

单词 well as

> as lemmas

well as
b. In as good, efficient, satisfactory, etc., a way as. Formerly also † well as.
the mind > goodness and badness > quality of being good > [adverb] > equally
as well asa1225
with the bestc1300
the world > relative properties > relationship > equality or equivalence > equality [phrase] > as well as (anyone)
as well asa1225
with the bestc1300
OE Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Tiber. B.iv) anno 1066 He..swor..þæt he wolde þisne þeodscype swa wel haldan swa ænig kyngc ætforan him betst dyde.
lOE Wulfstan Baptism (Corpus Cambr. 302) (1957) 173 Ealswa bealdlice se þeowa clypað & namað on his pater noster his Drihten him to fæder swa se hlaford, & seo wylen eallswa wel swa seo hlæfdige.]
a1225 (c1200) Vices & Virtues (1888) 125 Alswa wel onbuten mid-niht alswa on mid-daiȝ.
c1230 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Corpus Cambr.) (1962) 5 Þis nis nawt ibet ȝet ase wel as hit ahte.
c1300 Childhood Jesus (Laud) l. 1455 in C. Horstmann Altengl. Legenden (1875) 1st Ser. 49 Seiȝe me..ȝwi was Aleph i nemneð furst In Ebrv, and destincte hit Ase wel ase þou canst and miȝht.
a1375 (c1350) William of Palerne (1867) l. 98 Þe herdes wif..fetisliche it [sc. þat child] baþede, & wrouȝt wiþ it as wel as ȝif it were hire owne.
c1450 (?a1400) Wars Alexander (Ashm.) l. 44 And wele as Aristotill [he couth] þe artis all seuyn.
a1525 ( Coventry Leet Bk. (1907) I. 182 But neuer-the-later..he makithe cardes ther-of as well as he may.
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 831/2 As well as is possyble,..As well as can be or maye be.
1589 G. Puttenham Arte Eng. Poesie iii. xxii. 218 Certaine propheticall rymes, which might be constred two or three wayes as well as to that one whereunto the rebelles applied it.
1600 Looke about You I 1 b I see Prince Iohn coorted as well as I.
1637 J. Milton Comus 8 This is the place, as well as I may guesse.
a1640 P. Massinger & J. Fletcher Very Woman iv. i. 7 in P. Massinger 3 New Playes (1655) Ped. How hast thou sped? John. My Lord, as well as wishes.
1718 A. Ramsay Christ's-kirk on Green iii. 49 I've done my best..As well's I may.
1794 W. Anderson Piper of Peebles 7 Fan cummers fled an' hurl'd as weel On ice, as ony vady chiel.
a1798 J. Palmer Like Master like Man (1811) I. xii. 174 I am left to rough it as well as I can.
1849 T. B. Macaulay Hist. Eng. II. vi. 74 She affected..to listen with civility while the Hydes excused their recent conduct, as well as they could.
1881 C. Phillipps-Wolley Sport in Crimea 76 I crept and ran as well as I could after my wounded game.
1924 R. M. Ogden tr. K. Koffka Growth of Mind v. §6. 293 Certain children can read mirror-writing at first just as well as they can ordinary writing.
2005 N.Y. Mag. 7 Feb. 53/1 (caption) This roller ball writes as well as any fountain pen.
extracted from welladv.n.4
as lemmas




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