

单词 versed shadow

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versed shadow
d. Optics, etc. †right shadow: the figure thrown by an opaque body upon a horizontal plane to which it is perpendicular. †contrary shadow, †versed shadow: the figure thrown by an opaque body upon a vertical plane to which it is perpendicular. geometric shadow: the figure produced upon a vertical screen by extending the lines from a luminous point which envelop an opaque body placed between the screen and the point. †line of shadows: a scale engraved upon some mathematical instruments used in taking altitudes; = quadrat n.
the world > relative properties > relationship > similarity > [noun] > image of a person or thing > shadow > types of shadow
contrary shadow?a1560
right shadow?a1560
the world > matter > light > darkness or absence of light > intercepting or cutting off of light > [noun] > casting of a shadow > a shadow > specific
contrary shadow?a1560
right shadow?a1560
noon shadowa1646
the world > the universe > cosmology > science of observation > astronomical instruments > measuring altitude > [noun] > quadrant or sextant > part of quadrant or sextant
geometrical square?a1560
line of shadows1728
society > travel > travel by water > vessel, ship, or boat > equipment of vessel > navigational aids > [noun] > quadrant, sextant, etc. > part of
line of shadows1728
artificial horizon1762
false horizon1812
the world > physical sensation > sight and vision > optical instruments > instruments for projecting image > [noun] > screen for reception of projected images > figure produced on screen
geometric shadow1882
?a1560 L. Digges Geom. Pract.: Pantometria (1571) i. xii. sig. D iij v Marke well the diuisions of pointes touched in your scale, if they be of right shadow... But and if they bee of contrarie shadow, worke contrarely.
1647 N. Nye Art of Gunnery ii. 37 But if of contrary or versed shadow, multiply the distance from the middle of your foot by the parts cut.
1728 E. Chambers Cycl. at Quadrat Line of Shadows, is an additional Member on the Face of the common Gunter's and Sutton's Quadrants.
1882 Encycl. Brit. XIV. 581/1 How to place a plane quadrilateral of given form so that its geometric shadow may be a square.
extracted from shadown.
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