

单词 vegetable soul

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vegetable soul
1. Having the most basic attributes of life; spec. endowed with the power or faculty of growth, as opposed to the powers of sensation, movement or rational thought. Frequently in vegetable soul (cf. vegetative adj. 1a). Now chiefly historical.
the world > life > source or principle of life > [adjective] > living and growing
c1425 J. Lydgate Troyyes Bk. (Augustus A.iv) iii. l. 5686 Comparysownyd, as it were semblable, To a sowle þat were vegetable, Þe whiche, with-oute sensibilite, Mynystreth lyf in herbe, flour, and tre.
?1533 G. Du Wes Introductorie for to lerne Frenche sig. Cci In the whiche [body] our lorde hath planted the soule vegetable by the whiche it groweth.
1591 J. Hester tr. J. Du Chesne Breefe Aunswere Expos. I. Aubertus f. 9v There is comparison of the vegetable soule to the sensible.
1610 J. Healey tr. St. Augustine Citie of God xxii. iv. 878 Yet is the earth full of vegetable soules, strangely combined with earthly bodies.
a1676 M. Hale Primitive Originat. Mankind (1677) iii. iv. 206 Things vegetable, that have simply Life, with those operations incident to Life.
1683 J. Pettus Ess. Metallick Words at Regulus, in Fleta Minor ii Though Metals, (by some) are put among inanimates; yet others believe that they have a vegetable Soul.
1725 J. Sharp Compl. Midwife's Compan. (ed. 4) i. xvii. 48 The natural and vegetable Soul is virtually in the Seed.
1770 tr. C. von Wolff Logic 57 The vegetable Soul..whereby Plants are enabled to vegetate or grow.
1847 Medico-chirurg. Rev., & Jrnl. Pract. Med. 50 303 The vegetable soul [in Galen's physiology] presides over the generative, augmentative, and nutritive faculties.
1878 Catholic Progress June 169/1 Experience is helpless to stride over the gap between vegetable and sentient organisms.
1893 M. B. Peeke Zenia, the Vestal xii. 215 Every spherule of organized universal respires into the planet to its universal Soul; every vegetable to its vegetable soul; every animal to its animal soul.
1921 O. A. Hill Psychol. & Nat. Theol. v. 65 His [sc. man's] life partakes of all three kingdoms..; and its principle is therefore at one and the same time a vegetable soul, an animal soul, and a rational soul.
1957 D. P. Costello tr. S. Hedayat Blind Owl iv. 105 The opium had breathed its vegetable soul, its sluggish vegetable soul, into my frame.
2009 B. R. Smith Key of Green ii. 66 The ‘vegetable soul’ that mankind was imagined to share with both plants and animals includes reproduction.
extracted from vegetableadj.
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