

单词 wave-worn

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e. Instrumental, as wave-beat, wave-beaten, wave-buffeted, wave-circled, wave-cut, wave-dashed, wave-encircled, wave-eroded, wave-hollowed, wave-kissed, wave-lashed, wave-moist, wave-rusted, wave-shattered, wave-swept, wave-tossed, wave-walled, wave-washed, wave-wet, wave-whitened, wave-worn, etc. Also wave-free, wave-weary; wave erosion.
c1602 C. Marlowe tr. Ovid Elegies i. xiv. sig. B6 Such were they [sc. her locks] as Diana painted stands, All naked holding in her waue-moist hands.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Tempest (1623) ii. i. 124 He..oared Himselfe..To th' shore; that ore his waue-worne basis bowed As stooping to releeue him. View more context for this quotation
a1749 S. Boyse Vision of Patience in Poet. Wks. (1794) 345/2 On the sea-weed spray,..the wave-tos'd body lay.
1777 R. Potter tr. Æschylus Tragedies 51 The tort'ring sting Thence drove thee wand'ring o'er the wave-wash'd strand.
1810 W. Scott Lady of Lake i. 17 The shaggy mounds..wave-encircled, seemed to float.
1819 Ld. Byron Don Juan: Canto II cxcviii. 218 Amidst the barren sand and rocks so rude She and her wave-worn love had made their bower.
1843 J. R. Lowell in Pioneer Jan. 40 Stands a maiden..Musing by the wave-beat strand.
1848 E. Bulwer-Lytton King Arthur ii cvii Wave-hollow'd caves.
1854 F. W. Faber Oratory Hymns 67 Angelic songs are swelling O'er earth's green fields, and ocean's wave-beat shore.
1856 C. J. Lever Martins of Cro' Martin xxiii. 249 The dark cliffs and rugged crags, the wave-beaten rocks.
1857 C. Dickens Little Dorrit ii. xx. 493 Every wave-dashed, storm-beaten object.
1857 Ld. Dufferin Lett. from High Latitudes (ed. 3) 225 A..channel, between two wave~lashed ridges of drift ice.
1861 M. Arnold in A. A. Procter Victoria Regina 181 The wave-kiss'd marble stair.
1876 W. Morris Story of Sigurd ii. 92 So Sigurd turned to the river and stood by the wave-wet strand.
1878 O. Wilde Ravenna 14 I have wandered far From the wave-circled islands of my home.
1881 O. Wilde Poems 131 Be not afraid To leave this wan and wave-kissed shore.
1881 O. Wilde Poems 161 Some wave-shattered steep.
1885 G. K. Gilbert in 5th Ann. Rep. U.S. Geol. Surv. 1883–4 84 The submerged plateau whose area records the landward progress of littoral erosion, becomes a terrace after the formative has disappeared, and, as such, requires a distinctive name. It will be called the wave-cut terrace.
1889 W. B. Yeats Wanderings of Oisin ii. 73 And she with a wave-rusted chain was tied To two old eagles.
1892 W. B. Yeats Countess Kathleen 126 When her own people ruled in wave-worn Eri.
1894 Outing 24 92/1 The long, wave-swept margin was left to the solitude of primeval nature.
1901 Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 12 212 A looped bar or ridge of gravel and sand formed on an old wave-cut platform.
1906 T. Hardy Dynasts: Pt. 2nd i. vi. 38 The Universal-empire plot Demands the rule of that wave-walled spot.
1919 D. W. Johnson Shore Processes iv. 161 The wave-erosion features associated with the coast, shore, shoreface, and offshore, are three in number.
1924 E. Sitwell Sleeping Beauty xiv. 47 Pan, with his satyrs on the rocks Feeding their wave-weary flocks.
1929 W. B. Yeats in New Republic 2 Oct. 173/2 A bone wave-whitened and dried in the wind.
1939 W. H. Twenhofel Princ. Sedimentation ii. 30 As sea level before the rise is assumed to have been stationary, a wave-eroded surface may be expected to have developed in places.
1952 C. Day Lewis tr. Virgil Aeneid iii. 72 Over against wave-worn Plemyrium there's an island Athwart the gulf of Syracuse.
1968 R. W. Fairbridge Encycl. Geomorphol. 133/1 Coasts made irregular by wave erosion are less common.
1974 C. Taylor Fieldwork in Medieval Archaeol. iv. 60 On the valley sides above the dam is ridge and furrow which ends just above the slight wave-cut platform which still marks the former edge of the water in the lake.
1979 United States 1980–1 (Penguin Travel Guides) 611 Cruising on these wave-free waterways is relaxing.
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