssey I. xx. 190 What time the monster of the Deep pursued The Hero.
1861 D. G. Rossetti tr. Dante Vita Nuova in Early Ital. Poets ii. 299 It is your fickleness..makes me tremble thus What while a lady greets me with her eyes.
c1882 G. M. Hopkins Poems (1967) 93 Walked with the wind what while we slept.
1885 R. Bridges Eros & Psyche vii. ii. 79 Was the contest waged What day the Sirens with the Muses strove.
1936 W. B. Pemberton Carteret ix. 253 He and his brother were quietly mobilising their forces what time a rollicking..Carteret dictated optimistic despatches.
1945 R. Hargreaves Enemy at Gate 24 One side getting ready for the next time what-time the other as carefully and methodically prepared themselves to fight the last.
1963 Mountain Life (Berea, Kentucky) 39 ii. 53 He might declare his willingness to ‘cross hell on a rotten log fer a chanch fer to give 'er a piece o' the workin's o' his mind, er aither nuver speak to the slankin' thang agin what time breath's in his old cyarcass, one.’
extracted from whatpron.adv.int.adj.1conj.n.
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