单词 | vehemently |
释义 | vehementlyadv. 1. a. To a very great extent, to a high degree; strongly, intensely. Now rare (in later use coloured by sense 2b).Quot. 1483 may possibly belong at sense 2. ΘΚΠ the world > relative properties > quantity > greatness of quantity, amount, or degree > high or intense degree > [adverb] > extremely or exceedingly swithlyc888 micklelyeOE swith971 hardOE un-i-fohOE sevenfoldlOE unmeet?c1225 innerlyc1330 horribly1340 too1340 sore1474 horriblec1475 vehemently1483 outrageous1487 done?a1513 exquisite1529 strangely1532 exceeding1535 exceedingly1535 angardlyc1540 angerlyc1540 choicec1540 vengeable1542 vengeably?1550 extremelya1554 monstrous1569 thrice1579 amain1587 extremea1591 damnably1598 fellc1600 tyrannically1602 exquisitely1603 damnedly1607 preciously1607 damnablea1616 impensively1620 excellingly1621 main1632 fearful1634 vengeancelya1640 upsy1650 impensely1657 twadding1657 vastly1664 hideous1667 mainly1670 consumed1707 consumedly1707 outrageously1749 damned1757 nation1771 shockingly1777 deuced1779 darn1789 darned1807 felly1807 varsal1814 awful1816 awfy1816 frightfully1816 deucedly1819 dogged1819 awfully1820 gallowsa1823 shocking1831 tremendously1832 everlasting1833 terribly1833 fearfully1835 ripping1838 poison1840 thundering1853 frighteninglyc1854 raring1854 hell's own1863 goldarned1866 goddamned1870 doggone1871 acutely1872 whooping1874 stupidly1878 everlastingly1879 hideously1882 densely1883 storming1883 good and1885 thunderingly1885 crazy1887 tremendous1887 madly1888 goldarn1892 howling1895 murderously1916 rasted1919 goddam1921 bitchingly1923 Christly1923 bitching1929 falling-down1930 lousy1932 appallingly1937 stratospherically1941 Christ almighty1945 effing1945 focking1956 dagnab1961 drop-dead1980 hella1987 totes2006 1483 W. Caxton tr. J. de Voragine Golden Legende f. cciv/2 A matrone a certeyn woman kissed his honde, wherof he was tempted vehemently in his flesshe. a1492 W. Caxton tr. Vitas Patrum (1495) iii. f. sig. cccxii/1 They neuer haue shoes, but yf it be a lytyll in wynter whan it is colde vehemently, or whan they be seke. a1513 R. Fabyan New Cronycles Eng. & Fraunce (1516) II. f. cviiv In Fraunce this yere the people dyed..so vehemently that in the Cytie of Parys dyed..ouer .LM. people. 1563 T. Gale Certaine Wks. Chirurg. iv. ii. f. 18 This [unguent]..taketh awaye superfluous fleshe, and doth vehemently excicate & drie. 1586 A. Day Eng. Secretorie i. sig. F3v Two only that were the conueiers of him, sickned vehemently and one of them died. 1658 W. Johnson tr. F. Würtz Surgeons Guid ii. iv. 56 Vomiting is not very dangerous..unless it hold the Patient vehemently. 1695 Ld. Preston tr. Boethius Of Consol. Philos. iv. 172 Whom Wickedness, the most extreme Evil, doth not only affect, but even vehemently infect. 1753 Chambers's Cycl. Suppl. at Womb This tumour returned again, and..in three days it became vehemently enraged. 1777 J. Nicolson & R. Burn Hist. Westmorland & Cumberland I. p. xix If any of the subjects of the one prince come to the kingdom of the other under safe conduct, and be so vehemently sick, that he cannot return into his country again before the day of the expiration of his safe conduct. 1849 Weekly Wisconsin (Milwaukee) 17 Apr. It being vehemently cold and rainy, he happened upon a poor cottage, and desired a lodging or hay loft to stay in. 1872 Ann. Rep. Board Regents Smithsonian Inst. 1868 242 This mass of particles is vehemently heated by the passage of current. 1940 F. Scott Fitzgerald Let. 14 Sept. in L. Miller Lett. from Lost Generation (1991) 255 Nothing would disappoint her so vehemently as success. 1945 E. Bowen Demon Lover 126 His manners of walking, talking and standing, though all to be recognized at a distance, were vehemently impersonal. b. Used with reference to suspicion or presumption: very strongly. Cf. vehement adj. 5a. Now rare (chiefly historical in later use). ΘΚΠ the mind > mental capacity > belief > uncertainty, doubt, hesitation > lack of confidence, distrust, suspicion > [adverb] > with strong suspicion vehemently?1532 ?1532 Ordynaunces Emperour f. xxviiiv That none attaynt or by informacyon precedent vehemently suspect of heresye or errour in the fayth or of the sacramentes and ordynaunces of the churche, shall not [etc.]. 1533 T. More Debellacyon Salem & Bizance ii. xv. f. xxxviiv Such thynges.., as maketh hym not sleyghtly but very vehemently suspected. 1607 G. Blackwell Large Exam. Lambeth 6 If by obeying the Pope it may be vehemently presumed, that great trouble will ensue to the state of the Church. 1684 London Gaz. No. 1938/4 He is vehemently suspected to be concerned in these Robberies and Burglaries following. 1722 J. Crawford Case of inoculating Small-pox Consider'd 23 Dr. Dolhonde's Relations carry so much improbability with them, that I cannot help vehemently suspecting his Story of Captain Hussart. 1793 S. Pegge Life Robert Grosseteste 78 The bishop..sent away two monks..to the monastery, to be punished, one for adultery, the other vehemently suspected of fornication. 1852 R. Choate in Wks. (1862) I. viii. 178 Mr. So-and-so has got a first-rate letter in his breeches-pocket, and Mr. So-and-so is vehemently believed to have one in his. 1890 Lucifer May 192 Our friend is inclined to vehemently suspect you of being the vile enchanter who has worked him woe. 1955 G. de Santillana Crime of Galileo vi. 131 Persons whose intentions were vehemently suspect. 1977 Dante Stud. No. 95. 120 Bezold's..attempt to present conjunctionist astrology as..something vehemently suspect to the ecclesiastical authorities. 2. a. With reference to speech or writing: in a manner expressive of strong feeling, perturbation, or excitement; with strong or forceful language. ΘΚΠ society > leisure > the arts > literature > style of language or writing > vigour or force > [adverb] > vehemently vehemently1528 dithyrambically1891 1528 W. Tyndale Obed. Christen Man f. lxv And marke I praye you what an Oratoure he is and how vehemently he persuadeth it. 1569 R. Grafton Chron. II. 97 Polidore had no good opinion of king Iohn, and therfore wryteth very vehemently against him in his History. 1612 in Hist. MSS Comm.: Rep. MSS Earl of Eglinton (1885) 610 in Parl. Papers 1884–5 (C. 4575) XLIV. 1 The Deputies of the Religion have very vehemently protested against these proceedings. 1665 J. Glanvill Scepsis Scientifica Addr. Royal Soc. sig. a4 Reckoning it a great instance of Piety and devout Zeal, vehemently to declaim against Reason and Philosophy. a1721 M. Prior Cromwell & Porter 116, in Wks. (1907) II. 265 I did actually fight in the field, Preached loudly in the Church, and talked vehemently in the Parliament. 1756 E. Burke Vindic. Nat. Society 76 I could shew how vehemently they have contended for Names. 1863 F. A. Kemble Jrnl. Resid. Georgian Plantation 14 The slave-owners..insist vehemently upon the mental and physical inferiority of the blacks. 1885 H. Taylor Autobiogr. I. 92 It is not long since I heard a Populationist vehemently reproach a poor but very respectable married gentleman for the sin of having nine children. 1922 M. Widdemer Minister of Grace 93 He..began to talk vehemently in a broken English. 1948 William & Mary Q. 3rd Ser. 5 311 The Americans..objected to the Townshend Duties almost as vehemently as they had to the Stamp Act. 2000 Guardian 17 Aug. ii. 7/5 Jenkins protested vehemently that the stuff had been planted. 2011 New Yorker 23 May 37/2 It is right up there with..global climate change, still vehemently denied by the scientific illiterati. b. With reference to thought or feeling: with strong or intense feeling; passionately, fervently. In later use frequently used with reference to strength of commitment to a particular point of view. ΘΚΠ the mind > emotion > passion > [adverb] tempestuously1447 gramely?c1450 passionatelyc1487 angardlyc1540 vehemently1560 pathetically1593 passionedly1611 patheticly1616 dispassionately1658 impassionately1805 full-heartedly1840 impassionedly1844 1560 J. Daus tr. J. Sleidane Commentaries f. cccxxix Wherewith being wehemently moued,..he began more and more to be confirmed. 1576 A. Fleming tr. Cicero in Panoplie Epist. 54 It was alwayes of me maruellous vehemently and earnestly desiered. 1641 R. Carpenter Experience, Hist., & Divinitie ii. ii. 141 Doe you think, his heart is not vehemently prompted to deifie his Saint? 1682 Bp. G. Burnet Hist. Rights Princes (new ed.) ii. 36 That they did vehemently, and out of all measure aspire to that Chair. 1753 S. Richardson Hist. Sir Charles Grandison IV. vii. 54 For a week together, she was vehemently intent upon being allowed to visit England. 1817 J. Mill Hist. Brit. India II. iv. viii. 277 It requires a high degree of improbability to prevent the greater part of mankind from believing what they vehemently wish. 1858 T. Carlyle Hist. Friedrich II of Prussia I. ii. ii. 77 Preussen was a vehemently Heathen country. 1913 Blackwood's Mag. Aug. 215/1 Those who most vehemently dislike..any plan for the strengthening of our land forces. 1969 Daily Tel. 13 Nov. 14/3 People who are most vehemently against something are often the very same people who are unconsciously most inclined to it themselves. 1999 D. F. Wallace Brief Interviews with Hideous Men 23 They meet and fall vehemently in love. 2016 Belfast Tel. (Nexis) 1 June 28 [He] said he had met many people in Northern Ireland who were vehemently anti-Europe. 3. With great force, exertion, or physical effort; vigorously; violently. Now somewhat rare. ΘΚΠ the world > action or operation > manner of action > violent action or operation > [adverb] > with rapid or sudden violence brathlya1300 angerly?a1425 impetuously1485 headilya1500 vehemently1538 angardlyc1540 furiouslya1577 rank1590 wildly1593 amok1838 torrentially1882 1538 T. Elyot Dict. Perflo, to blowe vehemently or strongly. a1600 R. Lindsay Hist. & Cron. Scotl. (1899) I. 312 Ane blast of eistrene winde..raissit the flame of fyre sa wehementlie that it blew wpoun the freir that accussit him. 1611 Bible (King James) Luke vi. 48 When the flood arose, the streame beat vehemently vpon that house. View more context for this quotation 1666 in F. P. Verney & M. M. Verney Mem. Verney Family 17th Cent. (1907) II. 257 The fire broke out vehemently again last night. 1702 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 23 1089 Discharging Guns, especially of those which are charg'd with Air alone vehemently compress'd. 1794 B. Waterhouse Jrnl. Trip to Saratoga in J. Morse Amer. Universal Geogr. (1796) I. 500 We see the mineral water boiling vehemently like a pot over the fire. 1819 W. Irving Rip Van Winkle in Sketch Bk. i. 68 He was observed to smoke his pipe vehemently. 1857 Harper's Mag. Dec. 33/1 The wind blowing vehemently on shore rolled in heavier surf. 1908 Portsmouth (Ohio) Times 3 Oct. 2/2 They rode vehemently onward through the starlight, straining every nerve. 1972 P. O'Brian Post Captain xi. 302 Babbington..kicked Parslow vehemently down the ladder. This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2017; most recently modified version published online December 2021). < adv.1483 |
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