

单词 weekday service

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weekday service
General attributive, as weekday clothes, weekday market, weekday morning, weekday service, etc.
1416 Lease in W. H. Stevenson Rec. Borough Nottingham (1883) II. 404 [A built messuage in the] Wykeday Market, [near the King's highway leading from the Flesschewergate to the Middle Pavement].
1446 in W. H. Stevenson Rec. Borough Nottingham (1883) II. 184 Unam shopam jacentem in le Flesshshamle in Wykday Market inter shopam Margaretae Estwayt ex parte australi.
1541 in W. H. Stevenson Rec. Borough Nottingham (1885) III. 382 Item to John Worthyngton for mendyng of the stockes at the Wekedey Crosse..ijd.
1583 in W. H. Stevenson Rec. Borough Nottingham (1889) IV. 202 Harry Welche for a shop in ye Wekeday Shambelles, due at Candylmas..ixs.
1604 S. Hieron Preachers Plea 215 (margin) Of weeke-day Lectures.
1686 R. Plot Nat. Hist. Staffs. x. 421 Their Dominicals and week-day Letters.
1733 A. Pope Of Use of Riches 17 One solid dish his week-day meal affords, An added pudding solemniz'd the Lord's.
1762 T. Secker 2nd Charge Abp. of Canterbury to Clergy of Diocese (1771) 253 Diligence..in bringing your People to the holy Communion, and where it can be, to Week-Day Prayers.
1802 W. Wordsworth in Morning Post 16 Sept. The talk Man holds with week-day man in the hourly walk Of the mind's business.
1859 ‘G. Eliot’ Adam Bede III. vi. lii. 284 He knew nothing of week-day services, and thought none the worse of the Sunday sermon, if it allowed him to sleep from the text to the blessing.
1877 A. Maclaren (title) Week-day Evening Addresses.
1891 T. Hardy Tess of the D'Urbervilles I. vii. 89 She..came down in her ordinary weekday clothes, her Sunday apparel being carefully folded in her box.
1918 in Monthly Labor Rev. (1920) Mar. 708 Week-day time in excess of 10 hours daily shall be compensated at the rate of time and one-half and Sundays double time.
1962 Pop. Mech. May 177/1 (advt.) Chevrolets! Weekday breadwinners, week-end trail blazers!
2012 B. Sehlinger Unoffic. Guide to Disneyland Paris i. 21 Saturday mornings are always much busier than weekday mornings.
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