

单词 vulture


Brit. /ˈvʌltʃə/, U.S. /ˈvəltʃər/
Forms: α. Middle English volture, Middle English vowlture, Middle English– vulture (Middle English fulture), Middle English voultour, 1600s vultour. β. Middle English–1800s vultur, Middle English wltur, fultur, vowtur. γ. Middle English vultre, Middle English w(u)ltre, vowtre; Middle English, 1500s–1600s vulter, 1500s voulter, vultar, 1600s volter.
Etymology: < Anglo-Norman vultur and voutre, Old French voltour, voultour, voutour (French vautour), or Latin vultur, or < Latin vulturius. The Old French forms, like Provençal voltor, voutor, and Italian avoltore, avoltojo, represent Latin vulturius, while Anglo-Norman voutre, Spanish buitre, and Portuguese abutre are from Latin vultur. In Maundeville (1839) xxii. 237 the form veutour is probably inexact for voutour.
a. One of a number of large birds of prey of the order Raptores which feed almost entirely upon carrion and have the head and neck altogether or almost featherless.The American vultures belong to different genera from those of the Old World.
the world > animals > birds > order Falconiformes (falcons, etc.) > family Accipitridae (hawks, etc.) > [noun] > vultures or a vulture
carrion crow1699
c1374 G. Chaucer Troilus & Criseyde i. 788 Ticius yn helle, Whos stomak foughles tiren euere mo, That highte volturis as bokes telle.
1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomew de Glanville De Proprietatibus Rerum (Bodl.) xii. xxxvi The vulture haþ þat name of slowe fliȝt.
1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomew de Glanville De Proprietatibus Rerum (Bodl.) xii. xxxvi Whan manye vultures comeþ and fleeþ togedres hit bodeþ bataille.
c1400 Mandeville's Trav. (Roxb.) xxxiv. 153 Vowltures, egles, rauyns, and oþer fewlez of rauyne.
c1485 ( G. Hay Bk. Law of Armys (2005) 38 Grete foulis lyke ernis callit voultouris.
1567 J. Maplet Greene Forest f. 18 Qvandias is a stone..It is found in the Vulture his heade.
1584 R. Greene Gwydonius f. 40 The Vulture is mortall enimie to the Eele.
?1615 G. Chapman tr. Homer Odysses (new ed.) xi. 784 On his bosome sat Two Vultures, digging through his caule of fat.
1638 T. Herbert Some Yeares Trav. (rev. ed.) 11 The destruction of men and women..better contenting them, whose dead carkasses they devoure with a vultures appetite.
1695 J. Collier Misc. upon Moral Subj. 121 [Despair] preys upon the Vitals, like Prometheus's Vultur.
1721 E. Young Revenge iv. i Give them the vultures, tear them all in pieces!
1774 O. Goldsmith Hist. Earth V. 107 The vulture..is indelicately voracious; and seldom attacks living animals, when it can be supplied with the dead.
1834 H. McMurtrie tr. G. Cuvier Animal Kingdom (abridged ed.) 118 The vultures have eyes flush with the head, and reticulated tarsi,..an elongated beak,..and a greater or less portion of the head, or even of the neck divested of feathers.
1843 W. Yarrell Hist. Brit. Birds I. 2 Vultures are most numerous in warm countries, where a high degree of temperature induces rapid decomposition.
1878 B. Taylor Prince Deukalion ii. v. 84 There wheels a vulture, giving to the blue The shade or sparkle of his slanted wings.
β. c1420 Prose Life Alexander 71 In þe mornenynge arely þare come many fewlis als grete as wlturs, reed of colour.a1425 (c1395) Bible (Wycliffite, L.V.) (Royal) (1850) Job xxviii. 7 The iȝe of a vultur [v.r. vowtur], ethir rauenouse brid, bihelde it not.1495 Trevisa's Bartholomeus De Proprietatibus Rerum (de Worde) xii. ii. 410 That egle..dredyth the Fultur.1580 G. Harvey in E. Spenser & G. Harvey Three Proper & Wittie Lett. 36 A Vulturs smelling, Apes tasting, sight of an Eagle.1663 J. Mayne tr. Lucian Part of Lucian sig. Oo1v When the Vultur in his crooked clawes Shall graspe the locust.1667 J. Milton Paradise Lost iii. 431 As when a Vultur on Imaus bred..flies toward the Springs Of Ganges or Hydaspes. View more context for this quotation1695 M. Prior Eng. Ballad 2 Des Preaux, a Vulture, only flies Where sordid Interest seeks the Prey.1757 W. Wilkie Epigoniad i. 20 No doves are hatch'd beneath a vultur's wing.1828 N. Webster Amer. Dict. Eng. Lang. (at cited word) The vultur is one of the largest kinds of fowls.γ. a1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) (1871) III. 57 Seuen foules schewede hem to Remus, þat beeþ i-cleped vulterus.a1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) (1871) III. 57 Fourtene vulterus [v.r. vultres] schewed hem to Romulus.a1400–50 Alexander 3945 Þan come a fliȝtir in of fowls..To vise on as vowtres.1474 W. Caxton tr. Game & Playe of Chesse (1883) i. i. 10 Thre honderd birdes that men calle wultres.1495 Trevisa's Bartholomeus De Proprietatibus Rerum (de Worde) xix. cxv. 918 Wltrees egges be grete as Egles egges.1565 T. Cooper Thesaurus Vultur,..a rauenous birde called a voulter or geyre.1578 J. Lyly Euphues f. 63v Doth not the Lyon for strengthe,..excell man? Doth not the Eagle see cleerer, the Vulter smell better?1687 W. Penn Good Advice to Church of Eng. 44 Spurs, Claws and Bills that made her look more like a Vulter then a Dove.
b. king of the vultures, the king-vulture ( Sarcorhamphus papa).
the world > animals > birds > order Falconiformes (falcons, etc.) > family Cathartidae (New World vultures) > [noun] > sarcorhamphus papa (king vulture)
king of the vultures1743
king vulture1781
1743 G. Edwards Nat. Hist. Birds I. 2 The King of the Vultures. This Bird is about the Bigness of a Hen-Turkey.
1774 O. Goldsmith Hist. Earth V. 115 There is one of the kind, called the King of the Vultures, which, from its extraordinary figure, deserves a separate description.
1796 J. G. Stedman Narr. Exped. Surinam II. xxvii. 299 The bird called the king of the vultures is not very common in Surinam.
1855 W. S. Dallas in Orr's Circle Sci.: Org. Nature III. 375 It is from this that he derives his title of the King of the Vultures.
2. figurative.
a. Something which preys upon a person, the mind, etc., after the manner of a vulture; esp. a consuming or torturing passion.Commonly in allusion to the punishment inflicted on Tityus ( Odyss. xi. 576).
the mind > emotion > suffering > mental anguish or torment > cause of mental anguish or torment > [noun] > consuming or torturing passion
1582 T. Watson Ἑκατομπαθία: Passionate Cent. Loue li A Vultur worse then his teares all my vaines.
1594 W. Shakespeare Titus Andronicus v. ii. 31 I am Reuenge sent from th'infernall Kingdome, To ease the gnawing vulture of thy minde. View more context for this quotation
a1631 J. Donne Serm. (1959) V. 290 That fearfull Vulture, the Inquisition, hovers over them.
1639 J. Taylor Part Summers Trav. 35 The Client having Tityus empty maw (His guts tormented with the Vulture Law).
1747 T. Gray Ode Eton Coll. 6 These shall the Fury Passions tear, The Vulturs of the Mind, Disdainful Anger, pallid Fear, And Shame.
1816 Ld. Byron Childe Harold: Canto III lix. 34 And could the ceaseless vultures cease to prey On self-condemning bosoms, it were here.
1861 C. Reade Cloister & Hearth lxv The bereaved heart lay still heavy as lead within his bosom; but now the dark vulture Remorse sat upon it rending it.
1883 Macfadyen in Congregational Year Bk. 77 This nation seems preyed upon by vultures of lust and superstition.
b. A person of a vile and rapacious disposition.
the mind > goodness and badness > harmfulness > savagery > savage person > [noun]
wild manc1290
the world > action or operation > behaviour > bad behaviour > fierceness > [noun] > person or being
wild manc1290
to speak bandog and Bedlam1600
the mind > will > wish or inclination > desire > inordinate or excessive desire > [noun] > rapacity > rapacious person
1605 B. Jonson Sejanus iii. i. 496 Time shall mature..What we with so good Vultures haue begun. View more context for this quotation
a1625 F. Beaumont & J. Fletcher Honest Mans Fortune ii. iv, in Comedies & Trag. (1647) sig. Vuuuuv/1 Ye dregs of basenesse, vultures amongst men, That tyer upon the hearts of generous spirits.
1750 S. Johnson Rambler No. 38. ⁋10 He..will be at last torn to pieces by the vultures that always hover over fortunes in decay.
1828 E. Bulwer-Lytton Pelham III. ii. 19 Before midnight I was in high fever; they sent for the vultures of physic—I was bled copiously.
1884 Pall Mall Gaz. 19 Sept. 4/2 Lord Ripon..showed that India was not merely the favourite hunting-ground of English vultures.
3. Astronomy. One or other of two northern constellations, distinguished as the falling vulture = lyra n. 2, harp n.1 3, and flying vulture = eagle n. 3.
the world > the universe > constellation > Northern constellations > [noun] > Aquila
the world > the universe > constellation > Northern constellations > [noun] > Lyra
1639 E. Chilmead tr. R. Hues Learned Treat. Globes ii. iii. 91 The ninth is Gallina, or Cygnus, the Hen, or Swan, and is called in Arabique..the flying Vulture.
1673 F. Lamb Astroscopium 6 The Harp, otherwise called the falling Grype, or Vulture.
1673 F. Lamb Astroscopium 10 The Eagle, by some call'd the flying Grype or Vulture, consisting of 12 stars.
1901 J. F. Hewitt Mythmaking Age i. i. 8 When Vega in the Constellation of the Vulture or Lyra became Pole Star.


C1. With distinctive premodifiers.The number of these is very large, and only some of the more important are here recorded. See also auriculated adj., crane n.1 Compounds 1, griffin n.1 Compounds 2, Maltese n. 2, secretary n.1 and adj. Compounds 1, sociable adj. 1b.
alpine vulture n.
the world > animals > birds > order Falconiformes (falcons, etc.) > family Cathartidae (New World vultures) > [noun] > genus Vultur (condor)
ash-coloured vulture1575
cinereous vulture1678
alpine vulture1781
Arabian vulture1781
Californian vulture1809
1781 J. Latham Gen. Synopsis Birds I. i. 12 Alpine Vulture: Vultur percnopterus.
1829 W. Scott Anne of Geierstein I. ii. 49 One of this..flight chanced to be a lammergeier, or Alpine vulture.
1896 J. W. Kirkaldy & E. C. Pollard tr. J. E. V. Boas Text Bk. Zool. 461 The small Alpine Vulture (Neophron percnopterus), with naked head and very long, thin beak.
American vulture n.
1809 G. Shaw Gen. Zool. VII. 36 American Vulture.
Arabian vulture n.
the world > animals > birds > order Falconiformes (falcons, etc.) > family Cathartidae (New World vultures) > [noun] > genus Vultur (condor)
ash-coloured vulture1575
cinereous vulture1678
alpine vulture1781
Arabian vulture1781
Californian vulture1809
1781 J. Latham Gen. Synopsis Birds I. i. 8 Arabian V[ulture]. According to Edwards, the size exceeds that of a common eagle, by one third.
1855 W. S. Dallas in Orr's Circle Sci.: Org. Nature III. 374 The Vultur monachus, or Arabian Vulture.
ash-coloured vulture n.
the world > animals > birds > order Falconiformes (falcons, etc.) > family Cathartidae (New World vultures) > [noun] > genus Vultur (condor)
ash-coloured vulture1575
cinereous vulture1678
alpine vulture1781
Arabian vulture1781
Californian vulture1809
1575 G. Turberville Bk. Faulconrie 16 The ashe-coloured Uulture is the most large byrde of praye that is to be founde.
1668 W. Charleton Onomasticon Zoicon 64 Vultur Cinereus, the ash~coloured Vultur.
1774 O. Goldsmith Hist. Earth V. 108 In this tribe we may range..the ash-coloured..vulture.
bearded vulture n.
the world > animals > birds > order Falconiformes (falcons, etc.) > family Accipitridae (hawks, etc.) > [noun] > vultures or a vulture > gypaetus barbatus (bearded vulture)
bearded vulture1750
bearded vulture1750
1750 G. Edwards Nat. Hist. Birds III. 106 The Bearded Vulture. This Bird is of the Bigness of an Eagle.
1809 G. Shaw Gen. Zool. VII. 13 From which circumstance the name of Bearded Vulture is particularly applied to the present species.
1882 Encycl. Brit. XIV. 243/2 Lämmergeyer..or Bearded Vulture,..one of the grandest birds-of-prey of the Palæarctic Region.
black vulture n.
the world > animals > birds > order Falconiformes (falcons, etc.) > family Cathartidae (New World vultures) > [noun] > coragyps atratus (black vulture)
black vulture1575
1575 G. Turberville Bk. Faulconrie 16 There are two sortes,..the ashe mayld, or blacke Uulture, and the browne or whitish Uulture.
1601 P. Holland tr. Pliny Hist. World I. x. vi. 274 The blacke vultures are the best.
1809 G. Shaw Gen. Zool. VII. 31 Black Vulture..This bird is described as larger than the Golden Vulture, and of a black colour.
1837 C. F. Partington Brit. Cycl. Nat. Hist. III. 825/2 The Black Vulture (C. atratus) is a darker and smaller species.
Californian vulture n.
the world > animals > birds > order Falconiformes (falcons, etc.) > family Cathartidae (New World vultures) > [noun] > genus Vultur (condor)
ash-coloured vulture1575
cinereous vulture1678
alpine vulture1781
Arabian vulture1781
Californian vulture1809
1809 G. Shaw Gen. Zool. VII. 10 Californian Vulture.
1872 E. Coues Key to N. Amer. Birds 222 Californian Vulture. Brownish-black, lustrous above, paler below.
1888 Encycl. Brit. XXIV. 302/1 Pseudogryphus, the great Californian Vulture.
carrion vulture n.
1781 J. Latham Gen. Synopsis Birds I. i. 9 Carrion Vulture. The size of this species is about that of a Turkey.
1849 Ld. Tennyson You might have Won 35 For whom the carrion vulture waits—To tear his heart!
1896 J. W. Kirkaldy & E. C. Pollard tr. J. E. V. Boas Text Bk. Zool. 461 The smaller Carrion Vulture (Cathartes).
cinereous vulture n.
the world > animals > birds > order Falconiformes (falcons, etc.) > family Cathartidae (New World vultures) > [noun] > genus Vultur (condor)
ash-coloured vulture1575
cinereous vulture1678
alpine vulture1781
Arabian vulture1781
Californian vulture1809
1678 J. Ray tr. F. Willughby Ornithol. 67 The cinereous or ash~coloured Vulture.
1781 J. Latham Gen. Synopsis Birds I. i. 14 Cinereous V[ulture]..The size is that of an Eagle, or rather bigger.
1843 Penny Cycl. XXVI. 470/1 The Cinereous Vulture is chiefly seen in the plains in winter.
crested vulture n.
1760 G. Edwards Gleanings Nat. Hist. II. 171 The Crested or Coped Black Vulture..is a very large bird.
golden vulture n.
the world > animals > birds > order Falconiformes (falcons, etc.) > family Cathartidae (New World vultures) > [noun] > other types of
golden vulture1678
auriculated (or sociable) vulture1809
fulvous vulture1809
1678 J. Ray tr. F. Willughby Ornithol. 67 Viewing the skin of the Golden Vulture, sent me once out of the Alpine Country of the Grisons,..I thus described it.
1774 O. Goldsmith Hist. Earth V. 108 The Golden Vulture seems to be the foremost of the kind.
1809 [see fulvous vulture n.].
eared vulture n.
1837 C. F. Partington Brit. Cycl. Nat. Hist. III. 824/2 The Eared Vulture (V. auricularis) is an African species of a blackish colour, with a fleshy crest on each side of the head under the openings of the ears.
Egyptian vulture n.
1781 J. Latham Gen. Synopsis Birds I. i. 13 Egyptian V[ulture]..is said to be of a rufous ash-colour, spotted with brown.
1837 C. F. Partington Brit. Cycl. Nat. Hist. III. 825/2 Egyptian Vulture (P. leucocephalus)..also, from its abundance in Egypt, called ‘Pharaoh's chicken’.
1888 Encycl. Brit. XXIV. 302/1 One of them [sc. Nephroninæ] is the so~called Egyptian Vulture or Pharaoh's Hen, Neophron percnopterus.
fulvous vulture n.
the world > animals > birds > order Falconiformes (falcons, etc.) > family Cathartidae (New World vultures) > [noun] > other types of
golden vulture1678
auriculated (or sociable) vulture1809
fulvous vulture1809
1678 J. Ray in tr. F. Willughby Ornithol. 67 (margin) Our Fulvous Vulture, like Bellonius his Chesnut one.
1809 G. Shaw Gen. Zool. VII. 27 The Fulvous or Golden Vulture is one of the largest of the genus, exceeding the size of the Golden Eagle.
1840 E. Blyth et al. Cuvier's Animal Kingdom 165 The Fulvous Vulture..is the most widely-diffused species, inhabiting the mountainous parts of the whole ancient continent.
king vulture n.
the world > animals > birds > order Falconiformes (falcons, etc.) > family Cathartidae (New World vultures) > [noun] > sarcorhamphus papa (king vulture)
king of the vultures1743
king vulture1781
1781 J. Latham Gen. Synopsis Birds I. i. 7 King V[ulture].. is about the size of an hen Turkey.
1855 W. S. Dallas in Orr's Circle Sci.: Org. Nature III. 374 Another species of the genus Sarcorhamphus..is the King Vulture (S. papa), which is not uncommon in Brazil and Guiana.
tawny vulture n.
1781 J. Latham Gen. Synopsis Birds I. i. 19 Tawny Vulture..inhabits Falkland Islands.
1837 C. F. Partington Brit. Cycl. Nat. Hist. III. 824/1 The Tawny Vulture (V. fulvus) is a large bird, and has been long known to natural history.
turkey vulture n.
1837 C. F. Partington Brit. Cycl. Nat. Hist. III. 825/2 The Turkey Vulture (C. aura) is another American species of smaller size.
1855 W. S. Dallas in Orr's Circle Sci.: Org. Nature III. 375 The common American Vulture is the Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura), or Turkey Buzzard.
white-headed vulture n.
1896 J. W. Kirkaldy & E. C. Pollard tr. J. E. V. Boas Text Bk. Zool. 461 The large White-headed Vulture (Vultur fulvus).
C2. attributive and in other combinations.
a. Attributive, denoting either ‘of a vulture’ or ‘like that of a vulture’.
vulture beak n.
1834 W. Howitt in Tait's Edinb. Mag. July 375/2 With a heart free from the vulture-beak of care.
vulture claw n.
1867 W. Morris Life & Death of Jason v. 98 Within her filthy vulture-claws clutched tight.
vulture eye n.
1593 A. Chute Beawtie Dishonoured 51 When coward death..Lookes on her fayre face, with a vultar eye.
1820 W. Scott Monastery II. x. 304 Under the eagle, or rather the vulture eye of the Baron.
vulture feather n.
1858 P. L. Simmonds Dict. Trade Products Vulture-feathers, feathers of species of Accipitres, imported from Bombay, and sold for stuffing beds, &c., the larger ones for making artificial flowers, &c.
1883 P. L. Simmonds Commerc. Dict. Trade Products (rev. ed.) Vulture feathers, a commercial name for those of the Rhea of South America.
vulture head n.
1885 H. R. Haggard King Solomon's Mines ix She turned her bald vulture-head towards us.
vulture throat n.
1847 Ld. Tennyson Princess iv. 83 Thereat the Lady stretch'd a vulture throat.
vulture hock n.
1854 Poultry Chron. 1 128/2 Vulture-hocks [in Cochin China cocks] are a matter of taste.
1855 Poultry Chron. 3 348/2 The boots, or as Shanghai fanciers would style it, the vulture hock, must be white.
vulture wing n.
1871 J. Hay Pike County Ballads (1880) 86 Cast from the hovering vulture-wings of one dark thought of woe and doom.
vulture-feather n. a species of moth.
the world > animals > invertebrates > phylum Arthropoda > class Insecta > Heterocera > [noun] > unspecified and miscellaneous types > unspecified
1832 J. Rennie Conspectus Butterflies & Moths Brit. 208 The Vulture Feather (—— Gryphipennella) found amongst grass.
b. Attributive with nouns of quality or action.
1593 A. Chute Beawtie Dishonoured 40 To vultar greedinesse of an easie crowne.
1800 T. Campbell Scene in Bavaria xiii Who shuns a warring world, nor woos The vulture cover of its wing.
1806 T. Maurice Fall of Mogul ii. iv All our treasures His vulture-grasp has seiz'd.
1822 P. B. Shelley Hellas 46 Victorious Wrong, with vulture scream, Salutes the risen sun.
c. Appositive, also in figurative use (cf. sense 2).
1593 W. Shakespeare Venus & Adonis sig. Diiijv Whose vultur thought doth pitch the price so hie. View more context for this quotation
1640 T. Carew Poems 19 If it prove Disdaine, that torrent will devoure My Vulture-hopes.
1774 O. Goldsmith Hist. Earth V. 85 The eagle kind, the hawk kind, the vulture kind.
1809 G. Shaw Gen. Zool. VII. 2 The chief of the Vulture tribe..is undoubtedly the Condor.
1809 G. Shaw Gen. Zool. VII. 13 One of the principal distinctions between the Eagle and the Vulture kind.
1818 J. Keats Endymion iii. 135 Cursed, cursed Circe! O vulture-witch, hast never heard of mercy?
1843 T. Edmonston in Zoologist 1 38 The vulture-eagle lay in her own nest, bound, gagged, and powerless.
d. In instrumental and similative combinations, as vulture-gnawn, vulture-hocked (see Compounds 2a), vulture-like, vulture-rent, vulture-torn, vulture-tortured adjs.; vulture-wise adv.
1605 J. Sylvester tr. G. de S. Du Bartas Deuine Weekes & Wks. ii. ii. 447 The Vulture-rented Promætheus, 'mong the Greekes had fire inuented.
1623 S. Daniel Sonn. xv To her that..laies to view My Vultur-gnawne hart open.
1644 K. Digby Two Treat. ii. Concl. 456 The rauenous inclemency, and vulturelike cruelty.
1743 P. Francis & W. Dunkin tr. Horace Odes (new ed.) I. ii. xiv. 10 Where vulture-tortured Tityus lies.
1745 E. Young Complaint: Night the Eighth 21 These rush upon thee; Thy Vitals seize, and Vultur-like, devour.
1826 Blackwood's Mag. 19 589 To be like poor Prometheus, vulture-torn.
1854 Poultry Chron. 2 84/1 They are well booted, or as the Shanghae fanciers style it, ‘Vulture-hocked’.
1892 R. L. Stevenson & L. Osbourne Wrecker xiii. 206 Towards her, the taut Norah Creina, vulture-wise, wriggled to windward: come from so far to pick her bones.
1906 W. de la Mare Poems 82 This beast in one flat hand clasped vulture-wise A glitt'ring image.

Draft additions June 2006

attributive. Finance (originally and chiefly U.S.). Chiefly depreciative. Of or relating to investment in the assets of companies which are performing poorly and may therefore be undervalued; of or relating to investment in the debts of failing or bankrupt companies with substantial tangible assets. Usually in vulture fund, vulture investor. Cf. vulture capitalist n. at Additions.
1985 Wall St. Jrnl. 27 Nov. 27/1 The vulture funds obviously are looking at the troubled loan portfolios held by savings and loan associations and banks as a prime source of properties.
1990 Washington Post 18 Mar. h1Vulture’ investors who speculate in the stocks and bonds of ailing companies.
1997 Jrnl. Econ. Lit. 35 1691/2 The authors..find positive abnormal returns for the target's common stock and bonds in the two days surrounding the announcement of a vulture purchase of public debt or equity.
2001 Business Week 20 Aug. 162 One of the best tech bets for now could be the ‘vulture funds’ that are snapping up debt of disconnected telecoms.

Draft additions June 2006

vulture capitalist n. [after venture capitalist n. at venture n. Compounds] Finance (originally and chiefly U.S.) (a) derogatory = venture capitalist n. at venture n. Compounds; (b) chiefly depreciative an investor in the assets or debts of failing companies; = vulture investor at Additions.
society > trade and finance > financial dealings > [noun] > money-dealer > capitalist or financier > other capitalists or financiers
financial wizard1952
venture capitalist1971
vulture capitalist1978
1978 Washington Post 1 Oct. m2/3 In some circles, venture capitalists are unaffectionately referred to as ‘vulture capitalists’.
1986 Syracuse (N.Y.) Post-Standard 8 Oct. d9/2 R.D. Smith & Co. is a ‘vulture capitalist’. The Manhattan-based investment firm specializes in stocks of distressed companies.
2003 M. Power Rethinking Devel. Geographies x. 228 There are no existing mechanisms whatsoever for tackling the ‘vulture capitalists’.
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1920; most recently modified version published online June 2022).


Brit. /ˈvʌltʃə/, U.S. /ˈvəltʃər/
Etymology: < vulture n.
transitive. To tear like a vulture. Also intransitive with down, to descend like a vulture.
the world > existence and causation > creation > destruction > tearing or tearing apart > tear [verb (transitive)]
to tear at1848
1628 O. Felltham Resolves: 2nd Cent. xxv. sig. M8v Though pleasure merries the Sences for a while: yet horror after vultures the vnconsuming heart.
1922 J. Joyce Ulysses i. iii. [Proteus] 46 He rooted in the sand,..vulturing the dead.
1948 M. Allingham More Work for Undertaker xiii. 164 The tax harpies vultured down for death duties.
1955 Newsweek 10 Jan. 49/1 Contestants had vultured the library's reference and guidebooks for the names of the mystery towns.
1977 L. Gordon Eliot's Early Years 147 From ‘Proteus’ came the dog vulturing the dead in part I of The Waste Land.


ˈvultured adj. (poetic).
the world > existence and causation > creation > destruction > tearing or tearing apart > [adjective] > torn or torn apart
1946 D. Thomas Deaths & Entrances 47 O spiral of ascension From the vultured urn Of the morning Of man.
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1986; most recently modified version published online December 2021).




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