

单词 under full sail

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under (also at, in, with, etc.) full sail(s)
1. under (also at, in, with, etc.) full sail(s).
a. With reference to a vessel: (sailing) with a strong favourable wind or at full speed; (in later use also) with all sails set.In quot. 1671 in extended use.
c1440 (?a1400) Morte Arthure l. 747 (MED) The pryce schippez of the porte..fondez wyth full saile ower þe fawe ythez.
c1515 Ld. Berners tr. Bk. Duke Huon of Burdeux (1882–7) lx. 208 Yonder comyth a shyppe with full sayle.
1523 Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Cronycles I. f. ccxiiv/2 The knightes of Englande and Gascon..were comynge with full sayles [Fr. a plains voiles] in barges, by the Ryuer of Garon.
?1569 T. Underdowne tr. Heliodorus Æthiopian Hist. v. f. 68v If we wente with full saile aboute the firste watche wee should ariue at the Ilande.
1598 R. Hakluyt tr. A. Jónsson in Princ. Navigations (new ed.) I. 560 A ship of certaine strangers departing from Island, vnder full saile, a most swift pace.
1648 T. Gage Eng.-Amer. xxi. 201 So the two ships..sailed away con Viento en Popa, with full Sail.
1671 J. Milton Paradise Regain'd iv. 579 So Satan fell and strait a fiery Globe Of Angels on full sail of wing flew nigh. View more context for this quotation
1699 W. Dampier Voy. & Descr. iii. iv. 36 Constant..Land-winds, by which the Wherry-men run with full sail, both to..and back again.
1719 King of Pirates 12 The next Morning she came in with full Sail, and a Prize in Tow.
c1771 S. Foote Maid of Bath ii. i. 40 Here's..a Porto Bello pocket-piece of Admirable Vernon on one side, and six men of war only, on full sail, on t'other.
1806 R. Cumberland Mem. 310 On this piece the artist had engraved the Milford in full sail.
1858 W. H. Haswell in Mercantile Marine Mag. 5 208 The vessel was at full sail.
1911 Times 2 Aug. 6/4 There is scarce anything more beautiful than a racing yacht in full sail.
1953 Motor Boating Aug. 43/1 We left Port Jefferson Sunday morning under full sail.
1979 G. V. C. Young From Vikings to Reformation i. 1 Sailing..for two days and two nights with full sail and a favourable wind.
2003 R. MacFarlane Mountains of Mind (2004) ix. 276 Galleons of cloud were at full sail in the sky, racing slowly over the blueness.
b. figurative. Used esp. to suggest rapid or unimpeded progress.
1560 J. Daus tr. J. Sleidane Commentaries f. cxxxiiijv Sathan..shall make towardes vs with full sayle [L. plenis velis].
1564 E. Grindal Serm. Funeral Prince Ferdinandus D j The doctrine of purgatorie and praying for the dead hath gone with full saile.
1650 J. Milton Εικονοκλαστης (ed. 2) xv. 141 To arrest and stopp the Common-wealth stearing under full saile to a Reformation.
1774 A. Dow Sethona iv. 48 Vain are all our hopes. When, in full sail, conspiracy receives An unexpected shock, it splits, it sinks, To rise no more!
1830 Camp-meeting Chorister 113 To heaven my desir'd place: There in full sail, my port I'll find.
1893 ‘M. Twain’ Lett. to Publishers (1967) 348 A well-organized business..an enterprise not experimental but under full sail.
1945 L. Varèse tr. A. Rimbaud Season in Hell (2011) 75 I should be under full sail on the high sea of wisdom!
2000 S. China Morning Post 5 May 20/5 Tom Cruise is in full sail as sex guru Frank P J Mackay.
extracted from full sailn.adv.
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