

单词 ways and crafts

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ways and crafts
b. In collocation with mean n.3 3a(a), esp. in means and ways and, most commonly, way and means (see ways and means n.). In early use also in similar collocations with other nouns, as †ways and crafts, †ways and grounds, etc., and with related adjectives, as mean way (see mean adj.2 4), way moyen (see moyen adj. 1).
the world > action or operation > advantage > usefulness > use (made of things) > instrumentality > [noun] > ways and means
ways and groundsc1400
ways and means1433
way and meanc1475
c1400 Bk. to Mother (Bodl.) 111 (MED) What..is more opene folie..þan..bisiliche trauele wiþ gretter cost to knowe oþer weies and craftis to gete wiþ richesses and worldli worschepes?
a1425 (?a1400) G. Chaucer Romaunt Rose (Hunterian) (1891) l. 4844 Where they ne may Fynde none other mene wey [Fr. ou nus ne set le moien querre].
1431 Rolls of Parl.: Henry VI (Electronic ed.) Parl. Jan. 1431 §27. m. 5 Upon grete subtilite..and colored menes and weyes.
1455–6 Rolls of Parl.: Henry VI (Electronic ed.) Parl. July 1455 §37. m. 21 So the weyes and groundes may be founde and hadde for paiement.
1470 in C. L. Kingsford Stonor Lett. & Papers (1919) I. 116 Our Traitours..which daily labour þe weyes moyens at þeir power of our final destruccion.
1560 J. Daus tr. J. Sleidane Commentaries f. lxxxij This is the onely meane and waye, that is euermore certayne & sure.
1561 T. Hoby tr. B. Castiglione Courtyer ii. sig. Aa.i Ech honest louer..vseth so manie meanes and wayes to please the woman whom he loueth.
1654 T. Blount Acad. Eloquence 158 So Madam (I hope) will both your wisdom and vertue endeavour; and this by solid grounds and ways, without which the rest will be labour in vain.
a1692 ( in J. Stevenson Lett. & Papers Illustr. Wars Eng. in France (1864) II. 444 (MED) The saide duc might not godely have founden the moyens and the weyes [c1503 Arnold's Chron. founde meanes nor weies] to have communed to geder, to conclude thaire confedracy.
1766 R. Rogers Ponteach iv. i. 69 I am content if you but please yourselves By Means and Ways not hurtful to the Public.
1824 A. Burton Ess. First Princ. Metaphysicks, Ethicks, & Theol. xix. 158 The heart of Paul employed his intellectual powers, before his conversion, in devising means and ways to eradicate the christian religion from the earth.
1870 Punch 16 Apr. 153/1 'Mongst ways and means conceivable there is a mean and way.
1920 E. Farjeon Gypsy & Ginger 21 He meant that he had found a Way and a Mean in which he and Ginger could work tandem and keep house together.
2000 R. Jackson Global Covenant (2003) 38 These are only a few of the almost endless means and ways that statespeople find to communicate with each other on matters of common interest or concern.
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