

单词 udal


Brit. /ˈjuːdl/, U.S. /ˈjud(ə)l/
Forms: α. 1500s outhale, 1500s–1600s outhell, owthell, 1600s owthall; 1500s uthall, uthail, 1500s–1600s -ale, 1600s -el. β. 1500s–1600s owdaill, 1500s– udal, 1600s udail, udell, uddal, utal.
Etymology: Orkney and Shetland form of Norwegian odal, odel, Old Norse óðal property held by inheritance (Norwegian odal noun, Swedish odal, Danish odel now adjective and in combination) = Old High German uodal, also uodil, Old Saxon óđil, Old English œ́ðel, éðel, < root , ôð, whence also Old High German adal, German adel noble descent, Old High German ędili, German edel, Old English æðele, eðele noble.
1. attributive.
a. udal land n. (also udal lands) land(s) in Orkney or Shetland held by the old native form of freehold tenure.
society > law > legal right > right of possession or ownership > tenure of property > a legal holding > [noun] > freehold land or property
udal land?1502
?1502 in A. Peterkin Rentals Earldom & Bishoprick of Orkney (1820) i. 6 Tankarnes xij d terre uthall land.
1576 in Reg. Mag. Sig. Scot. (1890) 479/2 The said James outhale landis of Gartht, lyand within the parochin of Stronnes, Menland of Orknay.
1592 in Reg. Mag. Sig. Scot. (1892) 118/1 The haill skatt of the uthail land within the said yle baith butter and wadmell.
1609 in Reg. Mag. Sig. Scot. (1892) 129/1 Et omnium lie owthall-landis in dicto rentali content.
β. 1576 in J. H. Burton Reg. Privy Council Scotl. (1878) 1st Ser. II. 488 Being heretour of the udall land of the Yle of Gairsay in Orknay.1633 Reg. Mag. Sig. Scot. 757/1 11/ 4 den. ex antiquo lie kingisland et 1/ 2 den. lie utalandis nuncupat.1633 Reg. Mag. Sig. Scot. 757/2 24 den. kingisland et udailland in dicta villa.1649 Reg. Mag. Sig. Scot. 769/2 Towmale of uddalland vocat. Skegebuster.1664 in T. Gifford Hist. Descr. Zetland (1786) App. 69 The lands called Udell lands, lying within the said earldom.1707 in T. Gifford Hist. Descr. Zetland (1786) App. 75 Sundry isles,..udell-lands, and other lands.1795 J. Sinclair Statist. Acct. Scotl. XV. 393 Some of the udal lands pay a small proportion of yearly rent to the King, and to the kirk.1805 G. Barry Hist. Orkney ii. v. 219 These udal or allodial lands are directly opposed to fees or feus.1884 Scotsman 26 July 3/1 Two Merks and One-Half Merk Udal Land.
b. Placed after the noun (sometimes in contrast to ‘royal’). Obsolete.
1584 Reg. Mag. Sig. Scot. 264/1 Cum..scattis terrarum regalium et outhell de Southerbie..et owthell de Noltland.
1584 Reg. Mag. Sig. Scot. 264/1 Cum scattis..terrarum regalium et owdaill de Sandweik.
1602 in A. Peterkin Notes Orkney & Zetl. (1822) App. 40 The richt and tytil of 6 mark land uthel, lyand in the town of Gruting.
1627 in A. Peterkin Rentals Earldom & Bishoprick of Orkney (1820) iii. 45 Lynais is ane d. land outhell.
c. With other nouns, as men, right, tenure, etc.
c1500 in A. Peterkin Orkney & Zetl. (1822) 88 The uthale men.
1587 in Edinb. Antiq. Mag. (1849) 60 He hes Reft and spulzeit diuerss of the uthallmen and heretors..of Orknay and Zetland of yair proper heritaige.
1669 in A. Peterkin Orkney & Zetl. (1822) 190 That their udal right may be sustained valid in all tyme coming.
a1688 J. Wallace Descr. Orkney (1693) 94 Udall-lands, such as are possessed by the Udall-right, a possession the natives have successively without either Charter or Seasin.
1750 in S. Hibbert Descr. Shetland Islands (1822) 192 The udalmen were likewise called Rothmen or Roythmen; that is, self-holders.
1765–8 J. Erskine Inst. Law Scotl. ii. iii. §18 The udal right of the stewartry of Orkney and Zetland is of the same nature.
1793 J. Sinclair Statist. Acct. Scotl. VII. 239 There are three kinds of tenure of lands in Scotland... Thirdly, the Udal, being a right compleat without writing.
1805 G. Barry Hist. Orkney ii. v. 219 The laws by which this udal property was inherited, sold, redeemed, or transmitted from one person to another.
1814 W. Scott Diary 4 Aug. in J. G. Lockhart Mem. Life Scott (1837) III. iv. 145 The Udal proprietors have ceased to exist, yet proper feudal tenures seem ill understood.
1821 W. Scott Pirate II. vi. 132 The wide Udal possessions of their father..were divided betwixt the brothers.
1860 D. Balfour (title) Odal Rights and Feudal Wrongs, a Memorial for Orkney.
1909 J. Gunn Orkney Bk. 110 In Scotland land was held according to the feudal system, in Orkney according to the udal system.
2. The form of freehold tenure characteristic of Orkney and Shetland; land held in this way.
society > law > legal right > right of possession or ownership > tenure of property > [noun] > freehold > absolute possession
1588 Reg. Mag. Sig. Scot. 547/1 To be haldin..off our soverane lord..in fie, heretage, frie uthall and blensche for evir.
1750 in S. Hibbert Descr. Shetland Islands (1822) 192 Their udals, at this day, are not transmitted like other lands, but with the..compleat propriety and demesne of the subject.
3. Scandinavian History. Usually in form odal. Land held in absolute ownership without service or acknowledgement of any superior; esp. such an estate among the Scandinavian peoples. Chiefly attributive and in other combinations, as odal-born adj., odal-land, odal-right.In reference to Norway, the Danish form odel is often retained.
society > law > legal right > right of possession or ownership > tenure of property > a legal holding > [noun] > freehold land or property > in absolute possession
1755 A. Berthelson tr. E. Pontoppidan Nat. Hist. Norway ii. 289 Every freeholder in Norway has vanity enough to think himself as good as noble by Odel, or right of inheritance.
1839 T. Keightley Hist. Eng. (new ed.) I. 77 The most probable opinion respecting the Folcland, seems to be that which regards it as the same with the Odal-land of Scandinavia.
1847 I. A. Blackwell in T. Percy et al. tr. P. H. Mallet Northern Antiq. (rev. ed.) 289 Not retainers, but Odal-born freemen.
1874 W. Stubbs Constit. Hist. I. iii. §24. 52 The homestead of the original settler..with the share of arable and appurtenant common rights, bore among the northern nations the name of Odal, or Edhel.
1886 J. S. Corbett Fall of Asgard I. 93 ‘A fair odel you have here, Heidrek’, said Gudrun.
1886 J. S. Corbett Fall of Asgard I. 136 Olaf Haroldsson..deems himself, in pure odel-right, heir to Tryggvason's kingdom.
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1921; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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