

单词 upon the strength of

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upon the strength of
g. on the strength of, †upon the strength of.
(a) On the basis of, with the justification of; encouraged by.
the mind > mental capacity > belief > belief, trust, confidence > [adverb] > with reliance on
upon boldness of1330
on the strength of1590
on the faith ofa1645
1590 J. Hester tr. J. Du Chesne Sclopotarie ii. 19 For being bold on the strength of nature, they take in hand desperate cures forsaken.
1659 P. Heylyn Certamen Epistolare 131 He pretends unto a special Revelation from the Privy Council, and grows so confident upon the strength of the intelligence, that [etc.].
1708 J. Addison Present State War 24 The Allies after a successful Summer are too apt upon the Strength of it to neglect their Preparations for the ensuing Campaign.
a1734 R. North Life F. North (1742) 53 Sir William Jones, who, upon the Strength of the Duke of Bucks, set his Lordship so hard for the Solicitor General's Place.
1780 Mirror No. 92 154 I have known a lady here contrive to make a figure for half the winter, on the strength of a plume of feathers, or the trimming of a petticoat.
1806 J. Beresford Miseries Human Life I. iii. 64 Going to see a party of strolling players on the strength of an encouraging report.
1845 C. Dickens Chimes iii. 110 [He] had considerably improved his acquaintance with Sir Joseph Bowley on the strength of his attentive letter.
1885 Manch. Examiner 13 July 5/2 He makes a careful selection of instances, on the strength of which he asks us to accept the conclusion at which he has arrived.
1922 H. Walpole Cathedral 261 I could have shouted for joy last night when I heard what your young hopeful had done... I had an extra drink on the strength of it.
2008 A. Axelrod Bradley (2009) iii. 31 President Woodrow Wilson had squeaked by to a second term..largely on the strength of his campaign slogan: ‘He kept us out of war.’
(b) With the strength derived from, fortified by (food or drink). [Probably ultimately with reference to 1 Kings 19:8 in the strength of that meat (King James Bible; equivalent phrase already in Wycliffite Bible), itself after Hebrew bĕḵōaḥ hā’ăḵīlāh in the strength of the food; compare the corresponding passages in Hellenistic Greek ἐν τῇ ἰσχύι τῆς βρώσεως ἐκείνης (Septuagint) and post-classical Latin in fortitudine cibis illius (Vulgate).]
the world > life > the body > bodily constitution > bodily strength > [phrase] > with strength derived from food or drink
on the strength of1633
1633 P. Massinger New Way to pay Old Debts ii. ii. sig. D4v Here; drinke it off, the ingredients are cordiall... You may ride on the strength of this till to morrow morning.
1682 J. P. tr. H. Ludolf New Hist. Ethiopia iii. xi. 338 They were met by Emanuel Barradas.., who furnish'd them with Provisions, Carriages, and all other things necessary. Upon the strength of which Refreshments, they began to ascend the towring Mountains of Abassia.
1717 M. Prior Alma iii. 243 Was ever Tartar fierce or cruel, Upon the Strength of Water-Gruel?
1860 N. Hawthorne Let. 11 Feb. in A. Trollope Lett. (1983) I. 97 Have you ever read the novels of Anthony Trollope? They precisely suit my taste; solid and substantial, written on the strength of beef and through the inspiration of ale.
1977 A. C. Yu tr. C. Wu Journey to West (1980) I. v. 140 Reeling from side to side, he stumbled along solely on the strength of wine, and in a moment he was lost.
2011 A. M. Hentschel tr. J. Lemmerich Sci. & Conscience: Life J. Franck v. 146 Fritz..wrote his dissertation on the strength of countless cups of coffee at a local café.
extracted from strengthn.
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