

单词 by half

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by half
(a) by half: (following a comparative or, in negative contexts, by as, so, or enough with an adjective) by a great deal; by far; much, considerably. Formerly also with determiner, in by one half, by the half.Quot. eOE shows adverbial use of the neuter instrumental singular of the adjective in an equivalent construction. (It is uncertain whether this is to be interpreted as implying use as noun).
the world > relative properties > quantity > greatness of quantity, amount, or degree > high or intense degree > greatly or very much [phrase] > to a great extent or by far
great quantityc1330
far forthly1362
by farc1380
well awayc1390
by half?a1400
by mucha1450
far (and) away1546
by a great sort1579
to stand head and shoulders abovea1683
(by) a long way1741
by a jugful1831
by all odds1832
by a long, damn, etc., sight1834
out and away1834
(by) a long chalk1835
by chalks1835
by long chalks1835
by a street1886
a whole lot1886
eOE Metres of Boethius (partly from transcript of damaged MS) (2009) xii. 9 Ðynceð þegna gehwelcum huniges bibread healfe þy swetre, gif he hwene ær huniges teare bitres onbyrgeð.]
c1400 (?c1390) Sir Gawain & Green Knight (1940) l. 1543 (MED) To yow þat..weldez more slyȝt Of þat art, bi þe half, or a hundreth of seche As I am.
1529 T. More Supplyc. Soulys i. f. viv Yt were not so madde by halfe as ys hys..compt that he maketh you now.
1638 R. Baker tr. J. L. G. de Balzac New Epist. III. 13 Shee is fayrer by one halfe than shee was before.
1658 A. Cokayne Trappolin i. i, in Small Poems 422 Why then Captain, in faith I am a very coward; tis better by half than a souldier.
1780 R. B. Sheridan School for Scandal iii. ii. 33 In my mind, the other's œconomy in selling it to him, was more reprehensible by half.
1869 C. H. Spurgeon John Ploughman's Talk 13 I'd sooner by half bend my back double with hard work than be a jack-a-dandy.
1879 L. B. Walford Cousins I. xix. 295 You are not as clever by half as Hester at repartee, Jane.
1911 J. M. Forman Unknown Lady x. 140 He's one of the nicest young men in the world (though not so nice, by half, as you are, Willie).
1967 E. D. Hirsch in D. Walder Lit. in Mod. World (1990) 53 The perspectivism of the radical historicist is not radical enough by half.
2010 M. Dennison Livia, Empress of Rome ix. 74 Better by half that this youthful aristocratic wife and mother should cultivate laurel groves and white poultry.
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