

单词 trencher cap

> as lemmas

trencher cap
e. With some qualifying word, indicative of shape, origin, or character; as black cap n.; college cap, square cap, that worn by academics, which in its present shape is also popularly styled trencher cap, or mortarboard, and in its earlier form is called in Scottish Universities the John Knox cap (see also catercap n.); forked cap, a mitre; †great cap (see quot.); †Monmouth cap (see quot. a1661 at sense 4a): Scotch cap, the cloth cap worn with the Highland dress; also various recent modifications of that pattern; †spiced cap, ? a cap lined with a blister for the head; †statute cap, a cap of wool ordered by statute (see quot. 1571) to be worn by citizens on holydays for the benefit of the cappers' trade; hence, cap of wool, taken as the mark of a tradesman or citizen. Also cricket-cap, polo-cap, football-cap. And see catercap n., nightcap n., skull-cap n., etc.
society > faith > artefacts > vestments > headgear > [noun] > mitre
forked cap?1521
?1521 A. Barclay Bk. Codrus & Mynalcas sig. Biv With forked cappes, it folly is to mell.
1571 Act 13 Eliz. xix Euery person..shall wear vpon the Sabbath and holy day..vpon their head a Cap of Wooll knit thicked and dressed in England.
1582 in W. H. Turner Select. Rec. Oxf. (1880) 430 Scottyshe cappes partelie colored.
1598 W. Shakespeare Love's Labour's Lost v. ii. 281 Well, better wits haue worne plaine statute Caps . View more context for this quotation
1605 J. Marston Dutch Courtezan iii. i Though my husband be a Citizen and's caps made of wooll, yet I ha wit.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Henry V (1623) iv. vii. 98 The Welchmen did good seruice..wearing Leekes in their Monmouth caps . View more context for this quotation
1689 R. Davies Jrnl. (1857) 51 It was concluded..to put on a spiced cap by order of Dr. Willis for amaurosis.
1691 A. Wood Athenæ Oxonienses I. 193 Sampson..was an enemy..to the square cap.
1728 E. Chambers Cycl. (at cited word) Churchmen, and the Members of Universities..wear Square Caps.
1732 G. Berkeley Alciphron I. i. xi. 34 Philosophers in square caps and long gowns.
1753 Chambers's Cycl. Suppl. Cap or great Cap, a denomination of a kind of compendious bandage, serving for almost all occasions of the head, being in figure not unlike a helmet.
1873 Edinb. Univ. Cal. 1873–4 174 Cap of black silk velvet after the John Knox fashion.
1885 Cornhill Mag. July Court Royal A silk cassock, red hood, and college cap.
extracted from capn.1
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