

单词 under a person's hand

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under a person's hand (also hands)
(a) under a person's hand (also hands) (also under the hands of): in the charge or care of a person; subject to the control, action, or treatment of a person.
the world > action or operation > safety > protection or defence > care, protection, or charge > having care or custody (of) [phrase] > in the care or custody of
under a person's hand (also hands)OE
under the wing ofc1230
in fang witha1400
in yemea1400
among the hands ofa1533
in charge (of)1548
under the umbrage of1677
OE St. Eustace (Julius) in W. W. Skeat Ælfric's Lives of Saints (1900) II. 204 Twegen cempan þa wæron genemde Antiochus and Achaius, þa ær wæron under Eustachius handa.
OE Ælfric Old Test. Summary: Judges (Laud) x. 8 in S. J. Crawford Old Eng. Version of Heptateuch (1922) 409 Hi wurdon ða gehergode & gehynde forswiðe eahtatyne gear under heora handa.
a1275 in C. Brown Eng. Lyrics 13th Cent. (1932) 49 (MED) Wose come hondur his [sc. the Devil's] hont, ded he moste boe.
?1473 W. Caxton tr. R. Le Fèvre Recuyell Hist. Troye (1894) I. lf. 21v A Tyrant is your kynge... Considere ye considere vnder whos hande ye be.
a1500 (?a1475) Guy of Warwick (Cambr. Ff.2.38) l. 101 He helde all hys lordys londe Wyth grete honowre vndur hys honde.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) Exod. xxi. 20 He that smyteth his seruaunt..that he dye vnder his handes.
1631 T. Dekker Match mee in London iii. i. 25 A man were better to lye vnder the hands of a Hangman, than one of your rubarbatiue faces.
1659 D. Pell Πελαγος 72 As a Physician doth to see many patients dying under his hands.
1700 S. L. tr. C. Frick Relation Voy. in tr. C. Frick & C. Schweitzer Relation Two Voy. E.-Indies 16 We had a Man, who had lost a Limb..under our Hands to cure.
1771 T. Smollett Humphry Clinker I. 198 I was not above six hours under the hands of the hair-dresser.
1843 Blackwood's Edinb. Mag. 54 616 I left him under the hands of his valet.
1949 P. Grainger Let. 7 June in All-round Man (1994) 231 Under such hands I would simply go from knife-cure to knife-cure until I was killed by one of them.
1995 Houston Chron. (Nexis) 14 May a1 Historically, minorities have suffered the most under the hands of police.
extracted from handn.
under a person's hand (also hands)
(b) under the hand (also †hands) of (also under a person's hand (also hands)): with the signature of, with a person's signature. Also under hand: with a signature. Cf. sense 16b. Now rare.
society > communication > indication > that which identifies or distinguishes > personal identification > signature > signed [phrase]
under the hand (also hands) of1546
1546 Proclam. Henry VIII transport Grayne (single sheet) Bryng a certificate vnder the handes of the mayre, the customer and comptroller of the towne and port.
1587 J. White in R. Hakluyt Princ. Navigations (1589) iii. 769 Which bonde with a testimonie vnder their handes, and seales, they foorthwith made, and deliuered into his hands.
1633 T. Stafford Pacata Hibernia i. vii. 54 For Proofe thereof, behold..Letters which were intercepted, and brought to mee (under the Presidents hand).
1683 London Gaz. No. 1862/8 A Note under the Hand of John Swettaple, Goldsmith,..for Ninety nine Pounds Ten Shillings, paid to Edward Callender or Bearer.
1700 S. L. tr. C. Frick Relation Voy. in tr. C. Frick & C. Schweitzer Relation Two Voy. E.-Indies 70 An especial Order under my hand.
1726 W. R. Chetwood Voy. & Adventures Capt. R. Boyle 309 The Lady..gave it my Wife, without any thing under my Hand.
1891 Law Times 92 125/1 The rule which makes it necessary to stamp with a sixpenny stamp an agreement under hand only.
1908 Act 8 Edw. VII c. 166 in Statutes Province Quebec 660 Arthur Cochrane..transferred all his interest in his mother's estate..by agreement under his hand bearing the date the 24th January, 1907.
extracted from handn.
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