单词 | unpartible |
释义 | unpartibleadj. Now chiefly historical. Not partible, separable, or divisible; spec. (of property, esp. land) not subject to partition among all heirs upon inheritance. Cf. unpartable adj. ΘΚΠ the world > relative properties > wholeness > [adjective] > united into a whole > not divided, separated, or split > incapable of being divided indivisiblec1380 indepartable1393 unpartable?c1425 undivisible1495 inseparable?1504 unpartible?c1510 undividible1569 impartible1586 undissoluble1587 individable1601 undividual1603 undissolvable1611 individuate1621 insecable1623 individuous1624 insectile1635 indispertiblea1641 indisseverablea1641 individuated1689 indivisivea1706 partless1705 unanalysable1788 imparticipable1789 indecomposable1807 indecomponible1809 indissoluble1841 disseparablea1849 ?c1510 tr. Newe Landes & People founde by Kynge of Portyngale sig. D We beleue in god the fader. in god the sonne. and in god the holy gooste. The whyche be vnpartyble and one very god. a1513 J. Irland Meroure of Wyssdome (1990) III. 101 Þe obligacioun & band wnpartible for þar lif betuix þe man and the woman..signifyis þe spirituale coniunccioun betuix god and the saule. a1555 R. Samuel Let. in J. Foxe Actes & Monuments (1583) II. 1706/2 There is one Deitie or Diuine essence..which is both called, and is in dede God euerlasting, vnbodilye, vnpartible, vnmeasurable in power, wisedome, and goodnesse. 1632 T. E. Lawes Womens Rights ii. xxi. 64 There cannot chance any fedity or vncleannesse of body so great, as that for it a man and wife ought perpetually to be segregated, yea so vnpartible be they, that law saith, they may not vtterly leaue coniugalem consuetudinem. 1660 W. Somner Treat. Gavelkind 149 In two several cases therein specified, the descent of Gavelkynd-land is changeable, and the land becomes unpartible. 1757 J. Dalrymple Ess. Hist. Feudal Prop. v. 189 The right of succession to the kingdom is to be judged by the rules observed in cases of counties, baronies, and other unpartible tenures. 1870 W. F. Finlason Hist. Law of Tenures of Land in Eng. & Ireland i. 44 The Norman code divided inheritances into unpartible and partible. 1976 MERIP Rep. No. 48. 14/1 The Warnier Law aimed both at the suppression of common land and at breaking up the familial holdings still remaining unpartible. This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2014; most recently modified version published online December 2021). < adj.?c1510 |
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