

单词 use and wont

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use and wont
P8. Chiefly Scottish. use and wont: custom or established practice, esp. when regarded as having the force of law. Also attributive: guided or informed by custom or established practice; customary. Cf. used and wont at used adj. Phrases.
1492 in Acts Lords of Council Civil Causes (1839) I. 216/2 That thai eik na covbille for the said fischingis bot as vse & wont wes of before.
1527 Wigtown Burgh Court Rec. f. 207 Half amark of annvell of the hayll tennement of the lochand more payand to the commvnyte hus and vont.
1609 J. Skene tr. Regiam Majestatem 44 He craues onelie na other service, bot vse and wont.
1689 in Acts Parl. Scotl. (1875) XII. 58/2 Þat the maltmen þer be lyable for the excyse according to use and wont.
1762 in Minutes of Evid. Nairne Peerage (1873) 92 in Sessional Papers House of Lords (H.L. A) XII. 65 Priviledges belonging to the said lands conform to use and wont.
1825 R. Wilson Hist. Hawick 190 This tax,..by the law of ‘use and wont’,..has become part and parcel of the system.
1845 T. Carlyle in O. Cromwell Lett. & Speeches II. 277 Constitutional Presbyterian persons, Use-and-wont Neuters.
1850 Ld. Tennyson In Memoriam xxix. 47 Make one wreath more for Use and Wont That guard the portals of the house. View more context for this quotation
1885 W. Pater Marius the Epicurean I. 131 A careless, half-conscious, ‘use-and-wont’ reception of our experience.
1904 ‘H. Foulis’ Erchie 127 ‘On this question of corporal punishment in the schools, Erchie,’ I said to my old friend, ‘what are your views? I've no doubt you're dead against any alteration on use and wont.’
1996 Herald (Glasgow) (Nexis) 19 Nov. 28 This is not creative accounting but is established by use and wont in business.
extracted from usen.
use and wont
a. Habitual or customary usage, custom, habit. use and wont: see use n. 7b; of (in) wont, customary, usual.
the world > action or operation > behaviour > customary or habitual mode of behaviour > [noun]
the world > action or operation > behaviour > customary or habitual mode of behaviour > in habitual or customary use [phrase] > as a habit or custom > usual or customary
ought and wontc1450
used and wonta1500
of (in) wont1548
of custom?a1556
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Gött.) l. 13693 For þiþer ȝode he ai vmstunt, þar to prai ofte was his wont [Vesp. was he wont].
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 290/1 Wont or custome to an yvell thyng, amorse.1543 Rental Bk. Cupar-Angus (1880) II. 24 Payand zeirly..the sowm of xxty bollis..with all..vther dew seruice, vse and wont.1548 Hall's Vnion: Henry VIII f. clxxxxviv After our old wont, we came together vpon our othe in the churche of S. Maturyne.1548 E. Gest Treat. againste Masse sig. L iv It was fyrst in wont that al the togethers assembled persones in ye church did communicat eche day.1550 H. Latimer Serm. Stamford sig. B.ii They [sc. the Pharisees] wolde be ordred by olde wont, customes, forfathers.1604 W. Shakespeare Hamlet i. iv. 7 Then it drawes neere the season, Wherein the spirit held his wont to walke. View more context for this quotation1607 F. Beaumont Woman Hater iii. iv. sig. F2 Shee shall come in a white wastcoat, And—..And perhaps torne stockings, she hath left her old wount else.a1616 W. Shakespeare Henry VI, Pt. 2 (1623) iii. i. 2 'Tis not his wont to be the hindmost man. View more context for this quotation1668 S. Pepys Diary 10 Mar. (1976) IX. 111 As merry as that fellow Joyce could make us with his mad talking, after the old wont.1818 P. B. Shelley Julian & Maddalo 13 A narrow space of level sand..Where 'twas our wont to ride.1822 W. Scott Fortunes of Nigel I. xi. 292 Her lodger..gave her, contrary to his wont, a signal to leave the room.1848 J. R. Lowell Fable for Critics (ed. 2) liii His wont Is to say very sharp things and do very blunt.1850 J. H. Newman Serm. Var. Occasions (1881) xii. 199 His commemoration is of daily wont in this neighbourhood.a1866 W. Whewell in J. M. Douglas Life & Corr. W. Whewell (1881) 563 Can I forget that this for thee too is Christmas, Christmas not as of wont—Christmas not of the earth?1879 F. W. Farrar Life & Work St. Paul I. vi. xxi. 385 They were..liable, beyond the common wont of mobs, to sudden gusts of feeling and impulse.1903 Times 14 July 11/2 Bosnian use and wont and Oriental ideas were taken into full consideration.1906 Athenæum 24 Nov. 665/2 The story is extravagant beyond the author's wont.in extended use.1581 A. Hall tr. Homer 10 Bks. Iliades vi. 118 My heart to alter from his wont it also doth disdaine.1593 R. Hooker Of Lawes Eccl. Politie i. iii. 55 When things naturall in that regard forget their ordinary naturall woont.1637 C. Dow Answer to H. Burton 128 Envy her selfe..would have lost her wont.a1854 H. Reed Lect. Brit. Poets (1857) ix. 312 It is the wont of hollow things to echo.
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