

单词 ulster tenant-right

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Ulster tenant-right
In general sense, The right that a person has as a tenant (of any kind). With special applications varying in time and place: (a) the right of a customary tenant: see quot. 1886; (b) the right of a tenant at will or for a term of years to compensation for unexhausted improvements; (c) the right of a tenant at will to sell his interest and goodwill to the incoming tenant. Ulster tenant-right: see quot. 18782.
society > law > legal right > right of possession or ownership > [noun] > right as tenant
1542 in J. Raine Wills & Inventories Archdeaconry Richmond (1853) 27 Item I gyve and bewheth mye hole tityll and tenandright off my howse and farmehold.., aftere my decesse, unto Thomas Borowe.
1596 Calr. Border Pap. II. 134 The said tenantes hould the seuerall landes and tenementes aforesaid by a custumary estate, which they call and claime to be, Tennant right.
1665 T. Manley tr. H. Grotius De Rebus Belgicis 906 There is extant a Charter..which grants to the Earl of Holland, to possess as his own Free-hold, what before he enjoy'd but by a kind of Tenant-Right.
a1734 R. North Lives of Norths (1826) I. 289 In Cumberland the people had joined in.., pretending a tenant~right; which, there, is a customary estate, not unlike our copyholds.
1777 T. Campbell Philos. Surv. S. Ireland xxxii. 315 So it is with us, where the present occupier is supposed to have a tenant-right.
1851 F. Palgrave Hist. Normandy & Eng. I. 519 The tenant right of the beneficiary or feudal vassals.
1868 T. Hughes Speech House of Commons in Morning Star 13 Mar. Tenant right was really an immemorial custom prevailing in a great portion of Ireland, but unrecognised yet in courts of law, or statute books, under which the ordinary tenant at will has acquired the right of selling the succession to his holding.
1874 W. Stubbs Constit. Hist. (1875) I. iii. 52 The practice of careful husbandry demanded for the cultivator a tenant~right in his allotment.
1878 W. S. Jevons Polit. Econ. x. 93 Tenant right, which consists in giving the tenant a right to claim the value of any unexhausted improvements, which he may have made in his farm, if he be turned out of it.
1878 W. S. Jevons Polit. Econ. x. 93 Tenant right..has existed for a long time in the north of Ireland, where it is called the Ulster tenant right. A new tenant there pays the old tenant a considerable sum of money for the privilege of getting a good farm with various improvements.
1880 Ld. Dufferin in Times 4 Jan. (1881) 4/4 Under the Act of 1870, if the landlord buys up the tenant~right of a farm, it is declared to be extinguished for ever.
1886 H. Hall Society in Elizabethan Age 154 The customary tenants enjoy [in 1583] the ancient custom called tenant-right: namely, ‘To have their messuages and tenements to them during their lives, and after their deceases to the eldest issues of their bodies lawfully begotten.’
attributive.1713 Act 12 Anne Stat. i. c. 2 §49 Copies of Admittances to Custom-Right, or Tenant-Right Estates, not being Copyhold, which pass by Deed, Surrender, and Admittance.
extracted from tenant-rightn.
Ulster tenant-right
a. Used to designate the custom prevalent in Ulster by which a tenant has certain rights of occupancy, disposal, or compensation, in regard to land held by him; usually Ulster tenant-right.
1870 Act 33 & 34 Victoria c. 46 §1 The usages prevalent in the province of Ulster, which are known as, and in this Act intended to be included under, the denomination of the Ulster tenant-right custom, are hereby declared to be legal.
1878 W. S. Jevons Polit. Econ. x. 93 Tenant right..has existed for a long time in the north of Ireland, where it is called the Ulster tenant right. A new tenant there pays the old tenant a considerable sum of money for the privilege of getting a good farm with various improvements.
1879 H. George Progress & Poverty (1881) vi. i. 291 If what is known as the Ulster tenant right were extended to the whole of Great Britain, it would be but to carve out of the estate of the landlord, an estate for the tenant.
1882 M. Arnold Irish Ess. 28 It has been suggested..by the Ulster custom of compensating them [sc. tenants] for their improvements, and letting them sell the value which by their improvements they had added to the property.
extracted from Ulstern.
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