

单词 urban deans

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urban deans
a. A presbyter invested with jurisdiction or precedence (under the bishop or archdeacon) over a division of an archdeaconry; more fully called rural dean (see rural adj. 4); formerly (in some cases) dean of Christianity; see Christianity n. 4 (There were also urban deans (decani urbani): see Kennett Par. Antiq. II. 339.)Kennett, Du Cange, etc., have cited decanus episcopi in this sense from the ‘Laws of Edward the Confessor’ xxvii; but episcopi is an interpolation not in the original text, the decanus spoken of being really in sense 2 above.
society > faith > church government > member of the clergy > clerical superior > rural dean > [noun]
rural dean1511
dean of Christianity1695
area dean1972
c1380 J. Wyclif Wks. (1880) 249 Whanne þei ben falsly amendid by officialis & denes.
a1425 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Galba) l. 29539 And of a prest assoylid be, þat power has to vnbind þe, þat es he þat it first furth sent, Als dene or officiall by iugement.
1456 Pol. Poems (Rolls) II. 236 With offycyal nor den no favour ther ys, But if sir symony shewe them sylver rounde.
1482 Monk of Evesham 80 Of the negligens of denys of archedekons and of other officers.
a1525 (c1448) R. Holland Bk. Howlat l. 216 in W. A. Craigie Asloan MS (1925) II. 101 The ravyne..Was dene rurale to reid.
1538 A. Fitzherbert Newe Bk. Justyces Peas 121 It shalbe leful to al Archedecons, Deanes, &c...to weare Sarcenet in theyr lynynges of theyr gownes.
1697 Bp. J. Gardiner Advice Clergy Lincoln 6 The Assistance of Rural Deans, which Office is..yet exercised in some Dioceses..but has unhappily been disused in this, (for how long time I know not).
1712 H. Prideaux Direct. Church-wardens (ed. 4) 104 Bishop Lloyd went so far..as to name Rural Deans in every Deanry of the Diocese.
1765 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. I. 382 The rural deans are very antient officers of the church, but almost grown out of use; though their deaneries still subsist as an ecclesiastical division of the diocese, or archdeaconry.
1826 R. Polwhele Trad. & Recoll. II. 610 On visiting the church at L. St. Columb as Dean-rural.
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