

单词 twentyone

> see also

also refers to : twenty-onen.

> as lemmas

b. Combined with the numerals below ten (one to nine) to express the numbers between twenty and thirty; formerly (and still occasionally) one and twenty, two and twenty, etc. (rarely twenty and one, etc.); now commonly twenty-one, twenty-two, etc.; similarly with the ordinals from first to ninth, forming the ordinals corresponding to the above ( twenty-first, twenty-second, etc.), in modern use substituted for the earlier one-and-twentieth, two-and-twentieth, etc. (see twentieth adj. 1c).
the world > relative properties > number > specific numbers > eleven to ninety-nine > [adjective] > twenty
c893 tr. Orosius Hist. vi. ii. 256 Þara twa & twentigra monna þe he him to fultume hæfde acoren.
a1131 Anglo-Saxon Chron. ann. 1124 Þes kinges cnihtes..namen..fif and twenti oðre cnihtes.
1297 R. Gloucester's Chron. (Rolls) 1532 Vif & twenti ȝer.
a1400–50 Alexander 3930 Aȝt & tuenti men of armes.
1526 Proclam. 5 Nov. in Pat. Roll 18 Hen. VIII ii. m. 2 d The Soueraygne..shalbe curraunt..for twenty two shillynges and sixe pens.
1596 J. Dalrymple tr. J. Leslie Hist. Scotl. (1888) I. 150 Four and tuentie cubites hich.
1604 E. Grimeston tr. J. de Acosta Nat. & Morall Hist. Indies iii. xviii. 177 I haue gone ouer twenty and seauen riuers vpon that coast.
1777 W. Robertson Hist. Amer. (1783) I. ii. 163 In the parallel of twenty-two degrees of latitude.
1796 J. G. Stedman Narr. Exped. Surinam II. xxv. 216 What he called his Silver-feast, being the twenty-fifth anniversary of his marriage.
1820 R. Southey Life Wesley I. 53 More than four-and-twenty pounds.
1857 W. A. Miller Elements Chem. (1862) III. 204 Allowing the..mixture to stand for twenty-four hours.
extracted from twentyadj.n.
a. With ellipsis of the noun (which may usually be supplied from the context). So twenty-one, twenty-first, etc. †and twenty, used as an intensive.
c961 Æthelwold Rule St. Benet (Gr.) xxii. 47 [Let them sleep] tynum and twentigum on anum inne ætgædere.
c1000 Ælfric Genesis xviii. 31 God cwæð: Ne do ic hit, gif þær beoð twentig.]
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1963) l. 1692 We mine fader habbet vnder-fon mid þirtti cnihten...Do we awai þane twenti.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 16906 A mikel stan, to turn i-nogh had tuent [rhyme monument].
1535 Bible (Coverdale) Gen. xviii. D Peraduenture there might be twentie founde therin [twētie & Peraduēture in text].
1605 S. Rowley When you see Me sig. D2 Godyegodnight and twentie syr.
1608 T. Middleton Your Fiue Gallants sig. A3v As in one pie twenty may dip their sippits.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Twelfth Night (1623) ii. iii. 50 In delay there lies no plentie, Then come kisse me sweet and twentie: Youths a stuffe will not endure. View more context for this quotation
1735 S. Johnson tr. J. Lobo Voy. Abyssinia 115 The ordinary Dose is six of these Rinds, and I had devour'd twenty.
1897 M. Kingsley Trav. W. Afr. 550 The first man to reach the summit was Sir Richard Burton... He went up, as did the succeeding twenty-five (mostly Germans) from Babundi.
1902 O. Wister Virginian xxiii. 270 His thermometer..registered twenty below zero.
extracted from twentyadj.n.
b. spec. with ellipsis of years (of age); so twenty-one, etc.
1773 O. Goldsmith She stoops to Conquer iii. 52 What will repair beauty at forty, will certainly improve it at twenty.
1836 C. Dickens Sketches by Boz 1st Ser. II. 275 He..was smart, spoffish, and eight-and-twenty.
1849 E. B. Eastwick Dry Leaves 83 A young man of twenty.
1898 B. M. Croker Peggy of Bartons xxix I shall be twenty-one in April.
extracted from twentyadj.n.
twenty-one (one and twenty)
3. Used for the ordinal twentieth adj. and n.; so twenty-one (one and twenty) for twenty-first, etc. Now only after a noun in such collocations as chapter twenty, verse twenty-one, etc.
the world > relative properties > number > specific numbers > eleven to ninety-nine > [adjective] > twenty > twentieth
a1100 Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Laud) anno 1086 On þam an & twentigan geare þæs þe Willelm weolde & stihte Engle land.
1297 R. Gloucester's Chron. (Rolls) 7105 In þe ȝer of is kinedom tuenty & tuo.
c1380 J. Wyclif Last Age Ch. in Todd 3 Treat. p. xxxv As Dauiþ seiþ, þe on and twenty Salme.
c1480 (a1400) St. Mary of Egypt 208 in W. M. Metcalfe Legends Saints Sc. Dial. (1896) I. 302 One [= on] þe twenty day at þe sexte oure.
1528–30 tr. T. Littleton Tenures (new ed.) f. xxix Thoughe the horse..be not the twenty parte worth in value of the some of money.
1567 Gude & Godlie B. 2 The ten commandementis..in Exodus the twentie Chapter.
extracted from twentyadj.n.
a. The abstract number 20; a symbol representing this. So twenty-one, etc.
the world > relative properties > number > specific numbers > eleven to ninety-nine > [noun] > twenty
?c1425 Crafte Nombrynge in R. Steele Earliest Arithm. in Eng. (1922) 22 Take [1]2 out of twenty, & þere schal leue 8.
1688 R. Holme Acad. Armory iii. 141/1 Country People..reckon..their numbers..by..Scores or Twenty's.
1725 I. Watts Logick ii. v. §5 Some Things..almost as certain..as that..five Twenties make a Hundred.
a1831 Encycl. Metrop. (1845) I. 384 The numeral language is constructed in conformity with the Phœnician numerals, proceeding by twenties as far as 100.
1916 N.E.D. at Twenty Mod. Twenty is an even number. A twenty is printed thus: xx, 20.
extracted from twentyadj.n.
see also
as lemmas




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