

单词 urogravimeter

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1. combining form of Greek οὖρον urine, used in many terms of physiological chemistry, etc., which denote esp. (a) pigments present in or derived from urine, as uroˈcyanin, urocyˈanogen, uroˈmelanin, uroˈphaein(e, uroˈpittin(e), uroˈrhodin, urotheoˈbromin(e); (b) a morbid condition of the urine (or urinary organs), as urocyˈstitis, uroˈplania; (c) instruments for investigating the urine, as urograˈvimeter, uˈrometer, = urinometer n.; also used in various adjectives, as uroˈleucic (acid); uroˈphanic, appearing in the urine; uˈrophanous, passing into the urine; uroˈsexual, urogenital; etc. The more important or earlier examples will be found below, as urobenzoate n., -chrome comb. form, urogenital adj. and n., etc.Also (in medical or some recent dictionaries) urocele, urocyst(ic), urogenous, urolith, urolithic, urolithology, urophthisis, urorrhagy, urorrhœa, urosis, etc. (Cf. French urocyanine, -cystite, -mètre, -planie.)
1817 J. M. Good Physiol. Syst. Nosol. 451 Paruria erratica..has often been described under the name of uroplania.
1849–52 Todd's Cycl. Anat. & Physiol. IV. ii. 1244/1 The urethra, or uro-sexual canal.
1855 W. D. Moore tr. Heller Chem. Urine 15 Heller's urometer.
1855 W. D. Moore tr. Heller Chem. Urine 25 Kreatin and kreatinin..occur in the flesh of muscle, and are urophanous.
1858 J. Copland Dict. Pract. Med. III. ii. 1196/2 Chronic uro-cystitis is often..a consequence of stricture of the urethra.
1858 J. L. W. Thudichum Treat. Pathol. Urine 34 Urogravimeters..made of..glass or metal.
1858 J. L. W. Thudichum Treat. Pathol. Urine 131 This denomination may be considered as corresponding to Heller's urophæine.
1858 J. L. W. Thudichum Treat. Pathol. Urine 380 Urophanic Organic Acids.
1868 H. Watts Dict. Chem. V. 963 Urorhodin,..uromelanin,..uropittin.
1883 C. A. McMunn in Brit. Med. Jrnl. 1 Dec. 1060/2 The various colouring matters which I have met with in urine..are normal and febrile—urobilin, urohæmatin, urolutein,..urohodin, and others without names.
1888 Kirk in Brit. Med. Jrnl. 4 Aug. 233/1 The finest specimens have been of an opaque, almost milk-white, hue; and from this circumstance we would propose to call this body ‘uroleucic acid’.
1900 Lancet 6 Jan. 36/1 Urotropine..appears to be a compound produced by the action of formaldehyde on ammonia and is known shortly as formin.
extracted from uro-comb. form1
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